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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

President Obama & V.P. Biden Ray's Hell For Small Businesses

Despite working hard to turn around our hurting Economy, neither President Obama nor Vice-President Biden have failed to show continued support for America's Small Businesses via their patronage.

In January President Obama visited Ben's Chili Bowl in D.C., yesterday it was Ray's Hell Burger Joint.

On Tuesday both of the Political Chieftains decided to pop in for some chow at Ray's Hell Burger located in Arlington, VA.

Setting an example for other high profile leaders, both men waited patiently in line to order, afterward paying for their own meals just as regular citizens would do.

Let's just say that Ben's Chili Bowl and Ray's Hell Burger may now have to expand after receiving such great, FREE publicity from the Media.

Kudos to both President Obama and V.P. Biden for giving the "little guy" a boost in the world of Free Market Enterprise.

For more info. on both eating establishments check out the links below.

Ben's Chili Bowl

Ray's Hell Burger

(Both President Obama and V.P. Biden stop for lunch at Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington.)

(President Obama pops in for lunch at Ben's Chili Bowl in DC.)

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Sources:, Huffington Post, Biz Journals, Ben's Chili Bowl, Ray's Hell Burger, DC Foodies, CBS News, Youtube, Google Maps

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