Pres. Obama is intentionally ignoring North Carolina Democrats' extreme Corruption and using Partisan politics in exchange for votes (Kay Hagan's Health Care Vote & 2012)?
It sure seems that way.
Jim Black, John Edwards, Harry Jones, Anthony Foxx, Jennifer Roberts, Park Helms, Peter Gorman, Tony Rand, Mike Easley & Gov. Bev Perdue.
I've listed the names of 10 Influential North Carolina citizens (all Democrats) whose questionable (Political Corruption) are being totally ignored by the Federal Gov't under Obama's administration.
What questionable, political corrupt actions am I referring to?
Here's 50 examples of what's really going on in North Carolina:
(Its quite possible Obama's Administration has ordered the Mainstream Media NOT to report this stuff probably as a result of some type of deal he made with either Gov. Bev Perdue or Senator Kay Hagan.)
1) Early releases from Federal Prison (Jim Black not African-American Inmates),
2) Crooked Campaign Finance deals, possible stolen Elections (ACORN helped NC in 2008), Unnecessary Gerrymandered Districts (12th), pushing or forcing Straight Ticket Voting from Minority Low Income citizens who are treated the worse in North Carolina (Democrats),
3) Not spending NC Education Lottery money on Education,
4) Extreme Racial Discrimination within the NC Job Market, Criminal Justice System and Education System,
5) Very Strong Allegations of Insider Trading by NC Senators,
6) Crooked Health Care deals with NC Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS raised its rates again this year),
7) Not reporting Campaign Flights to the State Board of Elections,
8) NC Politicians involved in Serious Conflict of Interest as it relates to Employment and Lobbying,
9) No-Bid Medicaid Contracts to Corrupt companies whose products may cause Deaths for Low Income, Senior Citizen Diabetes patients,
10) Spending Federal Stimulus Money on Political Favor projects (Cocaine research on Monkeys) instead of Real Jobs,
11) Re-Segregating Public Schools (Civil Rights Violation),
12) Huge Achievement Gaps & Disparities in Education between White and Minority Students (Civil Rights Violations),
13) Using Black Foster Care children to secure more Federal Revenue but not using the funding on those children,
14) DSS Funding Embezzlement by NC DSS employees (more than $100,000.),
15) Food Stamp Fraud by Charlotte DSS employees,
16) ABC Board bribes,
17) Serious Alcohol Law Violations,
18) Serious Misuse of Authority,
19) Illegally Firing Qualified, High Performing Teachers from Low Income Schools to save jobs for Teachers in Wealthy White Schools,
20) Medicaid Fraud by State Officials ($300 Million intentional Overbilling from NC Doctors & Hospitals),
21) DMV employees conducting Illegal Wiretapping and selling Driver Licenses,
22) Appointing Federal Judgeships in exchange for other favors,
23) Sheriff Deputies scrubbing Criminal Records for Sexual Favors,
24) Continuing to hire outside Contractors (Chicago based)even after Gov. Perdue promised to give NC Contractors first priority,
25) Creating Jobs for Politicians' spouses during Hiring Freezes after the vacancy is advertised for just one day,
26) Only collecting Taxes from the Middle Class & Low Income citizens, while allowing North Carolina's Wealthy White citizens and Businesses to forgo paying their taxes,
27) Only raising property taxes in NC Communities heavily populated by Black and Hispanic citizens,
28) Allowing Violent Federal Ex-Convicts on Probation to adopt Black Foster Care Children,
29) Trying to cover up deaths of Black Foster Care Children in order to save jobs of Black NC DSS Fraternity/ Sorority friends of NC Politicians,
30) Firing White DSS Social Workers to save jobs of Black Social Workers who are friends of NC Politicians, (Reverse Discrimination is still illegal)
31) Not awarding NC State Contracts to Minorities,
32) Continuing to award State Contracts to Contractors with records of Shoddy Products, Terrible Service and many Consumer complaints,
33) Luring Companies to North Carolina by promising them they can pay employees very low salaries and don't have to pay Taxes,
34) Cooking the numbers of North Carolina's Public School Drop Out rates especially among Minority Students who are currently receiving an Inferior Education,
35) Securing millions in Federal money for Homelessness Prevention but using it for other purposes and letting Homeless citizens freeze to death on the streets,
36) North Carolina Law Enforcement Officials refusing to provide the same protection for Minority citizens (Greensboro, N.C. A & T Students) as they do for White citizens and not sending out Amber Alerts for missing Black Children right away versus immediate responses for missing White Children,
37) Refusing to collect Child Support for Black Children (Charlotte) while doing so wonderfully for White Children,
38) Using Credit History as an excuse NOT to hire Black Job Applicants but doing the exact opposite for White Job Applicants,
39) Allowing serious Housing Discrimination to take place and dismissing numerous Complaints about Violations from Minority citizens on this issue,
40) Allowing Developers to build Shoddy homes for Minority citizens & Minority Homebuyers (Charlotte),
41) Intentionally sending raggedy City Buses into Minority communities but sending out nice, well-maintained buses to White communities while ALL riders pay the same fares (Charlotte). In Black communities the buses are often late or fail to even arrive thus hindering many Low Income people from getting to work on time.
Also securing Federal DOT & Mass Public Transportation Funding but only investing it in North Carolina's Wealthy White or Pre-Dominantly White communities,
42) Allowing North Carolina City Councils to make risky investments in the Stock Market using Taxpayer money,
43) Using Federal Neighborhood Revitalization Funds only in NC's White Communities and intentionally leaving Black Communities out of City Planning (except for West Charlotte where many Low Income Straight Ticket Voters live),
44) Giving Black Youth Life Sentences for committing Non-Homicidal, Non-Drug Related offenses while giving White Offenders much less jail sentences for committing worse crimes,
45) North Carolina Media organizations refusing to publish and report FACTS instead citizens keep getting Partisan Propaganda from the state's Corrupt Democrat party,
46) North Carolina Media organizations refusing to publish and report FACTS instead citizens keep getting Partisan Propaganda from the state's Corrupt Democrat party,
47) Allowing Bank of America to Foreclose on thousands of homes owned by Minority citizens. How? BOFA officials intentionally ignore or lose Loan Modification Applications,
48) Giving North Carolina's Black Colleges much less money than pre-dominantly White student populated Colleges & providing Financial Aid to fewer Black College Students than White College Students,
49) Refusing to provide Mental Health Counseling for Low Income Minority citizens. I'm NOT speaking of locking up people. Instead I'm referring to providing Mental Health Counseling to stop Child Abuse, Drug addictions, Alcoholism, etc.,
In North Carolina White citizens often receive State-Funded Mental Health Counseling, while Black citizens are sentenced to Prison.
50) Encouraging Low Income Women to have Abortions or to have more babies out of wedlock, in order to help secure more Federal Funding from the U.S. Dept of HHS.
As you can see North Carolina Politicians within the Democrat Party can do whatever they please without any real consequences, unless your Black.
For Black North Carolina Democrats they may get a pass, they might not.
It depends upon how low their willing to go as it relates to selling out the North Carolina Black Community to help White constituents.
I'll ask again, is Pres. Barack Obama intentionally ignoring North Carolina Corruption in hopes of gaining an endorsement for his 2012 re-election bid and in exchange for Senator Kay Hagan's Health Care Vote?
Since Democrats reign in North Carolina politics, I'm speaking of Political and Public Corruption from Democrat Politicians.
I find it strange the Federal Gov't is suddenly no longer getting involved while all of this obvious Corruption is being committed by NC Politicians and State Officials (all Democrats).
Under President Bush's Administration NC Corruption was being cleaned up, however strangely since Pres. Obama has been in Office, the FBI Investigations have slowed considerably and NO one else is being prosecuted regardless of what they do (except Low Income Black citizens).
Perhaps its because he has cut a deal with North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue to look the other way if she and other Influential Dems will endorse his next campaign.
Maybe this explains why so many North Carolina Democrat and Independent Voters will be voting for Republicans come November 2010 and in 2012.
Check out the videos and article below to learn just how Corrupt North Carolina has become under Democrat Leadership.
Media Worried Corruption In North Carolina Might Cost Democrats Votes
"Never before have you seen an allegation of corruption going that close to the governor's office in modern history."
So said a Democratic consultant in North Carolina reacting to the latest casualty in the ongoing investigation of former governor Mike Easley.
The scandal has brought down Easley's wife, bankrupted his coffers, disgraced a state university, and now, most recently, set federal charges of extortion against Easley's own closest assistant - with more and more signs pointing back to Easley's doorstep.
How did the national media react to the latest turn? By burying the details and then complaining about citizens who might vote Republican as a result of the scandal.
To see the full scope of corruption afoot, behold this disturbing account from CBS's Raleigh affiliate last Friday:
The laundry list of charges facing a top aide to former Gov. Mike Easley could mean that federal investigators are mounting a serious case against Easley, a former federal prosecutor and a former FBI agent said Friday.
A grand jury on Thursday indicted Ruffin Poole, who was Easley's top aide and legal counsel during the governor's two terms in office, on 51 counts of extortion, bribery, racketeering, mail fraud and money laundering.
Easley isn't named in the indictment, but observers said the level of detail in the 64-page indictment show that investigators have interviewed witnesses extensively and might have made deals with some as they continue to work on the case.
"The U.S. Attorney's Office came down with a sledgehammer here," said Dan Boyce, a Raleigh lawyer who spent seven years as a federal prosecutor.
The indictment noted that Poole became known among Easley's top contributors as "Little Governor" because he was the person tasked with resolving any problems donors faced with state regulators and with lining up appointments for them to serve on state boards and commissions.
Sounds pretty bad - unless you're the Washington Post. That news outlet chose to cover the indictment in quite a different tone:
"Never before have you seen an allegation of corruption going that close to the governor's office in modern history," Crone said.
In previous election years, the corruption associated with Black and Wright didn't bleed over into other legislative districts by hurting the prospects of other Democratic incumbents just by association. It shouldn't happen this year, either, Hackney said.
"I don't see how Ruffin Poole's indictment affects somebody running for a House seat in eastern North Carolina if there's no direct connection," said Gary Pearce, a Democratic strategists who used to work with former four-term Gov. Jim Hunt.
Hackney and other Democrats are hopeful the economy will turn around by the November elections so they'll have some more positive things to talk about with voters.
So you see, even though federal agents exposed systematic corruption all over the state, Easley and Poole don't reflect anything bad about the Democratic party, and shouldn't be lumped in with other Democrats.
Except for the fact that before this all came out, Easley was a powerful Democrat who was known for his influence as a superdelegate.
Back in 2008 when Barack Obama had grand ambitions of winning key states in the Bible belt, Easley was almost a rock star.
In May of that year, the NY Times used its blog to ooze about his "powerful endorsement" in the primary. US News called him a "coveted" recruit. Over at Politico, Ben Smith gushed that Easley was a "meaningful ally" with "a popular name and a symbolic validation."
Easley spent all of 2008 hobnobbing with DNC brass, even traveling to Chicago for a meeting with Obama. Democrats treated him like royalty, and the mainstream media couldn't get enough of him.
Of course, if Easley had been governor of a state no one cared about, the Democrats might have been more pro-active about shunning him. Even before North Carolina held its primary, signs of corruption had begun to trickle out:
Several media organizations sued Gov. Mike Easley on Monday, claiming his administration has routinely flouted the state's public records law by deleting official e-mails.
The suit seeks a court order preventing state employees from deleting government e-mails and requiring officials to ensure that people in their departments comply with the state public records law.
The e-mail debate has raged in the weeks since a fired Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman said Easley's administration had an unwritten policy to delete e-mails daily.
Easley was already viewed with suspicion for his botched handling of the Mike Nifong Duke lacrosse fiasco. As the email story broke, voters inside the state became increasingly disconnected from the fawning adoration in the national media.
The email fiasco was the beginning of a massive unraveling. As more revelations appeared, Democrats reacted...by not doing anything. Easley kept his seat as a superdelegate, and party loyalists in NC defended him to the end.
In May 2009, federal agents arrived to address the growing accusations. The Associated Press covered it with a bland report that mentioned his party affiliation at the very end:
The state Board of Elections is investigating at least 25 trips that Easley took on private jets after The News & Observer of Raleigh reported that he didn't pay for some flights.
The Democrat stepped down earlier this year because term limits prevented him from running again. He is now a partner at a law firm.
Easley did not immediately return a telephone message.
That was it. A year after being the center of attention, Easley's status as a Democrat was suddenly a footnote, a detail that wasn't important to the story.
By June, Easley's wife Mary was removed from a cushy job at NC State University, along with three prominent leaders of the school who resigned, under exploding suspicion the job had been a campaign gift.
The Associated Press covered the story by promoting school officials who called it a "distraction." The piece managed to talk about the Easley couple - and longtime Democrat Erskine Bowles who runs the UNC system - without a single mention of the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Just a few months later in October, Easley was fined by the Board of Elections in an official tribunal. Apparently those "distractions" had been illegal. The Greensboro News and Record reported that the Democratic party was also held responsible:
Already, federal prosecutors have used a grand jury to probe Easley's dealings while in office. Judging by subpoenas and witnesses connected to those hearings, the probe extends beyond campaign finances.
But the elections board was focused on whether Easley or his campaign intentionally skirted a variety of campaign finance laws. In its ruling on Friday, the board said the state Democratic Party, the Easley campaign committee and Easley himself bear some level of responsibility.
The mainstream media basically ignored this development altogether. This once "powerful" and "popular" trendsetter among Democrats was now just an obscure governor who had nothing to do with national politics.
Three months after the Board of Election tribunal, enter the indictment of Poole. Finally faced with indisputable proof of statewide corruption, the media have no choice but to report the story - not to ask why Democrats keep ending up on trial, but to pout because Republicans are getting an advantage.
The Easley scandal is a prime example of how the media love Democrats who are useful in winning elections, but suddenly disinterested when that same person embarrasses the Democrat party. Mike Easley was a darling, a celebrity, and a mover and shaker, until he became a liability.
Oh, and lest the media try to convince you it ends with Poole, check out this little detail about Beverly Purdue, the current sitting governor of NC:
Since last summer, the campaign has uncovered a total of 31 flights aboard private planes that were previously unreported. The donors who provided 21 of the flights have been reimbursed, while the others were included on amended campaign finance reports as in-kind contributions.
The combined value of the 31 flights was more than $25,400.
State campaign finance laws forbid corporate donations to candidates and limit individual contributions to $4,000 per election cycle.
Campaign treasurer Oscar Harris said that campaign officials have been auditing Perdue's campaign finances after the campaign shifted to a new software program. The officials have come across the previously unreported flights in the process, he said.

Cindy Brady vs. Jennifer Roberts
That is what the county’s DSS investigation has come down to at this point. It is also pretty obvious that Brady and county audit director Cornita Spears were essentially pitted against each other by County Manager Harry Jones. Jones is emerging as a very manipulative figure in this sorry episode.
Brady’s account of the disputed spending was kept from Spears, the very person the county charged with finding out what happened to the money. On top of that, Jones then suspended Spears for not knowing about the $33,000 restitution/repayment that someone still unknown — the only logical candidate is Brady — made to the county.
At this point I believe Jones and probably DSS head Mary Wilson knew full well about the $33K mystery money and threw Spears under a bus to further confuse matters. The important point is that Spears now says that over $100,000 cannot be accounted for from the Giving Tree program. And for her part, Brady credibly alleges that the county never really cared how the money was spent or documented.
Meanwhile, the county continues to hide behind personnel laws in an effort to keep facts away from the public. In fact, I think Jones suspended Spears precisely in an attempt to shroud her audit and the facts around it behind the “personnel matters” dodge.
In any event, the time is long past for Roberts and her fellow commissioners to demand answers from Jones. Not join him in a further whitewashing of this matter. State law gives the commission the power to waive — in order to preserve public confidence in the operation of county government — any confidentiality shields that otherwise might be in place. The time has come for our elected leaders to take that step.
Or we go get new elected leaders next year.
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Sources: Civitas Institute, The State, WRAL, McClatchy Newspapers, Meck Deck Blog, John Locke Foundation, Conservative Blog Watch, Recovery.gov, WCNC, Youtube, Google Maps

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