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Friday, May 8, 2009

Elizabeth Edwards Please Stop!.....Enough Already...We're In A Recession!

That's right Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards needs to stop!

We get her point

Everyone is truly sorry John hurt and embarrassed her, however enough already!

She's had her pity party, publicly flogged her Cheating Hubby ensuring he'll never again run for public office, appeared on Oprah and her book is selling like hot cakes.

Now what more does she want??

What about her dear children? What about her legacy of Helping the Poor?

Has she forgotten that our country is currently experiencing a Recession?

Elizabeth you are beginning to look Foolish, Scorned and Vindictive. Not many people find that attractive, especially not in such an Intelligent, Accomplished Woman as yourself.

Somehow whether you choose to admit it or not, you too played a part in his little scheme.

Instead of using the Media to mend your broken heart (bad move) or bash Rielle Hunter, why not decide to take the high road and finish strong?

Now either accept personal responsibility, forgive everyone and move on or....Divorce him!

Please No More! We get your point.

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Sources: Politico, Huffington Post, ABC News, NY Daily News, TIME, National Enquirer, Oprah, Newsweek, CNN, Flickr, Youtube, Google Maps

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