I recently returned to Charlotte, NC (my current place of residence) after vacationing for a week on Long Island, NY. (Suffolk county)
Brooklyn is my native hometown and usual stomping ground, but this time I decided to spend my money elsewhere. Thus Long Island was selected as this year's pick.
If you've never visited Long Island I encourage you to get there right away and see what the fuss is all about.
Its especially beautiful this time of year.
Clean, quiet, somewhat diverse, an abundance of healthy trees, friendly residents, great (although expensive) public transportation including trains (not subways) that run all night, low crime, plenty of businesses, great schools, etc.,
And....it looks like Charlotte, NC!
Yes, for those who can afford to live there year-round, Long Island is the perfect spot.
So what's the real difference between Charlotte, NC and Long Island, NY?
Everywhere my husband and I ventured while on Long Island, the residents (mostly Caucasian population) welcomed us with open arms and were very kind.
These Northeastern, Wealthy White people treated us (two Blacks) with "Southern Hospitality" so often NOT seen in Charlotte, NC.
In Charlotte such demonstrations of "Southern Hospitality" and warmness is usually only reserved for White residents or White visitors but NOT Black citizens!
Black citizens visiting Charlotte are often treated indifferently even by other Blacks, unless of course those Black visitors are attending events such as the CIAA Basketball tournament (a sports event which attracts Black tourists).
Is it any wonder as to why Bob Johnson blasted Charlotte for being "Small-Minded", "Incestuous" and "Racist" on his way out?
Charlotte's landscape while lovely like Long Island's, can't hide the ugly Racial Discrimination eating away at Charlotte's potential to become a World Class city.
Charlotte (nicknamed the "Queen City") should be equal if not more further along than Atlanta.
What's stopping Charlotte from realizing her true potential?
None other than Racism.
Extreme, Ugly Racism and...Small-Minded Black "Leaders" afraid of helping other Black citizens achieve levels of success equal to that of White citizens.
Deep rooted Racism derived from Charlotte's close alliance with the Klu Klux Klan organization.
Black Leaders stuck in time by accepting and allowing a Willie Lynch Mentality to paralyze them from rescuing Charlotte's Minority community.
Rescuing Charlotte's Minority community from Failure and Obscurity.
Charlotte also lacks the Creativity and Urban Planning necessary for this "diamond in the rough" to step into the 21st Century.
In other words refusing to move forward yet expecting results similar to that of cities like Atlanta, Long Island and New York, NY is ludicrous!
Come on Charlotte where's your Zoo??
Atlanta has an Aquarium and New York City has a Real Zoo!
Where's Charlotte's Aquarium or Zoo?? Come on and get with it!
Isn't it time to catch up to the 21st Century?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
Albert Einstein
For example: Charlotte has a Light Rail system.
(only North Carolina city with a Light Rail system)
This Light Rail system primarily serves which local citizens?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White residents.
The cleaner, more modern city buses service which communities (on time)?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White communities.
Better Paying jobs, mainly Managerial positions, are reserved for which citizens?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White citizens.
Local public schools with More Experienced Teachers and Plenty of Resources are filled with type of students?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White students.
The region's best city & county services (trash collection, low water rates, low heating bills, faster Internet speed, low Cable bill rates, etc.,) are reserved for which communities?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White communities.
Better priced stores (Clothing, Grocery, Retail) with an abundance of Nice Businesses are found in which communities?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White communities.
Bike Trails, Free Wi-Fi, Museums, Nature Trails, Nice Libraries, Nice Parks, Public Swimming Pools, etc., are reserved for which communities?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White communities.
While Crime in Charlotte's Black communities skyrockets, Excellent Public Safety efforts and Effective Neighborhood Partnerships with the region's Police dept. are reserved for which communities?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White communities.
Fair Business Opportunities and Fair Property Taxes are reserved for which citizens?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White residents.
Last but certainly not least, which local communities will probably NEVER see Affordable Housing units constructed within its perimeters?
That's right!
Charlotte's Wealthier, White communities.
On the other hand Progressive cities like Atlanta, Long Island and New York, NY are reaching out to Equally help ALL of their citizens regardless of Ethnicity and Socio-Economic status.
Now I know you would like to rationalize Charlotte's Indifference and Mistreatment of Minority residents by perhaps attributing it to Charlotte's Wealthier, White residents paying higher Property Taxes right?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White residents do NOT pay extra or more for their city/ county services.
In fact many of them pay far less than Charlotte's Minority residents.
How so?
Charlotte's Wealthier, White citizens are allowed to Legally NOT pay their Property Taxes without being penalized or thrown in jail.
Charlotte's Wealthier, White citizens also haven't experienced a Property Tax increase in 7 years, while Charlotte's Minority residents have received a Property Tax increase each year.
I could continue on on but I believe you comprehend what I'm conveying here.
However just in case you didn't get it, Charlotte's Progress is hindered by Extreme Racism.
What a shame!
Isn't it time for this kind of Regional Ignorance to be eliminated forever?
Doesn't Charlotte, NC have a Black Mayor you ask? (Anthony Foxx)
Yes but Mayor Foxx is just a Token with NO teeth.
He wanted the job more or less for personal gain versus wanting to do what's in Charlotte's Best Interest.
If Charlotte doesn't stop such foolishness it will NEVER rise to Atlanta and New York's fame of being World Class cities.
By the way using precious dollars to establish "Collard Green" Museums is NOT going to fix Charlotte's terrible Race Relations & Lack of Creativity issues.
After reading this post please don't tell me to move!
Instead why not channel some of that energy into improving Charlotte-Mecklenburg's status in comparison to other REAL World Class cities?
In the meantime carry on Atlanta, Long Island & New York with your bad selves! And I do mean good!
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Sources: Brainy Quote, Charmeck.org, McClatchy Newspapers, WCNC, Wikipedia, Google Maps

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