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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dems Punish Specter By Stripping Him Of Seniority On Five Congressional Committees

Fresh on the heels of Sen. Arlen Specter's defection from the G.O.P. to the Democratic Party, are recent news reports that he has just been stripped of Seniority on five Congressional committees.

The decision to remove Specter's seniority on those committees occurred during a vote on Capitol Hill Tuesday night and may have come as a surprise to the 29 year Public Servant.

Pursuant to Specter's defection he told reporters Dems had assured him such a move would allow him to maintain priority status as it relates to becoming a future Committee Chairman, upon his reelection in 2010.

Last Sunday he also stated to "Meet the Press" show host David Gregrory, "it's an "entitlement" for him to retain his seniority on those committees.

Further stating, "I was elected in 1980. I think that's not a bribe or a give for something extraordinary," he said. "I'll be treated as a Democrat as if I was elected as a Democrat."

However apparently this sentiment was not embraced throughout the Democrat-controlled Congress.

By voice vote Specter was instead added as a Democrat Junior member on these five committees:

Judiciary, Appropriations, Veterans Affairs, Aging and Environment & Public Works.

While Specter's new position on these committees does expand the Dems' majority, it will place him in last place during Committee Hearings and limit his influence.

It seems the Dems decision to unseat Specter from his Seniority status came about AFTER he voted against President Obama's Budget and publicly expressed he wanted Norm Coleman to win Minnesota's Senate race.

Going forward it looks as though if Senator Specter wishes to reap anymore Congressional rewards, he's going to have to "tone down" his Independent streak and show some Democratic Loyalty.

With all due respect to Senator Specter, considering that our country is in much need of Economic Reform, Health Care Reform, Tax Reform, Criminal Justice System Reform, Housing Reform, Educational Reform, etc., this is no time for ANY member of Congress to grandstand or demonstrate their so-called "Independent Streak".

Instead its a time to work together in order to help bring about needed positive change for the American Voters.

Senator Specter telling "Meet the Press" show host David Gregory that he will maintain his Seniority status on Congressional Committees.

Specter stating, "I did not say I would be a Loyal Democrat".

Sources: Politico, Washington Post, Huffington Post, MSNBC, Meet the Press, CBS News, Political Base, TMPTV, Youtube

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