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Monday, May 11, 2009

Obama White House Disapproves Of Wanda Sykes' Performance!

Wait a minute!

Are these the same White House officials who were laughing their eyes out last Saturday night at the White House Correspondents Dinner as Comedian/ Actress Wanda Sykes performed?

All the while throwing political jabs at well-known Capitol Hill Notoriety?

Didn't I also see "certain people" smiling and giggling while enjoying her edgy talent?

Now suddenly the tables have turned and she's been dissed, by the White House.

OMG! What happened?

Well it appears as though some Political "Big Wigs" (not necessarily President Obama himself) believed that Sykes went overboard or showed disrespect, especially as it relates to the G.O.P.'s untouchable Rush Limbaugh and 9/11. (I wonder who put the buzz in Prez Obama's ear.)

Considering Wanda's usual extremely racy performances, other than the lines about Rush's former Oxycontin habit and him being a hijacker her material was just fine.

Do I disdain what Terrorists did to our country on 9/11? Of course! Thus I agree her remarks about comparing Rush to a 9/11 Hijacker may have been a little too much.

However....on the other hand I'm not a Rush Limbaugh supporter, so I don't think he's "off limits" for any comedian, any talk show host, any blogger, etc.,

Any Public Figure who makes such disparaging comments as "I hope President Obama fails" or laughs at a song titled "Barack the Magic Negro", deserves to be thrashed in the media without an apology!

Than again what do I know? After all I'm not a Politician and I don't have anything to lose. (No offense guys)

Than again neither is Wanda Sykes.

I hope Wanda doesn't apologize....for her jokes about Rush.

Wanda I remain a fan.

(White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs addresses Sykes' Jokes)

Keith Olbermann says Wanda crossed the line at the WHCA dinner.

Wanda's Rush Limbaugh jokes.

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Sources: MSNBC, Politico, WHCA, Daylife, The Fix, Think Progress, Media Matters, Youtube, Google Maps

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