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Friday, April 17, 2009

Do They Hate President Obama because he's Black?

"They hate him because he's black".

On the heels of the "Tax Day Tea Party" protests which took place on April 15Th while visiting the Daily kos (one of my favorite blogs), I came across a soul stirring post on that site entitled "They hate him because he's black".
The submission was authored by a regular DK contributor named Turka.

In the post she refers to President Obama as a Black man rather than an African-American. A Black man who dared to infiltrate the previous "White Only Leaders of the Free World" club.

As you can tell by Turka's penned thoughts, she describes the deep hatred towards our new president stirring up across the country among certain groups with a brooding, though-provoking aura.

Racial Hatred
hidden behind false concerns for the well-being of our nation's future.

Here's an excerpt:

"I deliberately use the word black rather than the words African American. The latter lacks the proper emotional value. It is cultural and geographical. The former is visceral. Bigotry is not subtle. It is primal. It is not about ideas. It is irrational."

"He is smarter and more educated and more articulate than they. A self-made man, he represents everything they would claim to value. But he looks different, to them. They hate him because he looks different. They hate him because he is dark. In "Western" "Culture," the very words black and dark have powerfully negative value. They often are used as synonyms for the sinister."

Thanks to the mainstream Media, by now we are all aware of the false concerns I'm speaking of: "President Obama is turning our country into a Socialist regime", "President Obama included too much spending in his Stimulus package", "President Obama wants to use the government to kill Free Enterprise". Yes, those types of false concerns.

Of course I highly recommend that you read Turka's article, however more so I recommend you conduct a thorough self-evaluation regarding what you really feel and think about President Obama's election.

Are you genuinely concerned for the future of our nation you too hate him and Michelle because they're Black?

MSNBC reporters discuss Texas Governor Rick Perry's threats to secede.

Sources: Daily Kos, TPM, Huffington Post, MSNBC, Newsweek, Youtube, Flickr

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