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Sunday, May 10, 2009

President Obama The Comedian??...."John Boehner Is A Man Of Color!"

President Barack Obama revealed a lighter side of himself during Saturday evening's White House Correspondents Dinner.

It seems no one was safe from his light-hearted, comedic jabs.

Among those he mocked or poked fun at were himself, Vice-President Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama, his daughters, even Air Force One.

Check out some of his humorous, sometimes stinging puns:

"I’m Barack Obama. Most of you covered me. All of you voted for me. Apologies to the Fox table."

"I have to confess I really didn’t want to be here tonight, but I knew I had to come. Just one more problem I inherited from George Bush."

"Sasha and Malia aren’t here tonight because they are grounded. You can’t just take Air Force One on a joyride around Manhattan. I don’t care whose kids you are."

"And that reminds me: Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. This is a tough holiday for Rahm. He’s not used to saying the word day after mother."

"David Axelrod is here. We’ve been together a long time. I can still remember when I called Ax a few years ago and said, You and I can do wonderful things together. And he said to me the same thing that partners across America are saying to one another right now: Let’s go to Iowa and make it official."

"Michael Steele is in the house tonight. Or as he would say, in the heezy.
Dick Cheney was supposed to be here, but he’s very busy working on his memoirs, tentatively titled, How to Shoot Friends and Interrogate People."

"You know, it’s been a whirlwind of activity, these first one hundred days. We’ve enacted an economic recovery package. We’ve passed a budget. We’ve forged a new path in Iraq. And no President in history has named three Commerce secretaries this quickly. By the way, if Judd Gregg is here, your business cards are ready. On top of that, I’ve also reversed the ban on stem cell research, signed an expansion of children’s health insurance, and just last week, Car and Driver magazine named me Auto Executive of the Year!"

"That brings me to another thing that’s changed – my relationship with Hillary. We may have been rivals during the campaign, but these days we couldn’t be closer. In fact, the second she got back from Mexico she greeted me with a big hug and a kiss – told me I really oughta get down there myself."

"During the second hundred days, we will design, build, and open a library dedicated to my first hundred days. In the next hundred days, I will learn to go off prompter – and Joe Biden will learn to stay on it."

"In the next hundred days, our bipartisan outreach will be so successful that even John Boehner will consider becoming a Democrat. After all, we have a lot in common. He is a person of color. Although not a color that appears in the natural world."

"In the next hundred days, we will house train our dog Bo – because the last thing Tim Geithner needs is someone else treating him like a fire hydrant. In the next hundred days, I will also strongly consider losing my cool. Finally, I believe that my next hundred days will be so successful, I will be able to complete them in 72 days. And on the 73rd day, I will rest."

President Obama brings down the house with his jokes. Part I

Part II

Sources: WHCA, Huffington Post, Politico, MSNBC, C-Span, Youtube

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