For those of you questioning why I've decided to endorse 3 Black Democrat Candidates and 5 Republicans (including 1 Black Republican) for this November's 2010 elections, I'll be happy to explain why.
The 8 candidates I'm casting my vote for or asking other North Carolina Voters to support have earned my TRUST because they really appear to care about their Constituents.
I was initially NOT going to vote for any Democrats however Nancy Shakir who has lived in Newark, NJ
Harold Cogdell currently serving on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners and...
Vilma Leake also currently serving on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners, have proven in one way or another they have what it takes to fairly represent their Constituents.
Are Nancy Shakir, Harold Cogdell and Vilma Leake perfect?
No but neither are any Republican political candidates.
Only God is perfect but at least these 3 Democrat candidates are Bold enough to speak up in the face of Injustice.
Nancy Shakir, Harold Cogdell & Vilma Leake have all overcome Adversity and reached back to help others who are less fortunate.
I would rather vote for a Black Democrat who is Bold enough to question the Status Quo and try to enact change for others who are hurting, than a Black Democrat Politician who is nothing more than a Scared Token looking out for just themselves.
Why didn't I mention Incumbent, U.S. Congressman Mel Watt?
Mel is no longer effective and he's on his way out that's why.
For the record Gerrymandered Districts were established to ensure Black Voters were properly and legally represented in Congress per the U.S. Constitution.
However Gerrymandered Districts were NOT created to keep in Public Office Black Politicians who have a personal desire to become Wealthy at the expense of Low Income/ Middle Class Black and Hispanic Voters.
As it relates to my voting for and supporting Republicans Richard Burr, William Gillenwater, Andrew Murray, Darryl Broome and Jim Pendergraph, there is no doubt in my mind these 5 Stable Candidates will FIGHT for what's right to represent their Constituents.
These 5 individuals will also provide a healthy balance to North Carolina's Political landscape.
You can read more about all of their Political views and Backgrounds via the links below.
Just because I'm Black and currently a Registered Democrat doesn't mean I am obligated to vote for Black Democrats only.
I am a FREE, Legal American citizen who can vote for anyone I want to.
I've NEVER voted Straight Ticket for any Political Party and I NEVER will!
Furthermore I don't vote along party lines for "Loyalty" sake.
Instead I cast votes according to each candidates' stand on Issues which affect my personal life.
I also vote for candidates who Strongly CARE about others, versus just their family and friends.
Democrats have ruled North Carolina for 130 years.
The result?
A state running over with Political Corruption, Public Corruption, Racially Segregated Public Schools and Black Foster Care Children being Mistreated.
What's wrong with School Choice, Charter Schools or Private Schools?
Enough is Enough!
With that said Black Political Buzz Blog endorses ONLY these 8 North Carolina Political Candidates for Public Office in November 2010.
As you can see Ineffective, Sorry Mel Watt from North Carolina's Gerrymandered 12th District, is NOT listed!
Take heed Public Officials!
North Carolina Voters are tired of the Status Quo, especially from Black Candidates who get into Public Office and then diss their Black Voters.
Actually I'm referring to Low Income & Middle Class Black Voters more so than Wealthier Constituents.
Forgetting Low Income & Middle Class Black Voters is exactly what Charlotte Mayor Anthony "Uncle" Foxx did once elected.
Which is the reason why I voted for Foxx's Opponent Charlotte Attorney & Businessman, John Lassiter (R).
Well guess what?
We're NOT going to take it anymore!
I strongly believe these 8 brave individuals will be victorious in November 2010, or at least most of them:
Richard Burr - U.S. Senate (R) http://burr.senate.gov/
Andrew Murray - Charlotte-Mecklenburg District Attorney (R) http://www.andrewmurrayforda.com/
Nancy Shakir - U.S. Congress District 8 (D) http://www.nancyshakirfornc08.com/
William Gillenwater - U.S. Congress District 12 (R) http://www.docforcongress2010.com/
Darryl Broome - Charlotte-Meck. County Commissioner District 1 (R) http://www.bpc-charlotte.org/endorsements
Vilma Leake - Charlotte-Meck. County Commissioner, District 2 (D) Facebook page
Harold Cogdell - Charlotte-Meck. County Commissioner-at-large (D) Business website page
Jim Pendergraph - Charlotte-Meck. County Commissioner-at-large (R) http://jimpendergraphcampaign.com/
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Sources: Charlotte's Black Political Caucus, Facebook, Charmeck.org, McClatchy Newspapers, Richard Burr.gov, WRAL, Youtube, Google Maps

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