In light of news surrounding the births of Sarah Palin's grandchild (daughter Bristol's child) and Britney Spears' little sister Jamie Lynn's child, as it stands North Carolina continues to reign in Unwed/ Teen Pregnancies and "Deadbeat Fatherhood".
Sadly enough since 2005 in the two areas mentioned above, the Tarheel state hasn't made significant improvement. This travesty of course continues to negatively impact the Economy for all North Carolina residents. Especially during this current Recession.
In North Carolina (particularly Mecklenburg County) too many Low-Income, Unwed mothers are still having Illegitimate baby after baby after baby and doing so without receiving any money from the fathers.
Needless to say many of these young women are or have lied to local DSS officials concerning the whereabouts of the "babies daddies", when in reality the men are actually living/ still sleeping with the mothers.
WTF?? How can this be??
What's the financial impact to state taxpayers? $300 Mil a Year!
So do you mean to tell me that while most North Carolinians are working hard and paying taxes, these young, "Human Baby Factories" and lazy men are living high on the hog of the fruits of our labor with North Carolina DSS Officials knowledge?
Yes that's exactly what I'm saying!
Forget the "Tax Tea Parties"! We need to establish nationwide Teen Pregnancy Prevention protests!
Oh I know once they get wind of this morning's blog post on the subject and actually read it, North Carolina DSS Officials are going to of course refute the contents of this post, however the proof of what I've written can be verified in the facts.
The North Carolina Child Support Enforcement Agency claims that 100% of all Children born in the state out of wedlock, have their Paternity established. THIS IS A BIG LIE!
I have personally spoken with a large number of Unmarried, young teens/ women residing in North Carolina, whose children have no ideas who their fathers are.
In efforts to help the male sperm donors of these children evade their fiscal responsiblity, foolish, young mothers are falsely reporting to DSS/ Child Support Enforcement officials to not know the whereabouts of the men involved.
Those young mothers also receive NO Child Support from those men because Legal Paternity has NOT been established.
Thus if anyone thinks I'm publishing fabrications just to attract readers, why don't you conduct your own Fact Checking on this subject?
Why not get in your car and pay a visit to many of North Carolina's Low-Income communities and interview some of the young, unwed mothers who reside in those communities?
You can even take it a step further by playing the "I Spy a Baby's Daddy game". Just wait until night fall and observe how many biological, "male sperm donors" of these neglected children will come crawling out of the woodworks like insects, sneaking back into the residences of these young women.
If you hang around a little longer, in about 4 to 5 months you will see the stomachs of these same young women bulging once more with another baby on the way.
You can also pay a visit to some of North Carolina's prisons to interview a large number of the African-American, Male prisoners, asking them if they have a any illegitimate children on the outside, how many children and have they ever helped to support those children.
Even better, why not (with the parent's/ legal guardian's permission) just interview many of the 10,000+ children in North Carolina's Foster Care system or many of the Low-Income students attending the state's failing, Poverty level Public School yards and ask them "do you know your father or have you ever seen your father give your mother/ legal guardian any money?"
Lastly you can pay a visit to North Carolina's Funeral homes and interview the Funeral Home Directors regarding the number of children whose bodies they've had to prep, who died from Child Abuse or Neglect within the last ten years.
Why are these young teens/ women being allowed to continue having baby after baby after baby at the expense of North Carolina taxpayers? especially in this tight recession?
As it stands North Carolina State Officials and Legislators are currently working to reform the state's Revenue system.
Well why not also work to reform the state's Child Support/ DSS system too? What better time to overhaul the way North Carolina enforces its Child Support Collection laws and the way North Carolina doles out Welfare money to its Neediest citizens.
The question of the day remains as to why is it that North Carolina DSS Officials won't consult with the U.S. Dept of Justice on how to make it Legally, Constitutionally Mandatory that these young women (and some older, unwed women too) participate in some type of Federal Family Planning program in order to continue receiving any type of Welfare Benefits?
Please understand I am in no way suggesting that North Carolina DSS Officials should disenfranchise the innocent children involved by withholding food, shelter, medical care, pre-school education, public school education, etc., just to punish their scheming parents.
However I am suggesting that these young women and scheming, lazy men be held accountable for their Intentional LACK of sexual control. (Except in the case of Rape.)
Call this type of Government intervention SOCIALISM if you please, but when dealing with this kind of issue which so adversely affects our communities, you can't have your cake and eat it too!
Now which scenario would the fine citizens of North Carolina rather experience:
1) Continuing to Financially Support these scheming young girls/ women obviously lacking in Healthy Self-Esteem, along with the Manipulating, Lazy, Predatory men who are using these girls/ women? or.....
2) Curb this Financially Destructive behavior with Government Intervention until the state of North Carolina begins to notice a significant drop in the annual number of teen/ unwed mother births?
If North Carolina DSS/ Child Support Enforcement Officials refuse to help stop this Human Rights Injustice (its the children, mostly African-American children who are suffering) from re-occurring, then by allowing such an injustice to continue can ONLY be due to the state benefiting Financially from the births of these children, via receiving more Federal funding for each child's existence.
For such practices to be carried out just to help fill in North Carolina's budget gaps, is a tragedy. A tragedy for which I strongly believe God will harshly judge the state of North Carolina for one day.
(Note: Where is the Outcry from North Carolina's Black Leaders on this issue?????)
To further substantiate my findings regarding Teen Pregnancy/ Deadbeat Fatherhood statistics nationally and in North Carolina, here are some more startling facts (Grab your kleenex. Call your ELECTED NC Legislators and immediately demand CHANGE!):
Teenage Pregnacies cost North Carolina Taxpayers more than $300 Million dollars per year!
N.C. currently has one of the highest rate of Teenage Pregnancies in the United States. A rate nearly 19% higher than national average. This number remains steady since 2007.
Since 2007 official N.C. vital statistics showed even higher rates than the Center for Disease Control report.
Statewide there were about 19,615 teen pregnancies, or 63 per 1,000 girls, according to the North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics.
Nearly 30 percent of North Carolina’s children live in asset poor households. Most of those homes are headed by Single Mothers who receive no Child Support from the Absent Fathers.
Currently there are more than 10,698 Children in North Carolina's Foster Care System. Is it possible that most of those children could have come from Teen births or households headed by Teen parents?
Per the N.C. Institute of Medicine, North Carolina has higher rates of gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis (primary and secondary), and HIV among Adolescents ages 15-19 than the entire US.
The North Carolina House recently passed a bill allowing an alternative to be taught in lieu of Abstinence Only Sex Education classes.
Two-thirds of teen pregnancies nationwide occur among teens 18-19 years old.
Teen mothers account for 11% of all births in the US.
Out of all teen pregnancies, 57% end in birth. Another 14% end in Miscarriage.
Nearly a third of pregnant teenagers choose abortion.
Teens who become pregnant are less likely to attend college.
US teen pregnancy rates are higher than those of other developed countries.
The disparity between white and minority teen pregnancy rates has narrowed, and the rate dropped among most minority populations in the past year. Black teens still have the highest teen pregnancy rate
However, the minority teen pregnancy rate was still 1.6 times higher than that of for white teens in 2007, compared with two times higher in 1992.
Hispanic teens had the highest pregnancy rate at 167.4 per 1,000 girls in 2007. That rate has fallen 3.3 percent since 2006 and nearly 7 percent since 2003.
The rate of African-American teen pregnancy rose slightly last year to 87.1 per 1,000. The number of pregnancies among American Indian teens and other minority groups was too low to calculate reliable rates.
Only a third of teen mothers graduate from high school, and even by age 30, they are often still only earning 58 percent of what non-teen mothers do.
The percentage of low birth-weight babies (less than 2,500 grams) decreased, from 8.3 percent in 2006 to 8.2 percent in 2007. Over the past few decades, low birth weight rates have steadily risen; this is the first decline since 1984.
Teen pregnancy rates declined between 1991 and 2005 but are on the rise again.
Note: Where is the Outcry from North Carolina's Black Leaders on this issue?????
North Carolina's WRAL Documentary on Teen Pregnancy. Part I
Part II of the WRAL Documentary
View Larger Map
Sources: WRAL, Huffington Post, Action for Children, Pro Choice North Carolina, About.com, adoptuskids.org, Starnewsonline, U.S. News & World Report, Guardian.co.uk, Medical News Today, Citizen Times, ANCPR, CWLA, MSNBC, News-record, Newsobserver, OK magazine, law.onecle.com, Childwelfare.gov, dhhs.state.nc.us, NCGA, North Carolina Institute of Medicine, Youtube, Google Maps
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