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Friday, May 8, 2009

Arianna Huffington Tauts A New Brand of Journalism....She Discourages Biased Reporting

Arianna Huffington, co-founder of the WONDERFUL Huffington Post blog (I absolutely adore her site), recently appeared as a guest on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" (my favorite AM Political show) to discuss web 2.0 Journalism.

The "Queen of Web 2.0 Journalism"/ Political Commentator who launched her highly regarded site in 2005, wasn't bashing regular newspapers instead Arianna shared how newspaper organizations should focus less on Advertising and return to their true Investigative roots.

During the interview she didn't fail to mention that one of the reasons newspapers are becoming extinct is due to Biased Reporting.

To that I'd say Arianna was spot on!

I've been saying for several years that Biased Reporting would eventually ruin the Newspaper Industry, especially Racially-tinged Biased reporting.

(That type of reporting has been highly practiced by the newspaper organizations in my region.)

Looks as if I were correct.

Shareholders, Editors, Reporters, Staff Writers, of large newspapers are all crying the blues about going belly up but not many of them appear to be willing to change their strategy for retaining subscribers.

The decline of American Newspapers shouldn't be blamed on Bloggers. Instead the recognition of their failure lies in a shift of how our world now communicates, receives and processes information.

This includes a supply and demand for a different kind of content. Content which screams Integrity versus a one-sided view of the world.

Who wants to spend money on Biased, lopsided, stale reporting when today's readers with a few keystrokes can enter the Blogosphere to visit such informative, extremely interesting, hot-in-demand sites as Huffington Post, Politico, Wash Po-The Fix, Daily Kos, Jack & Jill Politics, Real Clear Politics, etc., to check out real time, global updates?

Despite being falsely stereotyped as "Left-Wing Web 2.0 Ambulance-Chasers", the CEOs and Publishers of those particular sites rarely if ever practice Biased reporting.

As it relates to revenue, these "Investigative Bloggers" are business savvy enough to realize what their readers want and don't mind giving it to them in huge doses.

In return the Online Advertising on most Weblogs and Websites has proven to be very profitable. Supply & Demand, Free Market principles has found its way to Web 2.0 Journalism and Oh what a beautiful thing!

Didn't President Obama's Internet-driven campaign teach us anything about Cyberspace?

Who cares about data overload?

Today's competitive, "microwave generation" doesn't want to wait the next day for what said or what happened two minutes ago. We want it and we want it now!

While we're on the subject, who cares if President Obama is African-American?

Currently he's the hottest Media ticket in town, so who gives a darn about his ethnicity?

Let's face it the average Reporter/ Staff Writer employed at a popular paper might actually find it cool to have a Black Leader in the Oval office, however their stodgy, small-town Editor might have a problem with this recent CHANGE. Especially Editors of most Southern-based papers.

Thus those same Reporters/ Staff Writers continue to print the same old, divisive, racially-tinged, BIASED stories all the while assisting in the demise of their own livelihoods.

Sites like the HuffPost and Politico also have White House Correspondents living in DC, available to catch every morsel from the Obama Administration's table.

Unless its the Washington Post, how many large newspaper organizations are willing to invest that type of money to stay on top of their game? Very few.

Yet...Gasp! These same Journalistic Neophytes are perturbed at Blogs and News sites for "stealing" their readers.

I suggest that instead of Shareholders/ CEOs of large newspapers wasting money lobbying Congress to protect their right to keep us stuck in the past with yesterday's stories or trying desperately to destroy Bloggers, why not spend some of that hard-earned dough hiring Investigative Web Publishers/ Reporters like Arianna on a part-time basis as Consultants?

Allow people like Arianna or the folk from Politico, Jack & Jill Politics, etc., to share some secrets of their Web 2.0 Journalism Success.

After all as they say if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I recommend the dying world of regular newspaper journalism to please join 'em.

Kudos forever to Arianna and the HuffPost!

Thank you for providing 21st Century readers with an excellent, professional, credible alternative.

(Check out more of what Arianna said on "Morning Joe" on the clip below. This woman really knows her stuff.)

Arianna Huffington speak with "Politics Daily" before a Senate hearing on the future of journalism May 6.

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Sources: HuffPost, TIME, MSNBC, Morning Joe Show, Politico, The Fix, Jack & Jill Politics, Real Clear Politics, Daily Kos, Politics Daily, Newsobserver, Youtube, Google Maps, Flickr

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