Homicide detectives are investigating a quadruple homicide after four bodies were found inside a Southwest Charlotte (Warren Turner's district) condo complex.)
Charlotte police identify two of the four people killed in Southwest Charlotte (Warren Turner's district).
Earlier this evening Charlotte City Councilman Warren Turner was shot at in Southwest Charlotte while performing his duties as a NC State Probation Officer.
Although I'm glad he wasn't wounded or killed, the person shooting at him was probably angry due to Councilman Turner being an Absentee District Representative.
Now don't get me wrong on this one because I would never suggest or encourage Civil Disobedience in the name of doing harm to a Politician or anyone else for that matter, however...
I am demanding that Warren Turner explain to his Constituents why he is an Absentee Politician.
This is a man who spent $10,846. in Taxpayer money last year for "Political Job-Related" travel expenses but yet does absolutely NOTHING at all for his district (3).
In fact were it not for former Mayor Pat McCrory (Republican), Constituents of Southwest Charlotte wouldn't even have access to the Light Rail System.
So you think I'm exaggerating or just blowing hot air when I say that Councilman Turner does absolutely NOTHING for his Constituents?
Ok, I challenge you to drive through his district (3) and tell me what you observe.
That's okay I'll do it for you:
No Economic Development
No Jobs
No paved roads (Except for a few half-paved ones. Terrible work!)
Hardly any sidewalks
High Property Taxes
High Crime
Poor Schools
No After School Programs
No Parks for Children
Nothing Constructive! Nothing Positive! Nothing Beautiful.
Yet this Public Servant used Taxpayer money ($10,846) for "Political Job-Related Trips" last year!!
How can you use almost $11,000 in Taxpayer money for "Political Job-Related" travel expenses if your NOT representing the Constituents in your district or doing anything Constructive for your district??
Now that Anthony Foxx (Democrat) is Charlotte's new Mayor sadly enough I don't expect to see much of a difference in Turner's district (3).
This includes investing Stimulus money into Turner's district.
Foxx only appears to care about Charlotte's Elite and Wealthy constitutents, not Middle Class or Low Income citizens.
Except when its time for Re-election and he needs their votes.
Just another clear example of Crooked, Self-serving North Carolina Democrats and Public Corruption.
Councilman Turner how dare you even have the nerve to show your face in Southwest Charlotte (HIS DISTRICT)!
Why do you keep running for Public Office anyway?
Oh I get it! Prestige and extra cash.
The only reason Councilman Warren Turner continues to be re-elected is because his Constituents are too poor to run against him, so he basically wins by default.
He doesn't even campaign! He just wins by default.
Councilman Turner Sir I'm relieved you weren't wounded or killed but I'm extremely displeased with your lackadaisical, complacent, non-caring attitude and terrible job performance for the Constituents of Southwest Charlotte.
You should be ashamed of yourself!
Don't you care about your Constituents?
No of course not. He just cares about having his name in lights and spending Taxpayer money.
City councilman shot at
Charlotte City Councilman Warren Turner, who works as a N.C. probation officer, was shot at Friday as he went on a routine probation visit in southwest Charlotte, sources said.
Turner, a Democrat from District 3 who ran unopposed in Tuesday's election, wasn't injured. He briefly pursued but lost the man who shot at him.
Police arrested 18-year-old Derrick Alan Daniels in connection with the incident shortly afterward. The charges against him haven't yet been released.
During the incident, a man could be heard screaming over the police radio: "I am 10-4, I am 10-4," police code for affirmative, or OK. The man then gave a description of a suspect car, which he said was headed toward Interstate 77 near Tyvola Road.
Turner has been a city councilman since 2003. He heads the community safety committee, which oversees the fire and police departments.
According to one source, Turner was headed to a house in the Windsong Trail neighborhood on a routine probation visit when he approached two men. One man began shooting, then ran and fled in a tan car. Turner followed the man in his own car but lost him and radioed for help.
Reached on his cell phone early Friday evening, Turner didn't deny his involvement in the incident, but declined to comment.
City Council halves travel budget: Though the cut is a small amount, members say it's in sympathy with city workers facing pay freezes.
The City Council is scheduled to adopt a budget Monday that includes a cut in a personal spot: Their travel expenses.
Currently, the travel budget for the mayor and council is $50,790. Between July 2008 and May, about 90 percent of it had been spent. The fund generally pays for the mayor
and council members to attend city-related conferences and events held around the country by organizations such as the National League of Cities.
The council voted Wednesday to cut the travel fund in half, to $25,395.
The reduction represents a fraction of the city manager's proposed $1.78 billion budget. But Councilman John Lassiter called it a symbolic gesture in line with the pay freeze city employees will endure in the coming year.
It was a tight contest, with five of eleven members opposed to the cut -- Democrats Susan Burgess, Warren Turner, Patsy Kinsey, Nancy Carter and James Mitchell. Burgess argued that council members' participation in national organizations increases the chances that conferences will be held in Charlotte, bringing money to the local economy.
"I think this is not the time to keep us from going to the (National League of Cities) and the (North Carolina League of Municipalities)," she said.
Five supported the cut -- Republicans Lassiter, Andy Dulin and Warren Cooksey, and Democrats Michael Barnes and Anthony Foxx. Republican Councilman Edwin Peacock was absent, and Republican Mayor Pat McCrory broke the tie.
To be sure, some council members travel more than others. The top travel spender this year was Mitchell, who spent $11,378, followed by Warren Turner, who spent $10,846.
Mitchell said his bills were high this year in part because he spent a week in Orlando, Florida, lobbying for a spot in line to be president of the National League of Cities. He won the officer's seat, which means that the organization -- not the city -- now pays for his league-related travel.
It also means that in two years, Mitchell will be president of the organization, and he hopes to bring the league's conference to Charlotte in 2015, he said. He said it also gives him an opportunity to publicize Charlotte and its successes.
"I'm in a very visible role now," he said.
Turner could not be reached Friday.
In addition to adopting the fiscal 2010 budget, the City Council is scheduled to vote Monday on a matter that could determine whether two pygmy goats are allowed to live in an uptown neighborhood.
The owner of the goats, Jeff Koenig, hopes the council will exempt them from a current quarter-acre pasture requirement. He says they have plenty of room to graze on weeds at his Fourth Ward townhome.
But some of his neighbors object to the goats, and community leaders around the city are worried that a change to the city rules would encourage people to bring livestock and other farm animals into their urban neighborhoods.
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Sources: McClatchy Newspaper, Charlotte Observer, Allbusiness.com, Charmeck.org, WCNC, Youtube, Google Maps

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