As we approach the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election I would like to discuss the extremely important issue of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in American Society.
Especially the issue of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in American Churches.
It is long overdue to publicly address the issues of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE………..CHILD ABUSE……….and SEXUAL ABUSE in the CHRISTIAN Church Community.
I firmly believe that in order for each Church in America to continue claiming its Non-Profit Status, CHURCH Officials must Hire at least one real ABUSE Prevention Advocate on a Full-time basis to deal with these Destructive issues.
Having real ABUSE Prevention Advocates on Staff would greatly REDUCE the rate of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE………..CHILD ABUSE……….and SEXUAL ABUSE in the CHRISTIAN Church Community.
Preventing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE………..CHILD ABUSE……….and SEXUAL ABUSE in the CHRISTIAN Church Community is not an issue for DEMOCRATS or REPUBLICANS to address.
It is an issue for HUMAN BEINGS to address!
It is time for the SECRECY of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE within the CHRISTIAN Church Community to be Exposed so Hurting People can be Helped, not Hidden away.
The issue of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in American Churches is often more prevalent in the SOUTH due to the SOUTH long being considered the BIBLE Beltway.
CHRISTIAN Churches in the SOUTH are notorious for SEGREGATION........DISCRIMINATION........RACISM.......DIVORCE........CHILD ABUSE.......POVERTY and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE all in the name of CHRIST.
I am a CHRISTIAN and I am not ashamed of professing this truth.
However what I am ashamed of is how the CHRISTIAN Church Community in America has covered up & hidden DOMESTIC VIOLENCE for Centuries.
More so among CHRISTIAN Church Congregations in the SOUTH.
The BIBLE teaches that both the Husband & Wife are to be Submissive to one another.
Unfortunately in the American CHRISTIAN Church Community many Pastors Falsely teach that only Wives are to be Submissive.
Such False Teaching has encouraged many CHRISTIAN Men to think they are Authorized by GOD to Abuse and Disrespect their Wives & Children into Submission.
Many CHRISTIAN Men also have a False sense of Spiritual Security, because these same Men believe they can Beat and Disrespect their Wives, continue working in the CHURCH and yet still arrive in HEAVEN one day.
In many cases PASTORS (especially SOUTHERN Pastors) who are well aware of such DOMESTIC VIOLENCE occurring within their Congregations, turn a Blind eye and a Deaf ear by allowing CHRISTIAN Men who Abuse & Disrespect their Wives and Children to continue Serving in the CHURCH.
This includes positions of CHURCH Leadership!
There are hundreds of thousands of WOMEN within the 21st century CHURCH Community walking around with a SMILE on their faces, yet Hurting deeply inside due to False or Inaccurate Teaching about SUBMISSION.
I have personally read the BIBLE from Genesis to Revelation, but I have NEVER read in the BIBLE where GOD Authorizes or Encourages Men to Abuse or Disrespect their WIVES and Children into Submission.
I have personally read in the BIBLE where GOD tells Human Beings, including CHRISTIANS to "LOVE ONE ANOTHER", but I have NEVER read in the BIBLE where GOD Authorizes or Encourages Men to Abuse or Disrespect their WIVES and Children into Submission.
So how can CHRISTIAN Pastors teach such False information to their Members?
There have even been situations in the CHRISTIAN Community where in a particular Church just because a certain Woman is Disliked by other Women (due to Envy, Jealousy, Strife, etc.,)
the other Church members will CRUCIFY that Woman with SLANDER, Libel or by turning a Blind eye to that Woman being Abused & Disrespected by her Husband.
In fact in many instances those other Church members will encourage the Husband to continue Abusing that Woman, by Approving and Accepting the Husband, while Rejecting his Wife, whom they Dislike.
Of course this Pattern of Behavior often leads to DIVORCE or largely contributes to DIVORCE, which is another HUGE Problem within the CHRISTIAN Church Community.
Especially CHRISTIAN Churches in the BIBLE Belt SOUTH!
Many CHRISTIAN Men who Abuse their Wives are Hurting Men, who most likely experienced CHILD ABUSE or SEXUAL ABUSE during their Childhood.
But does the CHRISTIAN Church Community address or Counsel Men who are CHILD ABUSE and SEXUAL ABUSE Survivors?
Thus Hurting People Continue To Hurt Other People!
Just telling Hurting CHRISTIAN Men to FORGIVE and PRAY is Not enough.
It is True for Men who were Victims of CHILD ABUSE and SEXUAL ABUSE to Forgive their Abusers.
But after FORGIVENESS then what??
Human Beings were created by GOD to experience EMOTIONS.
If Men in the CHRISTIAN Church Community are Not taught how to properly HEAL and COPE with the after effects of CHILD ABUSE or SEXUAL ABUSE, they will grow into Adults and continue those same Patterns of ABUSE.
Are these examples of GOD'S LOVE?
How can the CHRISTIAN Church Community Criticize and Condemn MUSLIMS when they are Emotionally and Socially Killing their Own Members?
Many CHRISTIAN Men are also U.S. Military Veterans who are still Suffering from PTSD.
When those CHRISTIAN Men who are also U.S. Military Veterans visit their local V.A. Hospitals, the V.A. Hospital Doctors often prescribe a bunch of PILLS for them to ingest daily.
Those CHRISTIAN Men who are also U.S. Military Veterans are NEVER required to seek or be Counseled.
They are just prescribed a bunch of PILLS which they ingest like Candy, while receiving NO Mental Health Relief.
This is the reason why I Support Pres OBAMA and JOHN MCCAIN'S efforts to offer U.S. Military Veterans the option to seek Medical Care from PRIVATE PHYSICIANS.
Pastors within the CHRISTIAN Church Community REFUSING to provide Counseling to Men who are Victims of CHILD ABUSE and SEXUAL ABUSE is a huge Mistake, which continues to Fracture the American Church Society and contributes to Broken Homes.
Perhaps this explains the high number of DIVORCES in CHRISTIAN Churches.
Broken Homes equals Broken CHILDREN.
Broken Homes equals Broken WOMEN who must Struggle to Financially Start their lives over without a Second Income, or in many instances NO Income at all!
Many BLACK Men within the CHRISTIAN Church Community have had Several DIVORCES because it was widely accepted to just find another Wife.
Many BLACK Men within the CHRISTIAN Church Community, including BLACK Church LEADERS, are encouraged and allowed to "Try On Women" in the same manner Women try on Shoes in a Shoe Boutique.
Unfortunately many Pastors (BLACK & WHITE) do Not want to take time to deal with the Destructive Epidemic of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in the CHRISTIAN Church Community for Fear of their members leaving the Church and taking their MONEY with them.
Unfortunately many Pastors (BLACK & WHITE) also do Not want to take time to address ANY pertinent Socially Destructive Crisis in the CHRISTIAN Church Community such as SEGREGATION........DISCRIMINATION........RACISM.......DIVORCE........CHILD ABUSE........and POVERTY.
For Fear of their members leaving the Church and taking their MONEY with them!
I am Confused.
How can such Selfish, Mean-Spirited acts demonstrated towards other Human Beings be examples of GOD'S LOVE?
How can DOMESTIC VIOLENCE be an example of GOD'S LOVE?
How can SEGREGATION........DISCRIMINATION........RACISM.......DIVORCE........CHILD ABUSE........and POVERTY be examples of GOD'S LOVE?
Again I ask, how can the CHRISTIAN Church Community Criticize and Condemn MUSLIMS when they are Emotionally and Socially Killing their Own Members?
I could go on in this post but it's obvious I've written enough or maybe too much on the issue of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE within the CHRISTIAN Church Community.
I just want DOMESTIC VIOLENCE widely addressed on the National stage during the 2016 Elections.
I just want Women, Men & Children who need to HELP to have ACCESS to Counseling, Mentoring and Financial Assistance (JOBS & Affordable Housing) if necessary.
Look around.
There could be someone within your CHURCH who is a Victim of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.......CHILD ABUSE........or SEXUAL ABUSE.
It could be YOU.
It could be ME.
Please don't turn a Blind eye or a Deaf ear.
Especially within the CHRISTIAN Church Community in America.
Together We Can Save Lives!
Together We Can Build Or Rebuild Lives!
Talk Is Cheap!
Let's Put Forth Some ACTION!
It Is Cheaper To Help Someone Than To Bury Them.
It Is Cheaper To Help Someone Than To Incarcerate Them For Years & Years.
Sources & Statistics: Christian Post; Christianity Today; Youtube
ARTICLE: "The Church And Its Response To Domestic And Sexual Violence
Pastors Must Address Domestic And Sexual Violence"
Yesterday, I spoke at the Sojourners Summit at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. It's a diverse gathering focused on engaging the faith community in different aspects community engagement and service.
My role at the Summit was to present research we have recently completed, sponsored by IMA World Health and Sojourners around an important issue: how the church is responding to domestic and sexual violence.
Sojourners explained it this way:
Violence against women was named as a "significant public health issue" by the World Health Organization in 2013, which reported that 35 percent of women around the globe have experienced sexual or physical abuse by a partner or non-partner. And according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the chance of a man experiencing abuse at the hand of an intimate partner was one in four.
What makes this poll unique is that there is not much data on how pastors view and address the issues of domestic and sexual violence. According to Rick Santos, President and CEO of IMA World Health, "there is little information out there about what is actually happening in the U.S. faith community on this issue."
Despite the poll's major finding — that pastors underestimate the pervasiveness of sexual and domestic violence in their congregations — the report offers some hope. Of the pastors polled, 81 percent reported that they would "take appropriate action to reduce sexual and domestic violence if they had the training and resources to do so."
Sojourners recently published I Believe You: Sexual Violence and the Church , a study edited by its president and founder, Jim Wallis, and Catherine Woodiwiss, Associate Web Editor.
The study features three essays about women, sexual violence, and their experiences in dealing with their abuse in their churches.
It is a step forward in the effort to bring light to an issue that is often cloaked in darkness and to give voices to victims who often feel silenced by the church's failure to understand the prevalence of sexual and domestic violence.
"This is a conversation the church needs to be having but isn't," Wallis said. "We cannot remain silent when our sisters and brothers live under the threat of violence in their homes and communities."
Wallis was joined by Rev. Amy Gopp, Director of Member Relations and Pastoral Care at Church World Service who said "I hope this report will educate faith leaders about the importance of reaching out to domestic violence programs in their communities and creating strong partnerships so that survivors are served in the way they deserve."
The Christian Post shared details about the gap between occurrence and awareness:
Monica Taffinder, a Christian counselor who specializes in trauma recovery, depression, anxiety, and sexual abuse recovery, argues that many pastors tend to be somewhat naïve when it comes to the probability that both victims and perpetrators exist within their church.
"I really think people don't think that it happens in their congregation," Taffinder told The Christian Post. "I mean, [pastors] know these people. They see these people. They go to dinner with these people. They worship with these people. I know they're savvy enough to realize that there's just as much as they don't know people in their congregations as they do, but still."
The study also found that 65 percent of pastors had spoken one or fewer times about domestic and sexual violence, with 22 percent indicating they addressed it annually, while 33 percent mentioned it "rarely." Ten percent of pastors said they had never taught on it.
"Based on the number of times they speak to their congregations about sexual or domestic violence each year, the majority of pastors do not consider sexual or domestic violence central to larger religious themes such as strong families, a peaceful society, pursuing holiness, social justice, etc.," the report states.
You can find the full release from IMA World Health including a downloadable report.
It's an important issue and I encourage you to educate yourself and engage more fully on the subject.
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