Today thousands of Conservative American citizens attended "Tax Day Tea Party" protests to demonstrate their so-called displeasure of President Obama's Big Government spending.
Via the use of popular web 2.0 social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter, the "Tax Day Tea Party" movement was sparked largely by Peter Roff, a Strategic Policy Advisor for the Institute of Liberty in Washington, DC.
However before it ever reached DC here's a brief synopsis on the origin of this movement.
The initial purpose of the movement was to provide a national Grassroots outlet for Taxpayers opposed to the passing of President Obama's Stimulus Bill. It was initially started by Keli Carender a Blogger from Seattle, who organized her own mini-version of a "Tax Day Tea Party" back in February of this year.
Moving forward who can forget CNBC's Rick Santelli's televised "Tax Tea Party" (sort of), of him ranting at President Obama from Wall Street about the president's Mortgage Bailout plan proposal.
On Feb. 21 another grassroots group headed by Michael Patrick Leahy called "Top Conservatives on Twitter", planned via the use of Twitter of course, to hold simultaneous local "Tax Tea Parties" from state to state.
As word of the movement spread, it reached the ears of Peter Roff and Fox News reporters, the rest is history.
Other grassroots coalitions also (TCOT, Smart Girl Politics, etc., worked diligently to help coordinate today's event.
With more than 500 to 700 "Tax Day Tea Parties" in action nationwide, according to Peter Roff the event was a huge success.
In fact he published an article on the Fox News Forum, informing the entire country that the mission of the "Tax Tea Party" movement had been accomplished.
Now I don't doubt that many of the people participating in today's protests were perhaps sincere, as it relates to their concerns about big government spending however....
Where were these same angry, conservative protesters when President George W. Bush was sending our soldiers overseas to be killed to help protect American Oil Interests?
Where were these same angry, conservative protesters when it was discovered that President George W. Bush had basically given the Military a Blank Check to spend $10 Billion Dollars a month in Iraq, while fighting "The War on Terror"?
Where were these same angry, conservative protesters when President George W. Bush gave Bank CEOs $700 Billion Dollars with NO Accountability, in Bailout money?
Where were these same angry, conservative protesters when President George W. Bush allowed hundreds of thousands of Minority students attending Low Performing, Segregated, Poverty level Public Schools to fail?
I don't recall anyone saying a word about those issues when President George W. Bush was still in office, do you?
Who were the real winners of today's "Tax Day Tea Party" events?
The Republican Party!
The G.O.P. used today's protests to revamp their party.
Did it work? Yes! Now voters including many registered Democrats, are going to begin focusing more than ever on Government Waste and Big Government Spending, just as it was so during former President Reagan's era.
No doubt this could mean insurmountable trouble for the Obama Administration, especially as it relates to his Policy Reform efforts.
Despite President Obama's earth shattering victory last November 4Th, if the Dems (especially the Black Democrats) don't get it together now, the Republican Party will be back in control come November 2012.
Watch Out Democrats! Especially North Carolina Democrats!
The G.O.P. led by Michael Steele (notice I intentionally didn't mention Rush Limbaugh, OOPS!) are coming for us full force.
Its NO laughing matter. President Obama used the Internet to win the 2008 election.
Now it appears as if the Republican Party or Conservative Independents are using it to gain back control of White House.
Democrats Beware!
NBC's covers highlights of today's "Tax Day Tea Parties".
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
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Sources: Huffington Post, MSNBC, Newsweek, Recovery.gov, Michelle Malkin, Newsobserver, Fox News Forums, NY Times, CNBC, Youtube, TaxDayTeaParty.com, TCOT Report, Top Conservative Twitter, Smart Girl Politics, Institute for Liberty, Redistributing Knowledge, News-record, Google Maps

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