Warren Turner Left Charlotte Police Academy After '88 Harassment Incident, Sources Say
Charlotte City Council member Warren Turner, now at the center of a sexual harassment investigation, withdrew from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Academy in 1988 after internal affairs investigated allegations that he verbally harassed a female recruit, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.
Turner, 46, entered the Charlotte Police Academy in August 1988 and left on Dec. 1, about two weeks before graduation. In 2007, when Turner sought the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Sheriff's position, he said he left the academy because of a "dispute over policy."
Internal affairs interviewed some members of the class who sat near Turner and the female recruit, asking them about allegations that Turner had verbally harassed the woman, according to two recruits of that class who were interviewed by internal affairs.
Later, during an academy class, Turner threatened the female recruit, according to a source who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the situation. That occurred when recruits were having their class photos taken, the source said.
Turner said Thursday "there is no truth to that." Asked why he left the academy, Turner said: "I have the right to leave, or quit, just like everyone else."
Turner's attorney, Eric Montgomery, said it would be a "grave mischaracterization" to say Turner had sexually harassed a recruit.
Asked if Turner had threatened a female recruit, Montgomery said he and Turner didn't have a comment.
"He doesn't want to get into those details," Montgomery said. "Those are private personnel matters."
Montgomery also said Turner resigned from the academy; he was not dismissed.
Turner has been a state probation officer for about 20 years, Montgomery said.
Probation officers, who have arrest powers and are allowed to carry guns, were required two decades ago to have a four-year degree in criminal justice or a related field.
They also had to have one or two years of experience in criminal justice or a related field. They had to pass a physical and drug and psychological screenings.
The City of Charlotte said it couldn't comment on Turner's stay at the academy, other than to give the dates he entered and left. City spokesperson Kim McMillan said the city wouldn't comment due to the state's privacy laws concerning personnel records of employees and on the city attorney's advice.
Craig Huneycutt, who headed the CMPD academy in the fall of 1988 and is now retired, said he has only a "vague recollection" of allegations against Turner. Sam Killman, who was the CMPD chief in 1988, said he doesn't remember any incident involving Turner.
Former CMPD officer Paul Taylor, of Clover S.C., who was in Turner's academy class, said he didn't think Turner did anything wrong. He declined to say if he was interviewed by internal affairs, and to discuss the allegations further.
Turner, a Democrat, was elected to the City Council in 2003. He represents District 3, which covers much of west Charlotte.
The city last week hired attorney Valecia McDowell of the law firm Moore & Van Allen to investigate whether a council member sexually harassed a female staff member.
McDowell is reportedly interviewing at least a dozen elected officials and staff members. Her report will be released in mid-April.
Turner has said repeatedly that he didn't do anything wrong and that no one from the city came to him to discuss the allegation. He has said the investigation is a waste of time and money, and could leave the city vulnerable to a lawsuit.
On March 14, Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx sent an e-mail to all 11 city council members telling them that "sexual harassment ... would not be tolerated."
The e-mail was sent after a female city staff member complained about Turner, according to three city officials with knowledge of the situation.
Human Resources director Tim Mayes told council members last week that an employee came to him with a complaint. He said the employee didn't wish to make a formal complaint, but wanted to alert him. Mayes said he took notes about the complaint.
City Manager Curt Walton then asked Foxx to address council members about the allegation. Foxx said he wanted to have a meeting with city staff and the council member about the allegation, but Walton didn't feel comfortable with that.
Walton said he didn't want to discuss the allegation with a council member because Walton is supervised by the council.
At a budget workshop on March 24, six council members voted to hire an outside investigator. Republican council member Edwin Peacock had proposed instead that Turner and his attorney meet with Walton, Foxx, Mayes and City Attorney Mac McCarley, but that motion was defeated.
In 2007, Turner sought to succeed Mecklenburg County Sheriff Jim Pendergraph, who took a Department of Homeland Security job in Washington, D.C. Mecklenburg commissioners chose Chipp Bailey. During the campaign to replace Pendergraph, questions arose about Turner's departure from the police academy, which he dismissed as a policy dispute.
WBTV reports that Charlotte City Council Member Warren Turner has hired an Attorney to help fight a Sexual Harassment allegation for which he's being accused of.
In addition City Council members are now spending $250. per hour on an outside Private Investigator.
Anthony Foxx constantly harps on about how Charlotte is broke yet he's spending $250. per hour on an outside Private Investigator just to make the victim look bad and to deter a potential lawsuit.
Continue reading to learn how Mayor Anthony Foxx & the Charlotte City Council screwed up what could have been a clean, quiet investigation handled by EEOC & Human Resources Dept. professionals.
Just for the record a Sexual Harassment Complaint doesn't have to be in writing to require an Investigation.
Once an employee approaches a Supervisor or Human Resource Professional and verbally alerts them of the situation, it is at that moment considered a Formal Complaint.
Too bad our elected "dummies" (Charlotte City Council members) didn't already know this.
Now I hope you understand why Charlotte, NC will NEVER trump Atlanta or any other large Metro City.
Charlotte's City Council Members are bungling, country idiots that's why!
If Charlotte's so-called "Leaders" can't take care of a Sexual Harassment Complaint without Corrupting the legal process, than how in the world can they accurately and fairly manage Charlotte's future growth?
Here's a tip for Charlotte's "Leaders":
Stop the Corruption & Inequality than perhaps you'll be able to prove yourselves worthy of real Leadership.
Read on & check out the videos I've embedded to support this post.
Charlotte City Leaders Bungle Sexual Harassment Complaint (Black Female Victim)
Charlotte's City Leaders have completely unprofessionally bungled a recent Sexual Harassment Complaint, which will no doubt make the city liable and open the doors for future Lawsuits.
Who's going to win?
The victim because they tried to circumvent Federal Law by attempting to cover it up.
Is the victim Black or White?
Obviously a Blue Collar or low level Black, Female Charlotte City employee.
How do I know or why does this matter you ask?
Charlotte is an extremely Racist & Small-Minded city.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg's Leaders, including so-called Arrogant Black "Leaders" treat their Black Constituents like dirt, with the exception of individuals who are Fraternity/Sorority friends of those Black "Leaders".
Per Newsweek magazine the State of North Carolina has a long history of intentionally mishandling Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault & Murder cases when the victims are Black Women.
If the victim in this case had been White Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx would have the accused person's (Warren Turner) head chopped off. (I jest)
Isn't Anthony Foxx Black too you ask?
That doesn't matter, he's just a scared Token and a puppet with "no real teeth" or power.
Foxx relies too heavily on Charlotte's "Good Ole Boy" system, allowing himself to be pushed and pulled by Charlotte's White Leaders (like Susan Burgess, Hugh McColl & Mac McCarley).
Because Anthony Foxx was raised in the South (Charlotte) he believes only White Leadership possesses real intellect.
I'd say this incident of trying to hide or cover up a Sexual Harassment complaint, further proves Anthony Foxx is Charlotte's wrong choice of Leader for this region.
(I didn't vote for Foxx during Charlotte's last Mayoral election. Thank goodness!)
In fact we actually need a whole new City Council.
Continue reading to learn more.
Warren Turner and Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx seem to both think they are above Federal Law when it comes to Sexual Harassment Complaints.
Turner has only been accused of Sexual Harassment by a Female City of Charlotte employee but apparently his buddy Mayor Anthony Foxx is attempting to cover up for him by trying to block the Investigation.
I don't know about you but doesn't this appear as if both Warren Turner and Anthony Foxx are trying to cover up this possible incident, destroy the woman's character, frighten her into being quiet or all three?
Destroying a victim's Character seems to be Anthony Foxx's regular defense style.
In fact the entire City Council recently voted to hire a Private Investigator.
no doubt only for the purpose of destroying the victim's reputation and Character.
Who was included in the voting process?
Accused Member Warren Turner!
Can you believe it??
Shouldn't Turner have recused himself from the voting process on this issue?
There are different examples of Sexual Harassment with the most common being Quid Pro Quo, a Latin phrase which means "This for That".
The other most common form of Sexual Harassment usually involves Sexually Offensive Behavior.
So which was it?
Probably Quid Pro Quo as in you scratch my ball head (Turner) and I'll rub your back (the victim).
Wait a minute!
Last time I checked aren't Sexual Harassment complaints protected by the Federal Gov't?
(U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII)
And I mentioned above....
A Sexual Harassment Complaint doesn't have to be in writing to require an Investigation.
Once an employee approaches a Supervisor or Human Resource Professional and verbally alerts them of the situation, it is at that moment considered a Formal Complaint.
If a victim's Employer refuses to comply with Federal Law, the victim can bypass their Employer and file a Sexual Harassment Complaint with the U.S. EEOC's Office directly.
However two of Charlotte's elected "dummies" (Foxx & Turner) somehow foolishly believe they don't have to comply with Federal Law (EEOC) as it relates to properly handling an incident involving Sexual Harassment.
It doesn't matter if you are an Elected Official or not!
Anyone who commits an act of Sexual Harassment is subject to Federal Law.
The victim is protected by Federal Law from Retaliation.
Isn't Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx an Attorney by trade?
Well doesn't he know interfering with a Sexual Harassment complaint for the purpose of covering it up constitutes as a Violation of Federal Law?
I suggest these elected "dummies" (Foxx & Turner) attend Workshops on up-to-date Sexual Harassment Laws.
After all how can you manage an entire City if you aren't knowledgeable about Sexual Harassment and Federal Laws related to Sexual Harassment??
Former Charlotte Pat McCrory would NEVER have done something so Incompetent as attempting to cover up a Sexual Harassment complaint or block an Investigation.
Instead Pat McCrory would have allowed the City of Charlotte's Human Resource Dept and the City's EEOC Dept. to handle such a sensitive matter.
Perhaps Mac McCauley (City of Charlotte's lying Attorney) needs to STOP incorrectly interpreting Laws just to please Charlotte City Council Members (Job Preservation) and really apply the Law as it stands per U.S. Supreme Court Cases.
This is why we need to get rid of our current City Council members and vote in new people who won't be afraid to hire a New City Attorney & New City Manager.
However I'm not surprised about Warren Turner.
He's an Arrogant, Absentee City Council Member who treats his Southwest Charlotte Constituents who reside in the Nations Ford, Arrow wood and Old Pineville road communities like dirt!
I wrote about Warren Turner in a previous post.
Hopefully this dirty expose' on Warren Turner finally means the end of his Political Career, than Southwest Charlotte constituents can vote into Public Office a real district Representative.
One who won't intentionally ignore residents who reside in the Nations Ford, Arrow wood and Old Pineville road communities.
Maybe this Sexual Harassment Investigation against Turner is payback.
As they say in the South "God doesn't like ugly".
Seems Charlotte has become the new "Dirty South" with all these Corruption Cover Ups.
Just like Tiffany Wright's Murder Case Cover Up,
Marcus Jackson's Cover Up and the Charlotte DSS Fraud Cover Up.
In case you weren't aware Charlotte's so-called Black "Leaders" are notorious for Cover Ups when it comes to their Family & Fraternity/Sorority associates.
I smell another Lawsuit being filed against the City of Charlotte don't you?
I also predict Mayor Anthony Foxx will ONLY be a one-term Mayor after this stupid legal screw up.
It doesn't pay to be Arrogant and Slick.
Stay tuned.
Check out Anthony Foxx's attempted Cover Up via the video, Anthony Foxx's & Patrick Cannon's e-mails and the articles below which helps to further prove this is just another Cover Up.
Mayor Anthony Foxx's New E-mail On The Recent Sexual Harassment Issue.
Dear City Council Members:
Last night, we reached unanimous agreement to place on our April 12, 2010 agenda a discussion and vote on whether to initiate a third party investigation. In order to expedite this process, I will exercise my discretion to place this matter at the end of tomorrow's budget workshop agenda.
If the City Council votes in favor of moving forward, this investigation will begin immediately instead of three weeks from now. In addition to the investigation, the action will suggest a review and update of our ethics policies and procedures to ensure that we have clear steps to manage any alleged incidents of misconduct in the future.
I want to thank all of you for cooperating with the process outlined on Thursday and led by Mayor Pro Tem Susan Burgess. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Charlotte City Council Members Suggest Formal Policy On Harassment
Several Charlotte City Council members want to see a policy crafted regarding sexual harassment and the city's elected officials in the wake of an allegation of harassment against a council member.
That allegation was made informally, according to City Manager Curt Walton, and became public after Mayor Anthony Foxx e-mailed the city council members with a reminder not to engage "in any form of sexual harassment towards them."
Walton said no formal complaint was filed. City Attorney DeWitt "Mac" McCarley has said the matter was therefore considered closed.
The city of Charlotte does have a formal policy against harassment for employees of City Manager Curt Walton, but elected officials are not considered city staff.
In an e-mail to other council members obtained by NewsChannel 36 under the NC Open Records Act, councilman Patrick Cannon wrote, "We have discovered that indeed there is no such ordinance that governs elected officials. It's my thought that we as officials are not above the law and should be subjected to the same regulations regarding harassment as the next individual."
Cannon goes on to suggest that council adopt the city's policies against sexual harassment.
Mayor Foxx responded, "The city manager adopted procedures would place staff and council members in an odd spot. If we were to apply those procedures to the city council and if a formal complaint against either is ever filed, staff would be required to investigate and potentially discipline an elected official."
"We're being very intentional to create a process that will be useful in the future," Councilmember Nancy Carter said Tuesday.
"I'm just going to say, for the record, it ain't me. I'm not engaged in this," Cannon said at the city council meeting Monday night, echoing the comments of other city leaders to reporters in recent days. He said, "There is a gray cloud over all the heads" of male council members.
Susan Burgess suggested that city council hire an outside investigator to look into the allegation.
Because the outside investigation was not previously on the agenda for Monday's council meeting, Burgess needed a unanimous vote to have a formal discussion.
Council member Warren Turner blocked immediate action, calling the inquiry "a waste of the taxpayer's money."
In a later interview, Turner said he was not trying to hide anything, but felt the investigation could result in a lawsuit if the employee who made the claim is inadvertently identified.
"I think we very well could be violating people's privacy," Turner told NewsChannel 36. "If they had a private conversation with an individual that did not file a complaint, then it should remain in that context."
Turner later voted with the rest of council to discuss the outside investigation at a meeting on April 12.
City staff and council members have repeatedly emphasized that no formal complaint was ever filed on the matter.
Jenny Sharpe, a Charlotte attorney with a specialty in sexual harassment law, said that should not matter in this case. "There is no distinction between a verbal complaint and a written complaint."
However, Sharpe said she believes the mayor's e-mail was effective, legally speaking. She said a formal investigation would close the door on any liability for the city of Charlotte.
"Liability ceases once the harassment stops, so if the employer can show that it has taken prompt and effective remedial action under the circumstances and that there is a cessation of the conduct, then liability ceases for the employer," Sharpe said.

Anthony Foxx's First Sexual Harassment Cover Up E-mail:
Dear City Council Members:
We owe the citizens of Charlotte our very best effort every day, and I appreciate all of you for your investment of time and energy in making our city a better place. The responsibility, of course, extends to our personal treatment of staff as well, including not engaging in any form of sexual harassment towards them. Any such behavior cannot and will not be tolerated by me, our City Council or the public we serve, and I ask you to keep that in mind.
For those of you traveling to Washington D.C. this week, I wish you safe travels and a productive series of meetings with our congressional leaders and others.
Best always,
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Sources: WBTV, WCNC, McClatchy Newspapers, Newsweek, EEOC.gov, Charmeck.org, Google Maps

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