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Friday, May 8, 2009

$328,835. Air Force One Photo-Op Flyover Irks President Obama....Cost Top Aide His Job

Louis Caldera formerly a top Obama Administration Aide overseeing the White House's Military Office, offered the president his resignation letter today surrounding the Air Force One Photo-op Flyover controversy.

President Obama's administration states they knew nothing about the mission which angered NYC Mayor Bloomberg, and was found to be insensitive to 911 attacks.
The photo-op occurred in NYC, as Air Force One was flown over lower Manhattan.

Thereafter a White House investigation was launched to discover who approved the Flyover.

Although his office was blamed for the photo-op, Caldera also a former U.S. Army Secretary, revealed that due to illness and side effects from pain medication he doesn't recall previous discussions, nor reading e-mails regarding plans approving the Flyover.

In his letter to President Obama Caldera disclosed how the controversy made it impossible for him to continue functioning effectively in his role.

(Media controversy surrounding the Flyover Photo-op.)

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Sources:, MSNBC, Flickr, Youtube, Google Maps

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