Charlotte's crime rate is on the rise.
Some people have even started calling Charlotte the new "Dirty South".
How can Charlotte-Mecklenburg residents help slow down or stop this crisis?
By electing a New District Attorney this Fall!
Charlotteans have a District Attorney's race fast approaching: Andrew Murray vs Michael Barnes.
Both men are prominent, highly respected Charlotte Lawyers.
Which candidate will replace Mecklenburg County D.A. Peter Gilchrist?
One of the contenders is Michael Barnes a well-known Charlotte Politician currently serving on the City Council.
(In case your wondering Mr. Barnes is NOT the well-known Charlotte Politician I'm blood-related to.)
I strongly recommend NOT voting for Michael Barnes.
Michael Barnes like Anthony Foxx is associated with Charlotte's Black Community Elite cliques.
The people in those groups don't give a darn about Charlotte's lower income/ middle class constituents, except during Election time.
During election time they cunningly seek support from Charlotte's Straight Ticket Voters (mostly lower income Blacks ignorant of the issues), than once in Public Office give those same voters "the boot".
This is another reason why I did NOT vote for Anthony Foxx last fall during Charlotte's last Mayoral race.
If you vote for Michael Barnes it will just be more of the same.
No Equal Justice for Charlotte's lower income/ middle class citizens (especially Blacks) and swift Justice for Charlotte's Elite, Wealthiest citizens (mostly Caucasians).
More of Charlotte's Black Youth will continue being locked up, while Charlotte's White citizens receive slaps on their wrists for the same types of crimes.
No Federal Funding will be used to help keep Minority Youth off the street. (After School programs, College Prep Programs, etc.,)
Instead it will only be used to lock them up, even for committing very minor offenses.
Michael Barnes will more than likely make decisions on cases like the Tiffany Wright murder case based purely on Politics and Cover Ups for his Friends versus Fair Justice.
Please Beware!
Michael Barnes and Charlotte Observer reporters will no doubt try to play the "race card" just as they did during the Mayoral election last Fall.
Just because the City of Charlotte has a Black Police Chief doesn't mean a Black D.A. will be a better choice.
Atlanta has a Black Police Chief and Black D.A.
Look at that region's disturbingly high crime statistics!
As an African-American citizen who currently resides in Charlotte, more often than not I would rather cast my ballot for White political candidates (i.e., Andrew Murray) than Black candidates.
The White candidate knows he or she will HAVE to do something constructive for the Black community or be labeled as a "Racist".
While Black candidates think if they mistreat Black citizens there is NO way anyone can call them a "Racist" or accuse them of Unfair practices.
For the record I'm NOT playing the "race card"!
I'm simply trying to demonstrate a Black candidate isn't necessarily needed to be effective in a mostly Black Administration.
I could go on but I'll stop here.
During the upcoming Charlotte D.A.'s, Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Commissioners and next Mayoral races I strongly suggest Charlotte citizens NOT listen to local media organizations.
It was the Charlotte Observer who endorsed Anthony Foxx and now look what a mess our city is in now.
Higher Crime rate and rapid mistreatment of Charlotte's Minority citizens.
Once again I'll remind you I didn't vote for Anthony Foxx.
Charlotte Voters who wanted ALL constituents to be treated fairly, voted for Foxx's opponent John Lassiter.
I too voted for his Republican opponent John Lassiter.
Not all of Charlotte's Republican party members are biased or racist.
Many of them are kind-hearted towards Minority citizens and John Lassiter just happens to be one of those individuals.
In my opinion Charlotte's Minority citizens would have been treated more Fair had Lassiter been elected.
Looks like I was right.
Remember to Vote Intelligently at the polls this November.
Please don't vote for Black candidates just because you feel guilty about Charlotte's Racist history.
I'm also asking that you not just vote your Political Party affiliation while ignoring the D.A. Candidates' backgrounds or associations.
Race or Political Party shouldn't matter.
If your Black it doesn't mean you can't vote for a White Candidate, be it Republican or Democrat.
If your White it doesn't mean you can't vote for a Black Candidate, be it Democrat or Republican.
Do your research and vote according to what's best for Charlotte's future.
Check out the videos & articles below which provides more details about Charlotte's rising crime rates.
Charlotte Citizens Still Think High Crime Is A Major Problem
According to police, crime is down across Charlotte.
But a new survey shows that's not what people who live in the Queen City think.
According to a crime survey done by Neighbors for Safer Charlotte, crime is still a big issue to many.
The study surveyed 500 people from across Mecklenburg County.
Greg Flewelling is a member of the group and said, “We saw in our survey people don’t feel that crime is down.”
CMPD says things are getting better, but 75% of those surveyed say it just doesn’t feel that way.
“And we have to agree, based upon where Charlotte ranks with cities our size, we rank very high for crime rate,” Flewelling said.
The watchdog group found people feel police aren’t to blame, instead the absence of a role model at home and a lax court system are what has people really concerned.
“And they’d like to see more sentencing for repeat offenders,” Flewelling said.
The group says that’s what prompted the survey, the chance to change things.
Because, for the first time in more than thirty years, there will definitely be a new district attorney elected in November.
“It’s been such a long time since we’ve had a new DA , and they play such a critical role in the justice system. We hope we can raise awareness with people this election is happening,” said Flewelling
Neighbors for Safer Charlotte says they have passed the results of the survey on to CMPD.

Survey Results: Charlotte's Crime Problem Not Improving, Citizens Are Scared
Respondents to a survey organized by a Charlotte community organization disagree with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police statistics showing a dropping crime rate in the city.
About 80 percent of the approximately 500 people who participated in the survey said the crime problem in Charlotte is either unchanged or has gotten worse over the past two years.
The study was conducted in recent weeks by Neighbors For A Safer Charlotte, a grassroots organization founded in April 2008.
Their study results contrast with a steady stream of monthly crime statistics from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, showing -- for the most part -- that the crime rate has been dropping over the past 12 to 18 months. Earlier this week, CMPD statistics through March showed the overall crime rate is down 15 percent since the same time a year ago.
The survey results show that if CMPD statistics are correct, the perception among residents is that crime remains a big problem.
Respondents did not fall into the "lock-them-up-and-throw-away-the-key" category, as most of them said they support more mental health and substance abuse programs -- and said they believe only violent offenders should be put in jail.
Here are results from some of the organization's questions:
How much of a problem do you feel crime is in the Charlotte area?
75% rated it "serious" or "very serious"
In the past two years, has crime in Charlotte increased, stayed the same, or decreased?
42% said it is worse. Another 38% said it has remained the same.
Do you own a gun for protection?
31% said they owned a gun. Another 18 percent said they are considering buying one.
Which factors tend to increase the crime problem locally?
91% said gang and drug activity.
83% said the absence of a responsible parent or role model tends to increase crime activity among juveniles.
75% said lenient sentencing equals more crime.
50% said racial tensions were not likely to contribute to crime.
Not rated as significant factors were unemployment and poverty, and the lack of a police presence.
When asked has the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County done enough to deal with the crime problem?
79% of Respondents said more needs to be done.
Are the courts too lenient or too tough?
78% said they are too lenient.
Do you plan to vote in the District Attorney race in November?
91% said they plan to vote in that contest.
What would help solve the crime problem?
96% said tougher sentencing.
88% said more programs for juveniles outside regular school hours.
85% said more mental health and substance abuse programs.
70% said only violent offenders should be incarcerated.

Forbes List Charlotte, NC As America's 14th Most Dangerous City
(Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, N.C.-S.C. metropolitan statistical area)
Population: 1,635,133
Violent Crimes per 100,000: 721
View Larger Map
Sources: WCNC, WBTV, Creative Loafing, McClatchy Newspapers, Charmeck.org, Charlotte Conservative, Forbes.com, NSC, Google Maps
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