Dear Councilman Andy Dulin,
Here's a message from Voters for you and your Charlotte City Council co-horts.
I fully support Raises for City of Charlotte Employees NOT City Council Members.
Especially those employees earning lower salaries like our dedicated Police Officers & Street Crew workers.
Many Charlotte City employees are Minorities who work hard, long hours while often receiving little compensation.
In fact the City of Charlotte has a history of NOT wanting to pay them for O.T.
By the way aren't there several Charlotte Police Officers currently suing the City of Charlotte for warranted, Unpaid Over Time wages?
While I do give Charlotte City Council members kudos for using more Fiscally sound practices in managing their Budget than County staff, I'm also giving City Council members a thumbs down for not treating their employees fair and for hiring Murderers & Rapists.
Another Thumbs down for giving City Manager Curt Walton & City Attorney Mac McCarley huge raises ($30,000+) last Fall when regular Charlotte City Employees had NOT received a Cost of Living increase in several years.
That's NOT cool!
Since many Charlotte Voters feel fleeced by this current council, I have a feeling many of you will NO longer be serving in Public Office after the next election in 2011.
You have to come harder Councilman Dulin by continuing to speak up for ALL Charlotte residents not just those who live in Charlotte's Wealthiest communities:
Dilworth, Fairview rd, Myers Park, Park rd, South Park, Queens rd., Third Ward, University
Last time I checked a lot of those people haven't seen a Property Tax Increase in 7 years, while Charlotte's Lower Income & Middle Class seem to experience a Property Tax Increase each year.
Something is definitely wrong with this picture don't you think?
In addition Charlotte's Lower Income & Middle Class seem to receive very little Protection from CMPD.
While I do admit Charlotte's Law Enforcement personnel work hard, the caveat is they are NOT working hard to keep everyone Safe, just Charlotte's Elite.
Voters all over this Nation are tired of a Divided System.
Haves vs. Have nots!
Perhaps Charlotte Leaders should visit Newark, New Jersey and Speak with highly respected, nationally known Mayor Corey Booker about his award-winning strategies.
His city (Newark) was totally Murder-Free last month and the Mainstream Media is knocking down his door.
Unlike Charlotte's scared, token Mayor Anthony Foxx (spawned from Mel Watt & Harvey Gantt), Corey Booker is a Bold, Visionary Black Mayor who's very EFFECTIVE and cares about ALL of his Constituents.
Just in case your wondering not all of Newark's residents are Low Income & Middle Class voters.
Andy I suggest You and your Arrogant, Clueless Charlotte City Council colleagues take a Hint.
We're tired and not going to take it anymore!
It's time for New Blood from the Mayor's seat on down.
See you at the Polls dude.

Charlotte City Council Finally Gives Delayed Cost Of Living Raises To Police & Regular City Employees
After proposing a number of budget cuts, the city of Charlotte Wednesday said it will have enough money to give its employees raises for the upcoming fiscal year.
The raise pool for general employees would be 2 percent if the City Council approves the budget. Police officers and firefighters would be eligible for a 2 percent cost-of-living increase and a 2.5 percent step increase, which is usually 5 percent. The raises would cost the city $6.1 million.
The proposal to bring back raises after a one-year absence comes after the city has proposed cutting money used for police overtime, streetlight installation and after-school programs.
It comes as Mecklenburg County is cutting tens of millions from its budget, forcing layoffs of library staff and possibly laying off more than 1,000 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools employees.
Budget director Ruffin Hall defended the raises Wednesday, noting that Charlotte and other N.C. cities are in better financial shape than N.C. counties. The decision to have raises was made after the city surveyed a number of private employers that are bringing back raises as the country begins to pull out of the recession.
He said the city has to remain competitive and doesn't want to lose its employees to the private sector.
"We have to focus on delivering our services," Hall said.
At the start of the budget process, the city faced a roughly $7.7 million shortfall out of a $500 million operating budget - less than 2 percent.
Last month, City Manager Curt Walton proposed a number of cuts, such as cutting unscheduled bulky item trash pickups, which would save $225,000. Residents could still set up an appointment to have items removed.
He has proposed closing the 311 call system from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. and moving those operators to the day shift, which would save $65,000. The city also might suspend installation of new streetlights for three years, which would save $235,000 in additional electricity costs.
Other proposed cuts include eliminating funding for POST - Partners in Out of School Time - which provides after-school programs for students at Quail Hollow and Albemarle middle schools. That would save $454,000 and affect 200 students, the city said.
The city has also proposed expanding the pay period for police officers from two weeks to four weeks, to give supervisors more time to give officers comp time instead of overtime. That would save roughly $1 million.
On Wednesday, Hall discussed additional cuts with the City Council.
One cut would reduce the 401(k) contribution for all city employees except police and fire from 3 percent to 2 percent. The city said it hopes to restore that reduction for fiscal year 2012. The 401(k) contribution for law enforcement officials would remain 5 percent, as mandated by state law.
The city proposed cutting or freezing 41 positions. Some of the positions include cutting 12 workers from the 311 Call Center, 11 from Solid Waste Services and eight police officers assigned to the Charlotte Area Transit System. Four positions would be cut in engineering and finance.
The city attorney's office will likely get a new attorney tasked with handling public records requests. Hall said the number and size of the requests - from the media and due to litigation - is taxing city staff.
City staff will make its final budget presentations in May. A public hearing will be May 24 and the city will make adjustments to the budget May 26. The council is scheduled to pass a budget June 7.
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Sources: Charmeck.org, City of Newark, Facebook, Fox News, McClatchy Newspapers, WCNC, Youtube, Google Maps

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