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Friday, May 15, 2009

Proof Nancy Pelosi Urged Congress To Not Authorize Torture

Several years ago then Minority Leader (8Th District) Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spoke out against the Military Commissions Act. This video of her debate on the House floor proves that she was in fact against Torture.

Looks like the G.O.P. may have to eat their words as it relates to them placing blame on her regarding the use of Torture on prisoners of war.

Here are her exact words:

"Let us do the job we were elected to do on this, one of the pivotal issues of our time. Let us honor our oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution and our responsibility to protect the American people and to prosecute and punish those who would do harm to them."

(Nancy tells Congress to not allow torture on prisoners of war)

Sources: C-Span, Reuters, ABC News, The Gaggle, Newsweek, Day Life, Youtube

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