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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

RNC's Michael Steele Relinquishes Party Control

The Washington Times reports that RNC Michael Steele has relinquished his control of the Republican Party's "purse strings" to several current and former RNC officials, including recently terminated RNC Veteran Jay Banning.

By signing a "Good Governance Agreement", Steele is allowing both current and former RNC officials to keep a tight reign on how all funds will be distributed.

Such a move is the first time since Steele's election as RNC Chairman, that any members have bucked his authority.

Despite denials of inner fighting within the G.O.P., release of this decision bears proof to rumors of a possible coup de grĂ¢ce due to complaints which erupted pursuant to Mr. Steele's election in January.

What's my take on all of this?

After being elected Chair had Michael Steele kept his big mouth shut, worked hard to help raise funds and performed the job of a good party chairman like VA. Governor Tim Kaine over at the DNC, most likely there would not have been any rumblings about him leading the G.O.P.


Like Gov. Sarah Palin he sought the limelight and chose to challenge President Obama, each time spewing foolish-sounding ideologies thus reaping further criticism on the Republican Party's fragile image.

Whether anyone else agrees with me or not, if the G.O.P. desires to redeem itself both Michael Steele and Sarah Palin will need to stay out of the spotlight for a while.

As a guest at the Black State of the Union Conference, Michael Steele explains to Tavis Smiley why the G.O.P. has not advanced as it relates in accepting Minorities.

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Sources: Washington Times, Huffington Post, The Fix, Crooks and Liars, The Hill, Youtube, Google Maps

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