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Friday, May 8, 2009

Can President Obama Trust Karzai and Zardari to keep Peace Proposal?....Where's Osama Bin Laden?

This week's meeting at the White House between President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Afghanistan President Karzai and Pakastani President Zardari, appears to have been quite productive as it relates to a possible Peace Proposal being drafted for the two embattled Middle Eastern countries.

We all know that President Obama and Vice-President Biden's motives are pure on this subject, but can Karzai and Zardari be trusted?

That is the question!

In addition Zardari claims he doesn't know where Osama Bin Laden is. Stating that his country's Intelligence officials believe he's dead. Yeah right.

"We meet today as three sovereign nations joined by a common goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their ability to operate in either country in the future. And to achieve that goal, we must deny them the space to threaten the Pakistani, Afghan, or American people. And we must also advance security and opportunity, so that Pakistanis and Afghans can pursue the promise of a better life."

"There is much to be done. Along the border where insurgents often move freely, we must work together with a renewed sense of partnership to share intelligence, and to coordinate our efforts to isolate, target and take out our common enemy. But, we must also meet the threat of extremism with a positive program of growth and opportunity. That is why my Administration is working with members of Congress to create opportunity zones to spark development. And that is why I’m proud that we’ve helped advance negotiations toward a landmark transit-trade agreement to open the Afghanistan and Pakistan border to more commerce."

"Within Afghanistan, we must help grow the economy, while developing alternatives to the drug trade by tapping the resilience and ingenuity of the Afghan people. We must support free and open national elections later this fall, while helping to protect the hard-earned rights of all Afghans. And we must support the capacity of local governments and stand up to corruption that blocks progress. I also made it clear that the United States will work with our Afghan and international partners to make every effort to avoid civilian casualties as we help the Afghan government combat our common enemy."

"Within Pakistan, we must provide lasting support to democratic institutions, while helping the government confront the insurgents who are the single greatest threat to the Pakistani state. And we must do more than stand against those who would destroy Pakistan – we must stand with those who want to build. That is why I have asked Congress for sustained funding for schools, roads, and hospitals. I want the Pakistani people to understand that America is not simply against terrorism – we are on the side of their hopes, and their aspirations. Because we know that the future of Pakistan must be determined by the talent, innovation and intelligence of its people."

(Standing alongside Vice-President Biden, Afghanistan President Karzai and Pakastani President Zardari, President Obama reveals to the Media America's role to help create Peace in the Middle East.)

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Sources:, MSNBC, Youtube, Google Maps

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