Newark, NJ's murder rate is down.
Kudos to Mayor Corey Booker!
On the other hand Charlotte, NC’s Crime and Murder rates continue to rise.
Let’s see Newark is located in the heavily Diverse yet densely populated Northeastern United States, while Charlotte rests in the South with a population of less than 1 million people and is much less Diverse.
Could it be that Mayor Booker actually knows what he's doing?
Charlotte city officials are trying to pretend Crime is decreasing, however area residents can't be fooled.
We know that Crime within the Charlotte-Mecklenburg region is actually getting worse!
Its Official folks!
Charlotte is now the new "Dirty South"!
Hey I’m just saying, please don't hate the messenger.
Instead of becoming offended (Charlotte's local "leaders") why not channel your energies into lowering the Crime rate?
Check out the videos, articles and survey results below than reach your own conclusions about Charlotte's Crime statistics.
Newark, NJ Records First Homicide-Free Month In More Than 40 Years
For the first time in more than 40 years, an entire calendar month has come and gone without a homicide in the state’s largest city.
It's been 32 days since a homicide took place in Newark, marking the first time there has been a slay-free calendar month in the city since 1966.
Police Director Garry McCarthy said he hopes to best a 43-day period from March to April of 2008, the longest span of time without a slaying in the city since 1961. Ten homicides have occurred in Newark since Jan. 1, and none have taken place in the South Ward, long believed to be Newark's most dangerous section.
The first-quarter homicide total is the same as last year's, and the second-lowest in Newark since 1941. There were only eight reported shootings in Newark in March, and aggravated assaults, robberies, carjackings and other major crime rates are all down for the first-quarter of 2010 compared to their 2009 totals.
The statistical quarter, which spans the first thirteen weeks of the year, officially ended on March 28th.
Forbes.com Ranks Charlotte, N.C. 14th Most Dangerous City
(Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, N.C.-S.C. metropolitan statistical area)
Population: 1,635,133
Violent Crimes per 100,000: 721
To determine our list, we used violent crime statistics from the FBI's latest uniform crime report, issued in 2008.
The violent crime category is composed of four offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault.
We evaluated U.S. Metropolitan statistical areas--geographic entities defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for use by Federal agencies in collecting, tabulating and publishing federal statistics--with more than 500,000 residents.
Survey Reveals Charlotte's Crime Problem Is Not Improving
Respondents to a survey organized by a Charlotte community organization disagree with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police statistics showing a dropping crime rate in the city.
About 80 percent of the approximately 500 people who participated in the survey said the crime problem in Charlotte is either unchanged or has gotten worse over the past two years.
The study was conducted in recent weeks by Neighbors For A Safer Charlotte, a grassroots organization founded in April 2008.
Their study results contrast with a steady stream of monthly crime statistics from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, showing -- for the most part -- that the crime rate has been dropping over the past 12 to 18 months. Earlier this week, CMPD statistics through March showed the overall crime rate is down 15 percent since the same time a year ago.
The survey results show that if CMPD statistics are correct, the perception among residents is that crime remains a big problem.
Respondents did not fall into the "lock-them-up-and-throw-away-the-key" category, as most of them said they support more mental health and substance abuse programs -- and said they believe only violent offenders should be put in jail.
Here are results from some of the organization's questions:
How much of a problem do you feel crime is in the Charlotte area?
75% rated it "serious" or "very serious"
In the past two years, has crime in Charlotte increased, stayed the same, or decreased?
42% said it is worse. Another 38% said it has remained the same.
Do you own a gun for protection?
31% said they owned a gun. Another 18 percent said they are considering buying one.
Which factors tend to increase the crime problem locally?
91% said gang and drug activity.
83% said the absence of a responsible parent or role model tends to increase crime activity among juveniles.
75% said lenient sentencing equals more crime.
50% said racial tensions were not likely to contribute to crime.
Not rated as significant factors were unemployment and poverty, and the lack of a police presence.
Have the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County done enough to deal with the crime problem?
79% said more needs to be done.
Are the courts too lenient or too tough?
78% said they are too lenient.
Do you plan to vote in the District Attorney race in November?
91% said they plan to vote in that contest.
What would help solve the crime problem?
96% said tougher sentencing.
88% said more programs for juveniles outside regular school hours.
85% said more mental health and substance abuse programs.
70% said only violent offenders should be incarcerated.
Charlotte's McClintock Middle School Mourns 13-Year-Old Murder Victim
The locker where Na’Jhae Parker would have put her textbooks was covered with pictures, signs, and letters to a murdered friend Wednesday.
“We love Na’Jhae Faith Parker!” one read. “RIP Na’Jhae,” another said.
“Even though this is her first year here, she’s just made a ton of friends and is extremely well-liked by students and certainly by her teachers,” McClintock Principal Pam Espinosa said. She and other staff spent the day counseling students, alongside extra counselors brought in by Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools.
“By the time word actually got out to the kids, we had counselors here,” Espinosa said.
Police say Na’Jhae’s father 33-year-old Kenneth Chapman stabbed her to death about two weeks ago. He also suffocated her 1-year-old sister and left their bodies in an upstairs bedroom of the family’s apartment on Providence Square Drive. He had killed their mother, Nateesa Chapman, in another apartment on Via Romano Drive a day earlier.
After two weeks of hiding his crimes, he shot himself when police came to investigate early Monday morning. Two surviving children are living with family.
Espinosa said Na’Jhae’s mother and stepfather were involved in the school. They attended parent teacher conferences and took a parenting class early in the school year.
Espinosa said when Na’Jhae did not show up at school, a counselor called her home. Her stepfather said she was ill and might be absent for some time. A nurse followed up a week later.
Dr. Peter Gorman says protocol was followed correctly.
“You feel like your first job is to keep your children safe and then when something happens, you examine ‘Is there anything I could have done,’ Espinosa said. “No matter what it is you still feel a level of responsibility.”
Counselors are also available at Lansdowne Elementary. The 10-year-old daughter who survived the ordeal attends Lansdowne.
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Sources: Charmeck.org, Forbes.com, Fox News, McClatchy Newspapers, Neighbors For a Safer Charlotte, NJ.com, Rachel Maddow Show, USA Today, WCNC, Facebook, Youtube, Google Maps

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