April 28, 2009, a day millions of U.S. voters will never forget as news of long time Republican Senator Arlen Specter's (PA) switch to President Obama's Democratic Party, rocked the Political world.
Along with Minnesota's Senate pick Al Franken's win (again), Specter's move will possibly give President Obama's Administration the filibuster-proof power it needs to continue carrying out his agenda for CHANGE.
Pursuant to hearing of this low-blow defection from the G.O.P., I can just imagine RNC Chairman Michael Steele's feelings of possible panic at this moment.
In fact word on the street is that the G.O.P. is actually kind of PO'd at Steele right about now. So angry they want to take away his control of the RNC's purse strings as a means of embarrassing him until he steps down.
Many Republicans are feigning shock about about Specter's decision to leave. Many of them are complaining and whining. Why? Let's face it the G.O.P.'s loss is the Democrats' Giant gain right?
Instead of the G.O.P. becoming angry it really needs to re-evaluate itself and if need be, make changes. Specter's defection is a clear sign that something isn't working within the Republican Party. (Denial is not a river in Egypt.)
However one still has to speculate and perhaps consider why such a seasoned, well-respected Republican (formerly Republican that is) Pennsylvania Senator with more than 20 years in office, would make such a breathtaking move right before the 2010 elections?
Here are the five most obvious reasons.
1) Due to Senator Specter's past voting record, his Republican Party constituency was waning anyway.
Had he remained a member of the right, its doubtful he would've even been re-elected for another term.
2) This move is proof he endorses President Obama's policies (at least most of them) and appreciates the good job he's doing in running our country.
3) He realized the G.O.P. can no longer keep its base satisfied or recruit new members with its current Staunch, Narrow-minded, out-of-touch, somewhat racist, Conservative, Southern-centered, "Party of No" agenda and remain effective in the future political arena.
This type of thinking among them which promotes Exclusion as opposed to the Dems Inclusion, is no doubt the reason why they have in fact earned the negative moniker "Party of No".
4) Specter realizes that the G.O.P. in its current state (unless it chooses to become a more Centrist, more Moderate party) is a dying, soon to be non-existent political movement.
Since they often crave the limelight and need to remain popular in order to continue reaching their constituency base, what Politician in his or her right mind wants to remain part of a dying party?
5) Although he might not want to admit it publicly, Senator Specter is actually ashamed of the G.O.P.'s stingy, stuffy, cold appearance.
Considering Senator Specter's successful 29-year run with the Republicans, why is he now seemingly ashamed of being associated with them?
Other than being labeled as "The Party of No" and Media coverage of those conservative-based "Tax Day Tea Parties" which made embarrassing headlines two weeks ago, the Republican Party is the political party which:
a) Endorsed many of former President Bush's ineffective policies.
Although I must admit he did keep us safe from further terror attacks during his presidency.
b) Ran our nation's Economy into the ground while becoming Wealthy on the backs of Low-Income African-Americans and Illegal Immigrants.
c) Voted to give Banks like BOFA and Citibank $700 Billion dollars in Bail-out money with absolutely NO Accountability.
d) Voted yes to allow the practice of excessive Torture on Prisoners of War. This was an absolute violation of the Geneva Conventions Treaty but in their quest for Power and Revenge, I guess the G.O.P. forgot about that important Foreign Policy contract.
e) Voted yes to Re-Segregating Public Schools, which then created an entire network of Failing school districts like the one currently existing in Charlotte, NC
This practice has crippled our nation and made us less competitive in comparison to countries like China and Japan.
f) Voted yes for allowing Banks to finance Sub prime Home Loans and other types of Mortgages they knew Buyers wouldn't be able to repay, thus creating a snowball effect of Toxic Mortgages and Homelessness.
g) Voted No to Clean Energy and less dependence on Foreign Oil
h) Voted No to Green Jobs
i) Voted No to cross country High Speed Light Rail
j) Voted No to President Obama's Economic Stimulus Bill (Specter voted Yes)
k) Voted No to including Flu Preparedness Funding in President Obama's Economic Stimulus Bill
l) Refused to help properly secure the borders thereby assisting Immigrants to enter our Country illegally, so that Big Businesses could continue hiring them to work for low, low wages.
m) Authorized and encourage the U.S. Attorney General's office and District Attorneys nationwide to place trumped up charges, especially as it relates to illegal drugs on African-American and Hispanic citizens thereby sentencing thousands of them to prison for 20+ years or more.
n) Voted Yes to billions in Tax Cuts which ONLY benefited the Wealthy and eventually caused Wall Street to crash.
o) Voted No to Abortion and most other methods of Family Planning funding, yet when Low-Income Teens or Young Women begin to birth baby after baby after baby and couldn't properly take care for those children, Republicans then Voted No to extra Funding for Child Care assistance, Pre-Kindergarten programs, Health Care, Adoption Assistance, etc.,
p) Voted Yes to allowing Banks and Sallie Mae for providing Billions in High-Interest Loans to College Students.
Afterward the same Republican-controlled Congress allowed Bush's Administration to hire private Debt Collectors, for the sole purpose of harassing those students to begin repaying those loans less than a year after they graduated.
Hopefully I've provided more than enough reasons as to why Senator Specter decided to change his Political citizenship. Now let's go somewhere and celebrate this victory along with President Obama!
Senator Arlen Specter of PA explains during a Press Conference why he switched parties.
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Sources: Whitehouse.gov, Huffington Post, MSNBC, Washington Post, Washington Times, NY Daily News, Politico, The Hill, ABC Newsblogs, nbcdfw.com, RNC, specter.senate.gov, Youtube, Google Maps

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