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Friday, May 15, 2009

Dick Cheney is a Media Genius (For the G.O.P.) Or Not!

Several weeks ago every network "Talking Head" was blasting the airwaves with news of the G.O.P. dying.

Everyone (including myself) thought they were finished, kaput, dead and gone forever that is until....

"Papa Cheney" stepped in to help clean up their mess, wipe their noses and put them back on course.

First his daughter Liz Cheney emphatically preached about the usefulness of Torture, while battling it out toe to toe with MSNBC's Nora O'Donnell in front of millions of viewers.

Now suddenly former V.P. Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney is seen everywhere (Face the Nation, Meet the Press) defending the Bush Administration's right to torture, welcoming Moderates and calling former Secretary of State Colin Powell a Democrat!

He even blatantly suggested that the idea of President Obama's administration releasing CIA torture memos was the RIGHT thing to do and (gasp!) offered to testify before Congress under oath.

I mean this guy has turned himself into a G.O.P. rock star for goodness sake!

To top it all off Liz shows up (again) this time on "Morning Joe" foolishly implying that President Obama is "siding with Terrorists", while still trying to brainwash us all on why Torture is the coolest thing since Twitter. Isn't she a chip off the old block? (no offense to former V.P. cheney)

You have to admit that these two (Dick and Liz) are an awesome pair. I'd say they both deserve Oscars for being so persuasive in their arguments, even if no one else agrees with them.

Well guess what? All that media coverage may have actually worked! This week the tables have turned.

The Republicans are waking up out of their stupor and happy to be back on top.

The focus is currently on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) and whether or not she knowingly helped to authorize those terrible Interrogation techniques, such as Waterboarding, for use in stopping Terrorist attacks on our country after 9-11.

Even Senator John Boehner came out of hiding, pointing fingers. Wait a minute! Is that a smirk I see on his face as Speaker Pelosi is being pummeled by the Press?

Here's a word to the wise for the Republican Party: This "Pelosi Media Circus" isn't going to last forever.

Nancy is a Strong, Resilient, Intelligent Woman and very devoted to President Obama's agenda for our nation, especially as it relates to Health Care Reform.

Take Heed G.O.P. when you mess with Speaker Pelosi.

Take Heed.

You may have chosen the wrong person to pick on. Throwing darts at Nancy just may prove fatal for the Republican Party's future existence.

On the other hand I still say that Dick Cheney is a Media Genius (for the G.O.P.) that is. Or not!

Hello Mr. Cheney sir, may I please have your autograph?

Cheney calling Colin Powell a Democrat.

Cheney defending the former Bush administration and stating that Torture was legal.

Cheney's daughter Liz defends her dad and Torture.

Sources: CBS News, Face the Nation, MSNBC, Meet the Press, Think Progress, Huffington Post, ABC News,, CNN, Daylife, Youtube

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