There are now Four cities in the running to host the 2012 DNC Convention: Charlotte, Cleveland, Minneapolis or St. Louis.
Charlotte is supposed to be in the "heart of the South" but has NOTHING special to offer Tourists. (Its Boring, Racist and Undeveloped)
Minneapolis boasts the new Twins ballpark, GREAT place for a Thursday night party nomination speech.
St. Louis is located in a Central location and has GREAT facilities. Dems almost won Missouri in 2008.
Word on the street is that Boston Officials are offering to help Charlotte Officials win the 2012 DNC Convention.
However I'm puzzled as why in the world would national Democratic party leaders even dare think about bringing close to a million visitors to such a BORING, Undeveloped Southeastern city running over with Racism?
2012 DNC Convention held in Charlotte? Are you kidding me??
There isn't a darn thing to do in Charlotte, NC!
Charlotte, NC has the illusion of being a Metropolitan city when in fact it's nothing more than a large, small Southern town. (whatever that is)
Trust me I know because I currently reside here.
Here are 12 obvious reasons why Charlotte may NOT be the ideal place to host the 2012 DNC Convention:
1) Every local Restaurant and Business closes early (except Wal-Mart),
2) No Amusement parks or other real Entertainment (i.e., shows, family recreation, etc), except the NASCAR Hall of Fame (expensive redneck entertainment)
3) There's only 1 decent Park in the entire region (Freedom Park)
4) No Zoo, I mean come on! Charlotte's idea of a Zoo is "Discovery Place", ha ha ha.
(You have to see it for yourself)
5) Very High Crime rate. More Homicides this year than ever!
6) Charlotte has a Train (actually a light rail) that travels only to part of the city,
7) 10.5% Sales tax, (Bummer!)
8) There no real Clubs,
9) Very few Black and Hispanic Businesses exist.
10) Charlotte has no place large enough to safely hold close to 1 million visitors in attendance to hear speeches from DNC keynote speakers or the party nominee.
11) Charlotte has a terrible, racially segregated Mass Transit system,
and....(drumroll please)
12) I repeat Charlotte is running over with plenty of Racial Segregation citywide.
That includes Charlotte's Racially Segregated Museums (Betchler, Mint & the Harvey B. Gannt Center for African-American Arts.) and its Public School district.
I kid you not!
"Extremely Racist city" is Charlotte's moniker.
Please don't let the fact that Charlotte has a Black Mayor fool you. He (Mayor Anthony Foxx) is nothing more than a Token Politician elected to satisfy Black Voters, yet he does absolutely NOTHING for Black Voters.
Anthony Foxx is a Sell-Out bought and sold by Charlotte's "good ole boy" White Establishment.
How do I know this to be true?
I live here!
Here's a serious 2012 Campaign platform question for key Democratic Party leaders:
Is a Token Black Mayor in an extremely Racially Segregated city, the Democratic Party's idea of Diversity??
With these crucial facts to consider, why would the DNC allow the 2012 Democratic Convention to be held in Charlotte?
Perhaps Charlotte will be ready to host the DNC Convention in 2016 but definitely NOT in 2012!
Before the 2012 DNC Bid committee makes its final selection as it relates to choosing Charlotte as the host city, I suggest they read this or better yet spend a week in Charlotte, NC.
While DNC officials are visiting "the Queen city" don't just check out the Uptown area or Southpark where wealthy citizens reside but venture on over to Charlotte's Black communities and check out how Charlotte's leaders treat Black Voters.
What will they discover? I repeat its Boring, Racist and Undeveloped!
If I were to choose a Southeastern city to host the 2012 DNC Convention it would probably be Atlanta or better yet Raleigh, NC.
So if Charlotte is knocked out of the running which of the three other cities (Cleveland, Minneapolis & St. Louis) should be selected?
I'd bet my money on Cleveland or Minneapolis.
Hey I'm just saying.
Check out the video and article on Charlotte's bid below.
Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino Offers To Help Charlotte Win 2012 Democratic National Convention
As he returned from a week-long trip to Boston, Mayor Anthony Foxx says Boston's mayor has offered to help Charlotte in its bid for the 2012 Democratic National Convention.
"Mayor Menino offered to extend himself and others in the Boston area to folks who are looking at doing that here in Charlotte to get some lessons learned," Foxx said at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport.
Foxx was in Boston with about 140 city leaders as part of conference sponsored the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, designed to learn from and share ideas with Boston.
Boston hosted the 2004 Democratic Convention where Sen. John Kerry was nominated.
The city of Charlotte has already applied to host the 2012 event. A spokesperson from the DNC tells NewsChannel 36 a decision isn't likely before fall. (The convention is scheduled for the first week in September in 2012.)
Many city leaders have said Charlotte proved it can host an event of that size by welcoming the National Rifle Association in May. Joel Ford, chairman of Mecklenburg County's Democratic Party, says the city is well-positioned to win the bid. "I’m very confidant," he said. "I think the president likes North Carolina, likes Charlotte. Our mayor, Mayor Foxx, has been to the White House a number of times. Our governor is seen favorably. We’ve got some things we need to work out logistically, but I’m pretty excited by it."
Former Mayor Pat McCrory cautions that raising the money necessary to host such an event will be challenging in these economic times. "Just the nomination process, the application process, can cost you about a quarter of a million dollars," he said. "[It can] improve the brand of Charlotte, get the brand known, but it's very expensive, and a lot of work."
National pundits typically list Philadelphia as Charlotte's main competition for the event. St. Louis and Phoenix are also thought to be in the running.
Charlotte has put a team together to try to win the bid. Foxx says Boston's help will be much appreciated. "I think I may go back before the summer is out to try to learn a little more."
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Sources: Biz Journal, Charmeck.org, Demconwatchblog, DNC, Facebook, LA Times, McClatchy Newspapers, Slamonline.com, WCNC, Wikipedia, Google Maps

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