In this post I've listed 16 Important Facts in Tiffany Wright's Murder case.
Its a Fascinating, Cold-Blooded Murder case filled with Corruption and a Crime desperately seeking to be solved.
On September 14, 2009 Tiffany Wright, a 15-year-old, African-American pregnant teenager living within North Carolina's Foster Care system, was shot to death while standing at her school bus stop.
Her Autopsy reveals she was shot three times, including the head and abdomen.
Due to extreme Negligence, Charlotte DSS is TOTALLY responsible for Tiffany Wright's Death, just as they are TOTALLY responsible for the recent deaths of Orgal Orpata's two young African-American children.
Since the Charlotte Observer (Community nickname: "the Charlotte Disturber") is paid (by NC Democrats) to publish Partisan Lies on a regular basis, Charlotte's "Powers that be" are telling the Observer what to print to make Charlotte DSS appear favorable.
All the while destroying Tiffany's Character and attempting to make Royce Mitchell appear Innocent.
Please DON'T believe this propaganda!
Destroying Tiffany Wright's Character to free a Violent, Repeat Offender (Royce Mitchell) with a criminal background of Murder, is exactly what North Carolina & Charlotte DSS Officials are planning to do.
Its a Charlotte DSS Cover up.
Continuing reading and you'll learn more about this disturbing tragedy.
Now check out these 16 facts to decide whether or not you believe Charlotte-Mecklenburg County's DSS Dept is Legally & Solely Liable for Tiffany Wright's death:
1) Charlotte DSS Director Mary Wilson, is a friend of Charlotte County Manager Harry Jones, who is also friend of Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioner Chairperson Jennifer Roberts.
Some of those individuals listed are also Fraternity/Sorority associates, Masons and Church friends.
2) Tiffany Wright, Tiffany Wright's Family, Royce Mitchell and Mitchell's Co-Murder Conspirator Adrian Powell, all hail from Buffalo, NY. What a coincidence.
3) The City of Charlotte hired Royce Mitchell a dangerous Convicted, Violent Felon with an extensive Criminal History.
After serving 5 years in Federal Prison, he was released for "good behavior".
Mitchell's criminal past also includes stabbing people.
He was released early for "good behavior"? Go Figure.
4) Royce Mitchell was Indicted for another Murder (in New York) but mysteriously acquitted at Trial.
I guess his Colombian Drug Lords paid off New York Prison Officials just like they probably tried to influence Charlotte Officials.
5) Royce Mitchell was also a Freemason which provided him with "Special" connections.
No doubt Mitchell's Freemason connections, his Light-Skinned, Bad Boy looks and most likely FEAR helped him land a job with the City of Charlotte despite his terrible past.
Can you believe someone with his background was hired by the City of Charlotte?
Well believe it because he was! Just like Marcus Jackson was.
6) Royce Mitchell's Wife filed a complaint against him for Domestic Violence (he beat her) and separated from him.
7) After his wife left him, Charlotte DSS Officials allowed Royce Mitchell a Convicted Felon with a dangerous criminal history which includes Drug Trafficking ($1M a year in Cocaine Trafficking) & Murder, to have temporary custody of Tiffany Wright after her Foster Care Mother died.
No one was residing in the home but this Violent Drug Dealer (Mitchell) and a 15-year-old girl of which NC DSS Officials didn't seem to care two cents about.
A recipe for Statutory Rape disaster don't you agree?
8) Royce Mitchell had Sex with Tiffany Wright and she became pregnant not longer after.
According to NC Statutes, this constitutes as Statutory Rape:
§ 14‑27.7A. Statutory rape or sexual offense of person who is 13, 14, or 15 years old.
(a) A defendant is guilty of a Class B1 felony if the defendant engages in vaginal intercourse or a sexual act with another person who is 13, 14, or 15 years old and the defendant is at least six years older than the person, except when the defendant is lawfully married to the person.
(b) A defendant is guilty of a Class C felony if the defendant engages in vaginal intercourse or a sexual act with another person who is 13, 14, or 15 years old and the defendant is more than four but less than six years older than the person, except when the defendant is lawfully married to the person. (1995, c. 281, s. 1.)
9) After Tiffany Wright reported to Charlotte DSS Officials she had Sex with Royce Mitchell, they still allowed her to remain in Mitchell's home for several more weeks before removing her.
10) Charlotte Police detectives interviewed Tiffany.
The detectives also recorded Tiffany's interview during which she admitted to having Sex with Royce Mitchell.
11) Despite her unstable, painful life, Tiffany's Teachers stated she was a good student, who dreamed of becoming a Lawyer like Michelle Obama (one of her idols).
12) Prior to her tragic death Royce Mitchell tried to influence and force Tiffany into having an Abortion because he thought the baby she was carrying was his. When she refused not longer after she was Murdered. Shot three times while standing at her school bus stop.
Strangely enough Tiffany Wright was shot after her Foster Care mother who usually waits with Tiffany at the bus stop until the bus arrives, went back in the house to get something.
Is this a coincidence? I think not.
13) Now Charlotte Law Enforcement Officials and the Charlotte Observer want you to believe Adrian Powell (the other Murder Suspect) is the real father of Tiffany's dead baby.
If you believe Adrian Powell (Murder Suspect no. 2) is the father of Tiffany Wright's dead baby, I have some swamp land in Florida I want to sell you.
If so than why did it take Charlotte's Medical Examiner Office & Charlotte DSS six months to reveal this fact?
What were they trying to hide?
(For the record I don't have any swamp land in Florida to sell.)
14) After Tiffany's death a Warrant was issued for Royce Mitchell's arrest.
The charge? Statutory Rape.
Since Mitchell was on Federal Probation, that illegal act violated his probation and landed him back in Jail per a Fair, Honest Federal Judge.
15) The Charlotte D.A.'s Office and Charlotte's Criminal Justice System has a long history of practicing Racial Discrimination, including intentionally failing to prosecute Killers of Charlotte's Black Youth.
16) The Charlotte Observer, NC DSS, Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Commissioners, Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Manager and Charlotte DSS are now involved in a Cover-Up of Tiffany Wright's horrible, premature Death.
A death caused through NO fault of her own!
If Tiffany were related to a Black Fraternity/ Sorority or Black NC Politician, it would have been a different story. Unfortunately she wasn't.
During Tiffany's young life she was Molested on numerous ocassions and had engaged in many sexual encounters.
To Tiffany having sex with Royce Mitchell and maybe Adrian Powell was normal because NO One had taught her differently.
What about her Foster Mother you ask?
Its obvious she had not.
Please understand I'm not attacking Tiffany Wright's Foster Mother, Alma Wright's character but most of the time people just adopt or raise Foster Care Children to receive a Check from DSS, not because they really love them.
Charlotte's current D.A. Peter Gilchrist, a man widely known for NOT doing anything to punish Killers of Charlotte's Black Youth, didn't want to do anything to bring Royce Mitchell to Justice.
Peter Gilchrist considers ALL of Charlotte's Black Youth to be "thugs" who don't deserve to live, much less walk on the same of the sidewalk he walks on.
Gilchrist claims because Tiffany was dead she couldn't defend herself.
Let's see how many Killers of dead White Women has Peter Gilchrist prosecuted?
I'll remind you of one, Kim Thomas.
Kim Thomas was a Wealthy, White Charlotte Woman murdered in 1990.
Charlotte's Criminal Justice System prosecuted and punished Kim's Killer even though she wasn't alive to "Defend" herself either.
Kim Thomas' Wealthy White, Influential husband was eventually charged with her Murder but the charges were dropped after he raised a ruckus.
A Black Man was later linked to her death and imprisoned.
Now a New probe has been opened into the Kim Thomas Murder Case.
All of this "Justice" has taken place and yet Kim Thomas NEVER testified to defend herself because she's DEAD! Just like Tiffany Wright.
In addition there were no Character Assassination tactics being used against Kim Thomas, as in the case of Tiffany Wright.
How was Charlotte's D.A. able to prosecute someone for Kim Thomas death but yet NOT do so for Tiffany Wright's?
Both were Murdered, neither could testify to defend themselves, however their cases were handled with different levels of Justice.
So other than Racism what's Peter Gilchrist's excuse?
I presume that since Tiffany Wright was Black and Poor, she wasn't a victim of Statutory Rape.
No since Tiffany was Black, she was just a Whore in Peter Gilchrist's, in the eyes of Charlotte DSS and in the eyes of Charlotte Observer Editorial Staff.
Did Charlotte Police botch Kim Thomas's case? NO!
Did Charlotte Police botch Tiffany Wright's case? NO!
Charlotte Racist D.A.'s Office did!
(North Carolina's Criminal Justice System is extremely Racist. No doubt Gilchrist is a part of that racism. How else can he explain NOT doing anything to punish Killers of Charlotte's Black Youth?)
Even though the Charlotte Police had collected evidence linking Royce Mitchell to Tiffany Wright's Murder and despite Mitchell's terrible, Violent past Gilchrist claimed "he didn't have a case".
Even though Charlotte's Police department presented ALL their evidence to Peter Gilchrist and was willing to fully cooperate, he still claimed "he didn't have a case".
I wonder which North Carolina and Charlotte's "Powers that be" influenced him NOT to pursue this case.
I wonder if any of Royce Mitchell's Freemason or Drug Lord Connections also influenced Peter Gilchrist NOT to prosecute Royce Mitchell.
Don't forget Royce Mitchell a $1Million a year Drug Dealer, was previously Indicted for Murder in New York but somehow mysteriously acquitted at Trial.
Also Don't forget that Gilchrist is a part of North Carolina's Racist Criminal Justice System.
Thanks to a Federal Judge and Federal Prosecutors, at his Probation Violation Hearing, Royce Mitchell was found to have violated his Probation for sleeping with Tiffany (Statutory Rape).
He was than sent back to jail for a measly 30 months.
Now its time to charge him with Murder.
Do I believe Royce Mitchell is directly linked to Tiffany's Murder? Yes!
Do I believe Royce Mitchell paid Adrian Powell to shoot and kill Tiffany? Yes!
Do I believe Adrian Powell is the real father of Tiffany's baby? No!
Do I believe Royce Mitchell is the REAL father of Tiffany's baby? Yes!
Do I believe Royce Mitchell should spend the rest of his life in Prison? Yes!
Do I believe Adrian Powell should spend the rest of his life in Prison too? Yes!
Do I believe Charlotte Officials are afraid of Royce Mitchell? Yes!
Do I believe the Federal Gov't needs to remain involved in this Murder case because the local Legal System is Corrupt & Racist? Yes!
Do I believe Charlotte DSS is solely responsible for Tiffany death due to their extreme Negligence?
Yes and they know it which is why they are trying to destroy her name with these Charlotte Observer Character Assassination articles.
Do I believe there is definitely a Charlotte DSS Cover Up taking place? Yes!
Double Jeopardy won't allow the American Criminal Justice to try Mitchell again for the previous Murders (he was acquitted at Trial) but his past is proven to be extremely Dangerous and Violent.
Since the people responsible for Tiffany's death are Corrupt Democrats and Pres. Obama is a Democrat known for slinging "Chicago Politics" because he only cares about the next election, its obvious we can't count on him to help.
Pres. Obama is so desperate for votes to pass his Health Care Plan which is going to hurt our nation more so than help it (Debt), I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't somehow involved in Tiffany Wright's Murder Case Cover Up just to get enough votes.
What about Charlotte's Black Leaders?
Forget It!
With the exception of perhaps one or two people (Its NOT Mayor Anthony Foxx!), Charlotte doesn't have any real, Bold, Black Leaders who are willing to stand up for our Black Youth.
Certainly NOT the tired local NAACP! (Charlotte's NAACP is a Joke.)
Tiffany Wright's Killers WILL be bought to Justice along with everyone involved in the cover up of her Murder.
God Almighty is going to deal with them before they leave this Earth and on Judgment Day.
Now check out the articles & videos below which help to prove that Charlotte DSS is Negligent for Tiffany Wright's death, to learn more about Charlotte DSS's Cover Up scheme and Charlotte Racist D.A.'s Office.
Tiffany Wright's Autopsy: Gunshot Killed Pregnant Teen
Tiffany Wright was shot three times last September and died from a gunshot wound to the head, according to the Medical Examiner’s autopsy report, obtained by the Observer Wednesday.
Wright, 15, was eight months’ pregnant when she was gunned down while waiting for her school bus. Her baby, Aaliyah, was delivered by Caesarean Section, but died a week later.
No one has been charged with the killings. The autopsy report doesn’t identify in which order the bullets hit the girl. One grazed Tiffany’s scalp, another injured her hand, and a third, fatal bullet entered the base of her skull. Police recovered a medium-caliber copper-colored bullet, but were unable to locate others.
The autopsy also does not mention the health or what injuries Tiffany’s baby may have suffered.
Investigators initially named Tiffany’s adoptive brother, Royce Mitchell, 36, as a “person of interest” in her killing.
A federal judge ruled in November that Mitchell likely had sex with Tiffany, violating conditions of his 2007 release from prison, and sent Mitchell back for 30 months.
Court documents also show Adrian Powell, 17, a former West Meck football player, is a suspect in the killing. After the shooting, according to the documents, Powell deleted all of his text messages from Tiffany and relocated to Buffalo, N.Y.
Time Line Of Events Leading To Tiffany Wright's Death
Timeline compiled from court and prison records and interviews with family members and police:
NOV. 4, 1993: Tiffany Wright is born in Buffalo, N.Y.
1995-1996: At age 2, Tiffany is put in foster care in Buffalo, N.Y., with Alma Wright, who later adopts her.
1999: Royce Mitchell, Wright's grown son, is indicted in Buffalo and later convicted in connection with a drug trafficking operation.
NOV. 2003: Mitchell is indicted in a 1998 murder but acquitted at trial.
2004: Wright and Tiffany move to Kings Mountain.
APRIL 2007: Mitchell is released from federal prison and is under four years' post-release supervision. He moves to Charlotte and gets a job as a city street maintenance worker.
JAN. 25, 2009: Wright dies of natural causes at age 77.
JAN. 30, 2009: Tiffany's adoptive brother, Mitchell, seeks to become her legal guardian.
JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2009: Tiffany gets pregnant.
FEB. 5: The court appoints Mitchell as temporary guardian.
FEB. 27: A court orders a home study of Mitchell's household. Tiffany is soon placed in foster care again.
JULY 27: DSS reports allegation of statutory rape by Mitchell, police say.
AUG. 19: Police interview Tiffany.
AUG. 20: CMPD detective Teresa Johnson leaves message for Mitchell to come talk to police. When he doesn't respond, she phones social workers and a probation officer over the next two weeks to get the message to Mitchell.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 11: Detectives leave a message for Mitchell's wife, asking her to call back to talk about Tiffany.
MONDAY, SEPT. 14: Tiffany is shot and killed at her school bus stop. Her daughter, named Aaliyah, is delivered at Carolinas Medical Center. Mitchell is arrested and charged with statutory rape and taking indecent liberties with a child.
SUNDAY: Baby Aaliyah dies after a week in critical condition.
WEDNESDAY: Tiffany is buried in Bessemer City.

DNA proves father of Tiffany Wright's baby
It's a tragedy that's taken many twists and turns. A pregnant Charlotte teen gunned down at a bus stop.
The latest twist ... who the baby's father is.
Sources tell NewsChannel 36, DNA proved 17-year-old Adrian Powell, a former West Meck student, was the father of Tiffany Wright's baby.
"It does give me some pause," says Dr. Jennifer Hartman, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at UNCC.
Wright and Royce Mitchell have been linked. She was 8-months pregnant when she was murdered last September at her school bus stop. Mitchell was initially named as a person of interest.
Testifying at a hearing for Mitchell, Powell told a federal judge Wright kept calling and telling him he was the daddy.
But Powell said he wore a condom and they had sex last May, and the timing was all wrong.
Hartman says none of the new information looks good for Powell.
"Did he lie, I think it’s a convenient defense right now and I think it will be interesting to see what happens as this case unfolds," says Hartman.
Powell moved to Buffalo, N.Y., shortly after the killing.
Wright's grandmother also lives there.
"I think at this point it's time for Charlotte to make Adrian Powell come down and answer a few questions like 'why did you lie?' " says Shirley Boston, Tiffany Wright's grandmother.
Police still have not made an arrest in this case, but say they are confident that they will.

"Person Of Interest" In Kim Thomas' Murder Mystery
Police are investigating “a person of interest” other than Dr. Ed Friedland in the murder 20 years ago of his wife Kim Thomas.
Though Charlotte-Mecklenburg police declined Tuesday to say whether Friedland is no longer a suspect, it is the first time since the mid-1990s that the department has acknowledged investigating anyone other than Friedland.
This latest development in the high-profile murder case comes two weeks after police revealed that new evidence had surfaced. They won’t say what that evidence is.
In a Feb. 24 letter to the chief of police and the district attorney, Friedland’s lawyer asked they indicate that the new evidence does not relate to Friedland, “preferably stating that Dr. Friedland is no longer a suspect.”
Attorney David Rudolf’s letter noted that a newspaper in Pensacola, Fla., where Friedland now lives, planned to publish a story about the case. Without a statement exonerating Friedland, Rudolf wrote, the newspaper story would “do enormous damage to the medical practice he has worked so hard to build in that community.”
A response from CMPD police attorney Mark Newbold stopped short of clearing Friedland. “I have been advised,” Newbold wrote, “that a person of interest other than Dr. Friedland is currently being investigated by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department in connection with the murder of Kim Thomas.” Newbold declined to elaborate, either about Friedland’s status in the case or about the other person.
Friedland, a kidney specialist, has claimed for 15 years that Marion Gales killed Thomas. Gales lived nearby and did yard work for the couple, and was seen in their neighborhood the morning of her murder, July 27, 1990.
Police said in court that Gales and at least five people other than Friedland were suspects early in the investigation, but they had been cleared through fingerprint analysis or interviews. Police contended Friedland killed Thomas as a way out of their marriage.
The killer handcuffed Thomas, chased her through her home off Wendover Road and slashed her more than 20 times. The murder gripped the city not only because of its brutality, but also because of suspicion that Friedland was the killer.
Police charged him four years later, and since then the case has been in and out of the news. A prosecutor dropped the criminal charge in 1995 due to insufficient evidence. Then Friedland sued Gales in civil court for wrongful death and a jury in 1997 awarded Friedland $8.6 million.
Friedland also filed a malicious prosecution suit against police, but a judge dismissed that lawsuit in 2001, ruling that authorities had reasonable grounds to prosecute him.
To families involved in the case, it looked as if the murder might never be solved. But in 2008, two things happened that brought the case back into the news:
Gales was charged with killing a female acquaintance, and is now in prison in Tabor City.
Investigators turned to a new "touch DNA" technology that allows forensic scientists to scrape evidence for skin cells left by someone who may have briefly touched the items. The extracted genetic material can help identify a suspect.
Police won’t say whether that’s the new evidence in the case or to whom the evidence points.

Charlotte Court Documents Tell Of Pressure For Abortion
Royce Mitchell was pressuring 15-year-old Tiffany Wright to end her pregnancy - and took her to an abortion clinic - according to new court documents that may shed light on why police say Mitchell should be prosecuted for statutory rape.
The documents, released Tuesday, say Mitchell took Tiffany - his adopted sister - to a Charlotte abortion clinic in mid-July but was turned away because, at 21 weeks of pregnancy, she was too far along.
Within days, Mitchell planned a trip to an Atlanta clinic where Tiffany's pregnancy could be terminated, the documents say. Tiffany refused to go.
On Sept. 14, Tiffany, a Hawthorne High junior, was fatally shot as she waited for her school bus on Mallard Creek Road. Doctors delivered her baby girl, but the infant died.
The new information comes in affidavits from the day of the killing, when police sought search warrants for Mitchell's south Charlotte home and an apartment police say he visited that day.
Police call Mitchell, 36, a "person of interest" in the killing, but they haven't charged him. On the day of Tiffany's death, Mitchell was jailed on charges of statutory rape and taking indecent liberties with Tiffany.
But those charges were dropped last week by prosecutors after a DNA test showed Mitchell was not the father of her baby. Without Tiffany alive to testify about her relationship with Mitchell, prosecutors said the case lacked enough evidence.
The move angered Charlotte-Mecklenburg police, who criticized the prosecutors' decision. Police said they believe there's "probable cause" based on "evidence gathered" to prosecute Mitchell on the sex charges - even without DNA evidence.
The affidavits released Tuesday say Tiffany's foster parents reported that Mitchell picked her up on July 20 at about 10:30 p.m. "to take her to visit a dying relative." Tiffany later reported she was really being held against her will by Mitchell and an unidentified female "as they attempted to convince Tiffany to engage in an abortion by non-medical personnel," the affidavits say.
The documents also say that Mitchell scheduled an abortion in Atlanta for the next day and wanted to pick up Tiffany at 5 a.m. from the foster home. But Tiffany refused.
The affidavit also says that Mitchell moved away from his wife and kids in July, at the request of the Department of Social Services, because of allegations he'd committed statutory rape with Tiffany. But Mitchell's wife told detectives that he showed up at the house at 6:45 a.m. on Sept. 14, less than an hour after Tiffany was shot. He took a shower and changed his clothes, the affidavit says.
Police seized a T-shirt, shorts, a tank top and a letter during their search of the home.
Police declined to discuss how Mitchell's actions alleged in the affidavits might have aided the prosecution. Deputy Chief David Graham said he can't comment, but said, in general: "No one piece of evidence standing alone means much, but when tied together helps establish direction for an investigation and possible motive."
Mecklenburg District Attorney Peter Gilchrist stood by his decision to drop the sex charges, saying his office knew about the information in the affidavits.
That evidence, he said, can't be used in court because it's hearsay evidence, and Tiffany can't testify to corroborate it. "What a person who is dead may have told someone else is not admissible," Gilchrist said.
He said defendants must be able to cross-examine those who testify against them.
Mitchell remains in the Mecklenburg jail. He's accused of violating the conditions of his release from federal prison in 2007 because sex charges were brought against him.
Mitchell served five years for his role in a drug trafficking conspiracy in Buffalo, N.Y., and remains under federal supervision. The conditions of his release require that Mitchell have a job, meet regularly with a federal officer and stay out of trouble.
Mitchell lost his job on a street crew for the city of Charlotte after he was charged with statutory rape. A city news release said he was fired for "falsifying his employment application, which is in violation of city policy."
Mitchell has a hearing set for Thursday in federal court. A judge must decide whether there's probable cause that Mitchell violated the conditions of his release and whether he should remain jailed without bond while the federal case proceeds.
If a judge later finds that Mitchell violated the terms, he could be sent back to prison.
To prove a violation, prosecutors have a lower burden than they would at trial. They must prove only that the preponderance of the evidence shows that Mitchell committed sex acts with Tiffany, but need not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
"When state prosecutors dismissed the charges, they didn't say he didn't do it," said Greg Forest, chief of the federal probation office in Charlotte. "They said they didn't feel like they had the evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt....We don't have to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
Charlotte DSS Confirms Orgal Opata Had Left Children Unsupervised Before
New details have emerged over the case of a mother who police say left her kids home alone and they later died in a house fire.
Newschannel 36 has learned the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services had been investigating Orgal Opata for repeatedly leaving her child home alone with claims going back two years.
One-year-old Gabriel Hawthorne and his big brother, two-year-old Josiah, were both killed in that fire.
They were left home alone with their four-year-old brother and seven-year-old sister when fire swept through the family's home on Rowan Street.
“It’s a tragedy for all of us,” says Mecklenburg County Commission Chair Jennifer Roberts.
But could the tragedy have been prevented?
NewsChannel 36 has learned DSS had been called to the home in October, 2009.
Court documents show that's when Josiah was found wandering the street in his diaper.
DSS released a statement showing the agency had actually been dealing with Opata since June 2008, when DSS got a referral alleging the children were left unattended.
DSS provided sleeping materials and recommended services for Opata and the case was closed in august of 2008.
But then came the October 2009 incident.
In a statement from DSS they say a social worker was assigned to the case and had regular contact with Opata.
They go onto say all information obtained by DSS indicated the children were receiving appropriate supervision.
The deadly fire happened just four months later.
The county oversees DSS and the commission chair plans to figure out if the agency could have done more to save these kids.
“Once something has happened you never feel like it was enough, you always ask 'could we have done something more, could we have noticed one more thing, one more phone call or one more intervention?' We may ask for additional information just for a comfort level, to know that protocols were followed and things were done as they should have been,” Roberts says.

Charlotte Agencies Claim They Tried To Help Tiffany But Did Too Little, Too Late
Tiffany Wright stood alone in the dark, waiting for her school bus.
It was just before 6 a.m., and her foster grandmother had walked back home to get Tiffany's water bottle.
Tiffany, 15, was eight months pregnant but determined to stay on track in school. She wanted to be a lawyer. And after just a few weeks at Hawthorne High, she had impressed teachers as smart and ambitious, despite a difficult childhood.
At 5:51, Tiffany sent a text.
"Wheres the bus?"
One stop away, replied her friend, already on the bus.
At 5:55, as the bus lumbered toward Tiffany's stop, people began calling police to report gunshots.
A school bus dispatcher radioed Tiffany's bus driver: Change course - something's happening ahead.
Tiffany lay dead in the road, shot in the head, that morning, Monday, Sept. 14. Her baby girl was delivered at the hospital and lived a week, but died Sunday.
Nobody's charged in the killings, but police call Tiffany's adoptive brother, Royce Mitchell, a "person of interest."
In the months before she died, local agencies took steps aimed at stabilizing her home life and keeping her safe. But her story exposes failures in the system that was supposed to protect her.
Among the missteps:
•In February, a Mecklenburg court clerk appointed Mitchell as Tiffany's temporary guardian - even though he was a felon who served time in federal prison. He was also tried in 2006 for murder, but found not guilty. And last year, he was accused of domestic violence, though the case was dismissed.
•In July, social workers told police that Mitchell, 36, might have committed statutory rape with Tiffany, but police didn't question him about it for seven weeks, and didn't charge him with the rape until after Tiffany was killed.
•This month, Mecklenburg social services failed to cut off communication between Tiffany, who was in foster care, and Mitchell, said a source close to the investigation.
On the day of Tiffany's killing, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police jailed Mitchell for statutory rape and indecent liberties with a child, naming Tiffany as the victim.
Police defend their work, saying they followed the industry's best practices - which takes time. Police didn't feel a need to rush, they say, because they believed Tiffany was secure, hidden in a foster home with no threat to her safety.
Police say it's hard to prove statutory rape: Of the 262 reports of statutory rape police received over three years, only 16 percent - 42 cases - were accepted by prosecutors.
Experts say statutory rape cases are complicated because they involve victims ages 13, 14 or 15 who often consider themselves voluntary participants in sex with someone at least six years older. So victims can be reluctant to help police.
But child advocates say in cases like Tiffany's, police should act more aggressively. An immediate arrest sends a signal to a suspect and can persuade them to stay away from victims.
"The cases may be difficult to win, but they're not difficult to charge," says Brett Loftis of Charlotte's Council for Children's Rights.
UNCC criminologist Paul Friday says: "Often, nothing is done in these kinds of cases because they're based on improper assumptions about the rationality of someone that age. But the minors are often unaware of disease, birth control and they can be exploited by someone."
Adopted by foster mother
Tiffany first entered the child welfare system as a toddler in Buffalo, N.Y., when her mother lost custody.
She was adopted at 4 by her foster mother, Alma Wright, an older woman with eight grown children, who was excited about raising another child.
One of Wright's grown sons was Royce Mitchell, a star quarterback in high school who'd gone on to play for a semi-pro team in Buffalo. But Mitchell also was indicted in 1999 as part of a drug trafficking ring and went to federal prison.
While he was in prison, authorities also charged Mitchell with an earlier murder, but a jury found him not guilty.
In 2004, Alma and Tiffany left Buffalo for North Carolina, settling near Kings Mountain. Tiffany made friends easily at school and church. She ran track at Bessemer City High School.
In 2007, Mitchell was released from prison and followed his mother to North Carolina.
But last fall, Alma Wright got sick. Friends at church helped out with Tiffany, inviting her for dinners and weekends. Tiffany spent time with Mitchell and his wife, too.
Alma Wright died Jan. 25, and Tiffany moved in with the Mitchells in Charlotte.
On Jan. 30, Royce Mitchell asked a Mecklenburg court to appoint him and his wife as Tiffany's guardians.
On his application, he wrote: "We are seeking guardianship because we were requested to do so by Mrs. Alma Wright before she died."
He wanted to transfer Tiffany to West Mecklenburg High School.
The court set a hearing for Feb. 5 and appointed a child advocate to study the situation and look after Tiffany's best interests in court.
There's no transcript of what happened in court, and the clerk who handled Tiffany's case declined to discuss his decision.
Frederick Benson, a Mecklenburg assistant clerk of superior court, appointed Mitchell the temporary guardian of Tiffany's welfare.
It's unclear if Benson, a lawyer, knew about Mitchell's criminal background. Court clerks are not required to perform background checks in guardianship cases, says Clerk of Superior Court Martha Curran. It's up to each clerk to decide what checks are necessary, and they often rely on court-appointed child advocates to advise them in such cases.
Tiffany's advocate, lawyer Martha Efird, declined to discuss her actions in the case.
It was in the weeks surrounding the Feb. 5 court hearing that Tiffany got pregnant, if hospital estimates are accurate.
But friends say Tiffany, who started at West Mecklenburg High in February, wouldn't realize for four or five months that she was pregnant.
On Feb. 27, clerk of court Benson ordered DSS to conduct a "home study" of the Mitchell household. Officials won't release their findings.
But Mitchell didn't keep custody long, according to several of Tiffany's friends in King's Mountain.
In late March, Mitchell left Tiffany at a group home called With Friends in Gastonia, according to Marlene Jefferies and Cruceta Jeffeirs, two adult family friends who watched Tiffany grow up.
The group home wouldn't confirm that. But the friends say the home reported to social services that Tiffany was abandoned. And she was soon back in foster care.
On March 31, Jeffeirs, a Shelby pastor, wrote a letter to Benson seeking custody of Tiffany: "My desire is to see Tiffany accomplish all the goals that she has set for herself and I believe she can do that in a stable environment with lots of guidance and love."
DSS officials in Gaston and Mecklenburg won't discuss Tiffany's case or answer questions about what steps they took to protect her.
But friends and family say Tiffany was eventually placed in the care of foster parent Susan Barber, in a townhome off Mallard Creek Road in Derita.
By July, it was clear Tiffany was pregnant, friends say.
Barber tried to shield Tiffany from talking to those she believed might be bad influences, according to Tiffany's cousin Brittany Page. But a source close to the investigation said Tiffany and Mitchell continued communicating.
Despite repeated attempts, Barber could not be reached.
As the school year approached, Tiffany prepared to change schools again, this time to Hawthorne High in Charlotte, which offers a special program for pregnant students.
Delayed investigation
On July 27, social workers reported to police that Royce Mitchell might have committed statutory rape with Tiffany.
It took eight days for a detective to look at the case, and three days more for it to be officially assigned to Teresa Johnson, a detective with CMPD's youth crime and domestic violence unit.
Another 12 days passed before Johnson interviewed Tiffany.
It's unclear when detective Johnson discovered Mitchell's background, but it wasn't enough to ramp up the investigation. Investigators say they believed Tiffany was safe in a foster home and faced no threats from Mitchell.
Police say their performance in the case followed procedure and met standards.
Police interview alleged victims immediately if the crime has occurred within the previous 72 hours, so they can gather evidence that may remain. But in cases like Tiffany's - where months had elapsed since the alleged offense - police try to arrange just one interview when children and teen victims of abuse are involved.
Police acknowledge that strategy takes time but minimizes trauma and reduces the chances that young victims might be led into inaccurate testimony by repeated questioning.
Police also let such victims decide when they want to be interviewed at the county's child-victim center called Pat's Place. There, specially trained interviewers talk to victims, while social workers, psychologists, police and others watch from another room.
Tiffany chose an Aug. 19 interview. She didn't say much during the formal interview. But later that day, Johnson won her trust and obtained enough information to move forward with the investigation.
No response from Mitchell
The next day, Aug. 20, the detective made her first call to Mitchell to ask him about the charge, she says. Johnson left a message and gave him a few days to call back.
When Mitchell didn't respond, she made calls over the next two weeks to social workers and a federal probation officer to ask Mitchell to come talk to police.
Police say they didn't immediately arrest him because they believed they could get better information if he talked voluntarily.
On Sept. 9, a federal probation official told Johnson that Mitchell was not coming in.
On Sept. 10, a team of social workers, police and other agencies held a standard follow-up meeting to discuss how to proceed in Tiffany's case.
On Friday, Sept. 11, detective Johnson phoned Mitchell's wife and left a message. She asked her to call back to discuss Tiffany, Johnson says, but didn't give details of the rape allegation.
That Monday, Tiffany was shot and killed.
As emergency vehicles rolled to the scene, Tiffany's school bus was diverted from its normal route. But the students could see flashing lights. Tiffany's friends on the bus, Cimone Black and Tamia Corpening, began to worry.
"I kept texting her phone...," Cimone said. Then she started calling, but all she got was voice mail.
The bus continued on to Hawthorne. For Tamia, the hourlong ride was excruciating.
Nobody said a word.

Charlotte Robbery Victim Shoots Teen (15 yrs old) Suspect Vigilante Style But Receives No Punishment
Seventy-six-year-old C.L. McClure would talk to a reporter only through his front door intercom Tuesday – three days after police said he shot and killed a 15-year-old suspected of robbing him and his wife.
“I'm not in any condition to talk,” said the retired building fireproofer through the faint static of his intercom speaker. He wouldn't elaborate.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police said Tuesday that two separate investigative units – robbery and homicide – are trying to unravel what happened in a home invasion that ended with the death of 15-year-old Marcus Fluker.
The CMPD said home invasions are down this year by 19 percent, along with nearly all categories of violent crime.
And instances of a victim shooting at a perpetrator, let alone wounding or killing one, are extremely rare, said CMPD Capt. Mike Smathers, who commands the department's robbery unit.
Police also said Tuesday they want to prevent any possible retribution against McClure. A CMPD cruiser was parked Tuesday a few doors down from the McClure residence, and officers have made visits to the home to check on the elderly couple in northeast Charlotte's Newell community.
“I think there's a concern. They just want to be extra careful. It's extra upsetting to have a 15-year-old shot and killed,” said Smathers. “I don't care who you are; that's terrible. They're just trying to make sure peace is maintained.”
Police say McClure's brick home was the starting point of the complex crime scene.
According to a Saturday interview with McClure's son Larry, four teens entered the home while McClure was eating ice cream in his basement hobby shop.
The robbers, one armed with a gun, bound him with duct tape and held his wife at gunpoint. They ransacked the house and made off with some jewelry and a wallet, police said.
After they left, McClure broke free. “He checked on my mother,” said Larry McClure, who lives next door, “and he assumed he knew their route. He thought they might have been driving, and he wanted to get a tag number.”
“In his mind,” Larry McClure said, “he was worried they'd be back.”
His son said McClure grabbed his gun, got into his dark green van and guessed the thieves would head toward nearby Ginger Lane. Larry McClure said his father told him he was in his van when he saw one of the suspected robbers and thought he was armed. C.L. McClure fired his pistol when the teen turned toward him, his son said.
Fluker died later at Carolinas Medical Center. Police said they didn't recover a gun from where he fell.
Family and friends of Fluker say he was a good kid and got in with a bad crowd. They said they wished McClure had merely called police and waited.
Officers took McClure to headquarters for questioning, but he was released Saturday without being charged. In North Carolina, it's legal to kill someone in defense of yourself or another. N.C. law also protects homeowners who shoot to defend their property.
As of Tuesday police hadn't charged McClure. The Mecklenburg County District Attorney's Office will make a final decision.
Police have charged the other three teens with robbery and burglary.
Police identified them as Joseph Graves, 17, Matthew Everett Morgan, 17, and Tahjaue Wiley, 18.
Morgan already had a pending charge of robbery with a dangerous weapon from last summer and was scheduled to go to trial in October. He was convicted in May of bringing a weapon onto school grounds.
Graves and Wiley do not have any convictions on their N.C. record. Fluker's mother told the Observer her son had not been arrested or jailed before. Criminal records for minors are not available.

Charlotte Officer Suspended Due To Death Over Tasered Teen
A Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer has been suspended for violating policy when he shocked a teen with a Taser gun for about 37 seconds, contributing to the teen's death.
Police announced Wednesday that Officer Jerry Dawson Jr. held the Taser trigger until 17-year-old Darryl Turner fell to the floor during a confrontation at a north Charlotte grocery store. The officer later shocked Turner a second time for five seconds.
Turner, who worked at the grocery store, died from cardiac arrest. The autopsy showed the teenager's heart was pumping so fast and chaotically from the stress of the confrontation and the Taser shot that it stopped pumping blood properly.
“We have deep regret and sympathy for that family. Officer Dawson also is in a great deal of pain,” said Deputy Chief Ken Miller, who oversees training. “Nobody feels good about the outcome.”
Prosecutors announced last week they would not charge Dawson, and found his use of force appropriate under N.C. law.
But police suspended Dawson, a 15-year veteran, for five days without pay. They released a surveillance video from the store Wednesday and more details about the March 20 confrontation.
Dawson, 39, will receive additional training on the proper use of a Taser.
His suspension follows an internal affairs investigation and a private hearing Tuesday before a review board of his supervisors, internal affairs investigators and a civilian.
“After a thorough review of the evidence, the board determined that the initial decision to discharge the Taser was within our procedures, but the prolonged use of the Taser was not,” police said.
A Taser is a weapon that typically uses compressed nitrogen to shoot two tethered needle-like probes that penetrate skin and deliver an electric shock. It's designed to temporarily subdue a person.
CMPD teaches officers to pull and immediately release the Taser trigger to deliver a five-second shock. Officers may repeatedly pull the trigger in extreme circumstances when necessary to control a suspect. Holding down the trigger violates department policy.
Police said they're reviewing their Taser policies.
In 2005, after reports raised questions about Taser safety, CMPD prohibited prolonged shocks because they appeared to increase the risk for respiratory failure, Miller said.
Unlike some police departments, CMPD does not limit how many times an officer can shock a suspect, although it encourages officers to minimize their use of force.
Officer Dawson told investigators that he held down the trigger because the shock did not subdue Turner. Despite commands to stop, police said, Turner stepped toward the officer then walked past him.
“He didn't think he was getting the full energy so he held it,” Miller said. “He was afraid if he undid it, Turner would be violent and possibly harm the store manager or himself.”
Turner's death was the first Taser-related fatality in the CMPD's history. It happened during a three-month period earlier this year when police also shot five suspects with firearms – killing one and wounding four. Not since the fall of 1998 had police used deadly force as frequently.
Officers used Tasers about 100 times in both 2005 and 2006.
Surveillance video from the Food Lion shows Turner at the customer service desk, knocking over a display, then throwing an umbrella. Turner then moves closer to a store manager and employee, at one point raising his arm and pointing at the manager. A customer at the desk pushes her child away from the confrontation.
Officer Dawson is shown walking through the front door, and seconds later, carrying what appears to be his Taser. Dawson approaches Turner with the Taser pointed at him. Turner takes a step toward the officer, then continues to walk past him. It's unclear from the video when Turner is shocked, but police say it happened as Turner stepped toward the officer.
Turner then walks toward the front door, followed closely by Dawson, whose Taser remains attached to Turner.
Both then walk out of the camera's view.
Mecklenburg District Attorney Peter Gilchrist said Wednesday his office made the right decision in not prosecuting Dawson.
“The fact that the police department has decided he violated policies does not make the actions of the officer a criminal offense,” Gilchrist said.
Turner family attorney Ken Harris disputes prosecutors' claim that the use of force was appropriate. Harris said Wednesday he's had concerns about how long Turner was shocked.
“We're happy that this information, including the videotape, has been released to the public,” said Harris, who is considering a lawsuit over the death. “We look forward to a jury interpreting the videotape.”
Turner's mother says her son came home for lunch on March 20 and told her he'd stolen a couple of Hot Pockets from the store. Tammy Fontenot said she told her son to return to the store and admit what he'd done.
Turner returned to work after lunch, and a supervisor told him to remove a lollipop from his mouth and tuck in his shirt. The teenager began cursing, prosecutors said.
The supervisor contacted the store manager to inform him what was happening. She told him she felt threatened and was going to call police.
Here's what police said happened then:
Dawson responded to a call around 1:15 p.m. about a disturbance at the Food Lion on Prosperity Church Road.
When Dawson arrived, he saw Turner throwing objects at the store manager and yelling. The officer also saw Turner walk toward store personnel in a threatening manner.
Dawson ordered Turner to stop. But Turner turned and started to walk toward Dawson, police said. That's when Dawson discharged his Taser.
Turner continued to walk while he was being shocked, then grabbed a small store rack and threw it across the floor.
“Officer Dawson held the trigger of the Taser down until Mr. Turner fell to the ground,” the police statement said. “The continuous duration of this discharge was approximately 37 seconds.”
Police said Dawson then ordered Turner to put his hands behind his back. When the teen didn't comply, Dawson discharged his Taser again, this time shocking the teen for five seconds.
Police Chief Rodney Monroe pledged in a statement Wednesday that he will release as much information as possible about such cases of public interest, as long as it doesn't interfere with an investigation or violate personnel laws.
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Sources: The State, McClatchy Newspapers, WCNC, AP, Sex Laws.org, Youtube, Google Maps

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