The articles below help to prove that not only are many of Charlotte Politicians corrupt but that the Charlotte Observer has also now become a part of North Carolina's extreme Public Corruption too.
Information about DSS Fraud probe e-mails exposing Public Corruption within Charlotte-Mecklenburg's Dept of DSS (as it relates to how Foster Care Children funding is being wasted NOT used for children in the program) was not released to Charlotte Voters until AFTER the Mayoral election because it may have affected the outcome of election results.
This is really sad because Newspapers are NOT supposed to be Biased in their reporting practices.
Nor are they supposed to play mind games with their readers to help sway Political Elections.
They are supposed to report the TRUTH regardless of what implications may occur after doing so.
For Charlotte Observer staff to have used their Media Influence for evil, either newspaper "bigwigs" were being paid heavily or someone with a lot of Political Power persuaded them NOT to expose anymore information about Charlotte-Meck. DSS Fraud until AFTER the Charlotte Mayoral election.
No further worries from me on this subject because I'm moving.
I refuse to remain under the leadership of a Corrupt, Irresponsibly run City-County government.
While its true no city is perfect, I choose not to remain in a city that's obviously going to end up like Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago (Inner City) or South Central Los Angeles.
Furthermore I also don't believe that Blacks from the Deep South can become competent, honest Leaders unless they have relocated to other regions, i.e., North (New York), Washington, DC, New England or California for the purpose of changing their mentality.
Blacks from Virginia are the exception to this rule because Virginia is NOT located in the Deep South.
Stop Hating because you know I'm speaking what's real on this issue.
When Blacks choose to remain in the Deep South they become Willie Lynch minded, Extremely Selfish and often very Corrupt.
Thus they end up being totally ineffective to help their race.
Just because a Southern Black citizen becomes Well-Educated doesn't mean they can't still be Willie Lynch minded.
Why do you think the Charlotte Observer endorsed Anthony Foxx?
The Charlotte Observer doesn't really want Minority Citizens to rise up and be FREE.
Their endorsement of Foxx was just a farce and a trick to fool Southern Black Voters who don't read the issues of what a Political Candidate is running on.
The Charlotte Observer wants Minority Citizens to remain Slave Minded.
So that they can continue to control them, use them and keep them at the bottom of Society.
That's why they endorsed a Black Man (Anthony Foxx) already programmed to help tear down, step on his own race especially Low Income and Middle Class Black Voters. (Just like Harvey Gantt. Sue Myrick called him out and she was right!)
In some cases people like Anthony Foxx will even disown their Blood Cousins (Real Cousins as in DNA Blood Test Cousins) if it means getting what he or she wants.
As I've mentioned previously people like Harvey Gantt and Anthony Foxx ONLY mingle with Low Income Black Voters or Middle Class Black Voters when they want to be elected or re-elected to Public Office. That's It!
At least that's the way it is in Charlotte, NC
("Let's face it, the reality is the Poorest of the poor are not the most outstanding Political Constituency to appeal to,” said architect Harvey Gantt, who was mayor 1983-1987. “So there have to be people who care about that problem at some political risk." Harvey Gantt...May 2009 (Charlotte Observer)
Do Charlotte's Black Leaders speak up for Black Children attending our district's failing Public Schools? No! By the way where's Arne Duncan?
Do Charlotte's Black Leaders speak up for Black Children being abused, raped or mistreated in North Carolina's Foster Care system? No!
Do Charlotte's Black Leaders speak up for Black Children frequently being killed while in North Carolina's Foster Care system? No!
However these same so-called Black "Leaders" are quick to vote YES for building more jails in which to imprison Black Children and Youth.
What about the NAACP or Congressional Black Caucus?
Please! Neither of those organizations are helping to equalize the playing field between White America and Minority Citizens. Instead they've become Social Clubs for America's Black Elite.
Which is why I think both the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus should be disbanded.
After all why remain in existence if your no longer effective or relevant right?
Perhaps you think I'm preaching or encouraging RACISM or Division?
No Way!
I'm just educating America to the inner workings of Charlotte's Black Political Community.
Think I'm exaggerating or expressing sour grapes because my candidate John Lassiter (Rep) didn't win?
Surely I must be lying because Charlotte recently opened an African-American History Museum right?
Please! That's just for show. Its more or less a shrine to Harvey Gantt. I don't worship other human beings.
What about a shrine to former mayor Pat McCrory (Rep) who's done more for Charlotte than any other mayor in Charlotte's political history?
If you think I'm lying or exaggerating drive through Southwest Charlotte (Nations Ford & Arrow wood Roads), West Charlotte, Northwest Charlotte Charlotte and East Charlotte.
Those are Charlotte communities with the largest population of Minority (Blacks & Hispanics) citizens, than tell me how much decent Economic Development you observed.
While your on that little stroll tell me how many Parks, Recreational Centers, Nature trails, Decent Small Businesses or Nice Schools you observed.
Betcha I can tell you how many Liquor stores and Chicken Joints I observed.
Don't worry I'm moving.
People like myself are considered an outcast within Charlotte's new culture because I won't conform to this extreme Public Corruption.
What does "Conform" mean to Charlotte's Black Leaders actively involved in North Carolina's Public Corruption?
It means ignore what you see or know and keep your mouth shut, unless you wish to experience Severe Retaliation.
I can't because I care. I've always cared. Just because I'm not super wealthy or don't possess a Law degree or PH.D. doesn't mean I don't care. Nor does it mean I along with many other constituents can't help cure what ails Charlotte's problems.
Case in point the Charlotte City Council recently stole my Project H.O.P.E. idea (Homelessness Prevention), obtained Stimulus Funding for it and still hasn't given me any credit.
That's okay because I have legal evidence proving its my original idea.
Many of you are probably saying "good riddance" to my departure, however I bet you won't be saying that two years from now.
Am I angry? No.
Am I bitter. No.
Disappointed but definitely not angry or bitter. Life is too short to harbor such destructive emotions.
Charlotte, NC your going to be sorry. Your going to have regrets once "White Flight" and even more Public Corruption begins to occur.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg county currently has the Highest Sales and Property Taxes in the state of North Carolina.
If you think Charlotte Democrats are NOT going to increase taxes again, your dreaming.
Soon all of Charlotte's Minority Low Income and Middle Class constituents who voted for Anthony Foxx will discover how much he REALLY cares about them.
Be sure to personally thank your friendly (yet extremely divisive) neighborhood newspaper, the Charlotte Observer for all of this.
Ha Ha Ha
I wonder what Pres. Obama would do if he knew about Charlotte-Mecklenburg's DSS Fraud or the other Public Corruption rapidly spreading within Charlotte-Mecklenburg City-County branches of Gov't.
I wonder if he still cares.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg DSS Fraud mystery: Where did money go?
Internal e-mails reveal new allegations of misspending at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services, raising more unanswered questions about what happened to money intended to help needy children.
Some of the more than 1,000 e-mails the Charlotte Observer obtained through a Public Records Request provide the most detailed account to date about the agency's accounting fiasco.
E-mails show:
Officials suspected an employee wrote $80,000 in checks to herself from donations.
An administrator questioned why other donations were used to buy $340 diamond earrings, leather coats and a $300 DVD player.
A top executive complained that a senior fiscal administrator frustrated co-workers with her "inability to explain the simplest concepts of revenue and expenses."
After nearly a year, officials have never said who was at fault for $162,000 that disappeared or whether anyone was disciplined.
No one has been charged in an ongoing police investigation and a county report says officials cannot be certain where the money went.
Meanwhile, donors are left to wonder whether their generosity ever helped buy Christmas gifts for those in need.
In one e-mail, a woman describes calling the county in 2007 to give $900 for single mothers at Christmas. The person who answered the phone told her to make a check payable to the worker's sister.
The donor said she grew suspicious and made the check out to the county, but the idea that it may still have been misused is "like a kick in the stomach."
In another e-mail, a founder of Second String Santa said he was concerned whether kids received the more than 50,000 toys his group had donated since 1989.
Will Miller said he believes some of the toys reached children, but he's not sure about the rest.
"Will we ever know? Probably not," he said.
Two Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Commissioners said they have asked County Administrators for a full accounting of what went wrong at DSS but have yet to receive answers. County officials have never explained who was responsible, they said.
"To fix it, you have to admit all the stuff that is messed up," Commissioner Bill James said. "They don't want to do too much digging."
County administrators declined interview requests. Instead, a county spokesman released a prepared statement saying appropriate fiscal controls have been installed in response to an outside audit and an internal investigation.
"Our review of the e-mails we provided and your follow up questions did not reveal any new information that would suggest any change in the audit findings or in management's response to those findings," the statement said.
Some commissioners said they have been told that the employees involved have either left county government or been placed in new positions.
Unusual spending patterns
DSS spends $176 million annually and employs 1,200 workers to assist Mecklenburg's poor and neglected. The agency administers everything from food stamps to foster care and child protection services.
Last spring, DSS Director Mary Wilson ordered financial audits following reports of suspicious spending.
Auditors looked at multiple spending programs and financial practices in the agency. They found a $10,000 check made out to an employee, missing and altered receipts and money for kids spent on office supplies.
County leaders responded by suspending the programs, putting DSS finance under direct county control, training workers on accounting procedures and ordering a review of financial procedures in each county agency.
The Observer reviewed e-mails dating from December 2008 to July 2009 for seven current and former county administrators, including Wilson, County Manager Harry Jones, County Finance Director Dena Diorio and Internal Auditor Cornita Spears.
E-mails show county officials noticed unusual spending patterns as early as last December but did not disclose problems to the public until March.
On New Year's Eve, Wilson told staff she had suspended a voucher program the agency used to purchase clothes and other items for clients at local stores. She wrote that officials were worried about a lack of oversight and a spike in spending.
One monthly retail bill leapt from between $5,000 and $6,000 to more than $20,000 in October 2008, the e-mail says. Employees turned in receipts only 30 to 35 percent of the time, she wrote.
At one time or another, workers possessed or had access to numerous credit cards and gift cards, including some to Bath & Body Works, Bass Pro Shops, Macy's, the Cheesecake Factory and Outback Steakhouse.
Outside auditors verified for county administrators that DSS workers possessed county-issued credit cards, including 10 credit cards for Sam's Club, three for Harris Teeter and an online charge account with Amazon.com
In February, county officials asked internal auditors to look into questionable spending, including purchases of diamond earrings, leather coats and a DVD player.
An e-mail to one of the auditors from a human resources consultant said the purchases raise "many questions and concerns."
According to the county's statement, most gifts were typical children's items such as toys, clothes and books. More expensive items such as diamond earrings and leather coats were approved purchases for foster children who reached special milestones like high school graduation, the statement says.
"Receiving a gift of some significant value was viewed as an incentive for other children who were in foster care to set goals and accomplish them," the statement said.
Commissioner Harold Cogdell said he spent part of his early childhood in foster care and believes the gifts are a good idea.
"It makes sense to me to show the kids some love," Cogdell said.
A new Accountant
DSS has endured multiple management shakeups in recent years. The latest came when Wilson reorganized the agency after she was hired in July 2008.
She laid out the reasons to hire a new finance director in a February e-mail.
Wilson wrote that the senior fiscal administrator who managed DSS finances failed to provide reports about oversight, alienated staff and lacked the ability to conduct productive discussions with senior county executives. The e-mail does not name the senior fiscal administrator.
DSS later hired accountant Angela Hurlburt to oversee its finances.
James, the commissioner, said he has asked for the names and background information on Hurlburt's predecessors. He wants them to answer questions from the Board of Commissioners' Audit Review Committee, which investigated accounting lapses at DSS.
He said administrators have failed to respond to his requests and complained that officials "keep us in the dark."
Other Charlotte-Mecklenburg Commissioners disagreed.
Chairman Jennifer Roberts and Commissioner Dumont Clarke said county leaders have already put in place reforms that will protect taxpayer and donor money.
"The highest priority" is implementing new financial controls, Clarke said.
Shifting the Finances
Auditors from Cherry, Bekaert & Holland reviewed DSS and found that Mecklenburg officials responded appropriately. The county's Audit Review Committee came to the same conclusion.
But DSS Director Wilson bristled at one of the major reforms.
Leaders put DSS finance under the direct control of the county's main finance department after allegations of misspending surfaced.
In April, Wilson sent an e-mail to County General Manager Michelle Lancaster to complain. Calling the decision "premature" and "shortsighted," Wilson said there are emergencies when DSS workers must write checks immediately, including occasions when the agency takes children in custody who need clothes, toiletries and school supplies.
"I understand the urgency at the time, but there was a reason DSS had check writing capability and I think we threw the baby out with the bathwater instead of fixing the underlying issue, which is documentation and accountability," Wilson wrote.
Donors left with questions
Past supporters of the DSS Christmas charity include Young Lawyers, employees of Wachovia and Bank of America, and Project Joy, the holiday fund drive initiated by Observer columnist Tommy Tomlinson. The Christmas charity, known as the Giving Tree, is now run by the Salvation Army.
The donor who gave $900 e-mailed the county in July after learning about accounting failures from news accounts. She attached a picture of the check copy she made around Christmas in 2007.
She wrote that she did not remember the name of the woman she spoke with on the phone.
The donor said she and her family all pitched in to raise the money so she could assist women like her who had struggled as single mothers.
When she heard there were allegations of misspending in a DSS charity program, "It's like your stomach just drops."
Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Manager Harry Jones apologizes for sending email to man's employer (Retaliation)
County Manager Harry Jones this afternoon apologized for forwarding an email sent by a resident critical about alleged misspending at the Department of Social Services to the man's employer.
Jones said he apologized to the resident, Harry Lomax, on the telephone earlier today and the two agreed to meet in the near future.
He said there have been several media reports about the email and “understandably heated public reaction to my response.” But Jones said there have been several misconceptions about the email, and apologized to Lomax for the confusion.
“I want to be very clear that there was never any malicious intent in my action,” Jones said at an afternoon meeting with county commissioners. “But it was wrong for me to send a copy of Mr. Lomax's email to his employer.”
The incident was the subject of an article in Sunday's Observer, and the emails were obtained from the county through an open records request about the reports of misspending and accounting lapses at DSS.
Some commissioners and ethics experts previously said the actions by Jones and the bank official were improper because they could stifle free speech and blur the lines between employment and citizenship.
On July 7, Lomax sent his e-mail to commissioners, Jones, DSS Director Mary Wilson and County Finance Director Dena Diorio. He wrote that he had planned to speak during a commissioners meeting the same day at the urging of Commissioner Neil Cooksey.
Lomax wrote that he left before speaking and decided to e-mail his comments.
The e-mail criticizes county management for failing to prevent accounting failures and accuses some commissioners of a "flippant, hands-off response" to the issue. "There seems to be a need for a wholesale cleanup of many county agencies, and I think that starts from the top down," Lomax wrote.
A week after receiving the e-mail, Jones forwarded the e-mail to Lomax's employer, Bank of America, and wrote, "Do you know Harry Lomax."
Betty Turner, a Bank of America vice president replied to Jones about one hour later, writing that she was "embarrassed" by Lomax's e-mail.
"I am tracking it down. I don't know him - I have alerted charles. Will be back to you," she wrote.
It's unclear how Jones knew Lomax worked at Bank of America. Lomax sent his message from a personal account and did not mention the bank by name.
Jones previously did not respond to interview requests from the Observer. A county spokesman referred a reporter to a statement the county released, but it does not directly address questions about Lomax's e-mail.
Nicole Nastacie, a spokeswoman for Bank of America, said "on their personal time, employees are free to express personal opinions" to government officials about any issue that is not related to the company.
Betty Turner, the bank's government liaison who responded to Jones, suspected that Lomax's e-mail involved issues related to the bank and appropriately looked into the situation, Nastacie said. When she determined Lomax was speaking as a private citizen, there were no further discussions, Nastacie said.
Lomax declined to comment.
The E-mail behind Harry Jones'Apology
Here is the e-mail exchange from County Manager Harry Jones to Bank of America's Betty Turner that came under scrutiny this week:
(We've put in bold the text section of each e-mail, obtained through an Observer open records request.)
From: Turner, Betty M [mailto:betty.m.turner@bankofamerica.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:20 AMTo: Jones, Harry L.
Subject: Re: Tonight's Meeting - DSS Comments
I am embarrassed by his comments, his tone and doing this. I am tracking it down. I don't know him - I have alerted charles. Will be back to you
From: Jones, Harry L. To: Turner, Betty M Sent: Tue Jul 14 09:11:19 2009
Subject: FW: Tonight's Meeting - DSS Comments
See the email below: Do you know Harry Lomax
Harry L. Jones, Sr.
County Manager
Mecklenburg County
704-336-2087 (o)
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.
Greek proverb
From: Jones, Harry L. Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 8:56 PMTo: Diorio, Dena R.
Subject: Fw: Tonight's Meeting - DSS Comments
From: Harry Lomax To: Roberts, Jennifer; Cogdell, Harold; Murrey, Daniel B; Bentley, Karen; Leake, Vilma; Cooksey, Neil; Dunlap, George; James, Bill; Wilson, Mary; Diorio, Dena R.; Jones, Harry L. Sent: Tue Jul 07 20:04:37 2009
Subject: Tonight's Meeting - DSS Comments
I was looking forward to addressing the Commission in person tonight as part of the public forum section of the agenda. It was pretty frustrating to sit there for over an hour watching PSA after PSA on how great the DSS is from your
Mecklenburg Matters video. I finally had to leave to go to the store, feed dogs, get prepped for work, etc...you know...real world stuff. That said, I'd like to give send you my prepared comments and hope that I am not you take these to heart as if I were there tonight.
I'd like to express my displeasure with the recent activities involving the DSS. My comments may be premature pending the upcoming audit results, but I still think they are appropriate. Up until recently, I have been generally pleased with how the county government has performed - but for lack of a better term - I feel duped.
Duped that my company and I have donated time and money to this Giving Tree sham which the DSS has chosens to use as their personal petty cash fund.
Duped by the County Management, Finance Department and past/current DSS leadership's lack of controls (not to mention the cronyism involved with the recent hires within the DSS).
And duped by the flippant, hands-off response by some of the commissioners with regard to the audit and the County Manager's subsequent response.
Commissioner Cooksey encouraged me to speak tonight, and between him and Commissioner James, I feel llike they are the only one who are living in the real world here.
Any honest, non-government entity would have audit controls in place for a $176MM, 1200+ employee department. Regardless of the fact that the DSS Leadership and County Manager failed in their duty to implement these controls, the employees who broke the law should still be prosecuted. I hope the County Commission will support a thourough investigation by the DA and make the decision to prosecute if necessary.
What other organizations are being scrutinized a s a result of the DSS issues coming to light? There seems to be a need for a wholesale cleanup of many county agencies, and I think that starts from the top down.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to some answers not only going forward, but also some accountability/repercussions for those who are implicated in this scandal.
Harry Lomax
Jones apologized today for forwarding the e-mail from Lomax, speaking as a citizen, to his employer.
Charlotte-Meck. DSS Employee Hot Line Lets County Workers Report Fraud
Charlotte-Mecklenburg County has launched a Whistleblower Hot line to let its employees report suspected fraud and illegal or unethical behavior within the county.
The effort has been in the works for well over a year after the county's external auditor recommended starting such a program, said Chris Waddell, of the county's internal audit department.
But the launch comes months after an investigation and audit found accounting lapses within the Department of Social Services, a probe that started in part after an employee contacted a supervisor about possible misappropriation within a charity program for foster children.
Waddell said the new hot line - which will allow employees to raise concerns anonymously by telephone or on the Web 24/7 - will help the county receive information from workers who may not feel comfortable going to management.
The county has contracted with The Network, a Georgia-based company that manages hot line reporting for clients across the world. The service will cost about $6,100 each year.
Any reports will be sent to the county's internal audit department, whose staffers will determine whether the complaint has merit. The department also will send updates to the commissioners' Audit Review Committee about the types of incidents reported, as well as the status and outcome of any investigation.
County Manager Harry Jones recently said it's possible information received through the hot line could lead to potential disciplinary action of an employee or, in some cases, require the county to contact law enforcement or other agencies for more follow-up.
Crowd Sourcing: Help Us Review Charlotte-Meck. DSS E-mails:
We examined some 1,100 emails from public officials to report our story on misspending at the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services.
Now you can, too.
Use the links below to view emails sent by top administrators related to DSS.
The buzzword for this is "Crowdsourcing."
But the concept is as old as the notion that two heads are better than one.
Here are the links:
Click here for County Manager Harry Jones.
Click here for DSS Director Mary Wilson.
Click here for Finance Director Dena Diorio.
Click here for auditor Cornita Spears.
Click here for administrator Beverly Hinson.
Click here for supervisor Cindy Brady.
Here's a link to an e-mail highlighted in our story, in which Wilson says a senior fiscal administrator has left directors "frustrated with her inability to explain the simplest concepts of revenue and expenses."
Wilson email
Posted: Saturday, Nov. 07, 2009
From: Wilson, Mary
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:22 AM
To: Wilson, Mary
Subject: Reasons to Hire Finance Director For DSS
The Finance Department at DSS is managed by a senior fiscal administrator who has significant government revenue experience. What she lacks is a capacity to use that experience to develop strategic plan for DSS finance to (i) increase revenue, (ii) put in policy and procedural checks and balance, (iii) teach/educate division directors on financial accountabilities and (iv) manage the staff of finance department for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Following are examples of the issues I have had to deal with since coming on board July 2008;
1. Request for budget, updated on a monthly basis
Response: still working on receiving something short of the 600 page detail for expense and revenue each month
2. Request for areas of opportunity to increase revenue
Response: sporadic discussions of "pots of money" that may come in. No discussion of opportunity to better utilize uncapped revenue funds available to counties
3. Discussion about using P-card as an efficiency
Response: P card will not make a difference. She did not understand that instead of reviewing 500 reimbursement transactions per month, we could go to 10 P cards and cut down transaction review time and build more accountability for purchases.
4. Request for discussion monthly with division Directors on Division finances
Response: Division Directors frustrated with her inability to explain the simplest concepts of revenue and expenses and confirm where budget is with respect to spending and availability
5. Turnover in department
Issue: I have received numerous complaints about her management style and inability to distribute work, grow competency and rough treatment of staff
6. Strategic discussion of budget cuts
Issue; suggestion was made to change administrative assistants to case managers and increase revenue. I had to ask for how much this would increase our revenue an walk through analysis process.
7. Review of FY 2010 budget
Issue: I am having to review and discuss budget process with senior fiscal administrator to 9i) understand where we are over for FY 2009 (and have not informed Budget) and how this will impact our projected budget cuts for FY2010
8. Staffing
Issue: staffing levels are down by 2 people in finance and there has not been a redeployment of staff to cover functions. It is haphazard and items are falling in between the cracks.
9. Approval Authority/Policy development?oversight
Issue: I have asked for review of areas where we have "risk" due to unclear approval authority/lack of policy or procedure or lack of oversight. I have not received any feedback but we currently have three investigations pending:
i. Clothing voucher: unnecessary budgeted item of approximately $200,000 for clothing for foster care which should be paid by foster care contracts
ii. Possible misappropriation of $80,000-$100,000 in the donated funds to YFS Giving Tree
iii. Possible misappropriation of $10,000 in the Community Resources Office
10. Lack of communication skills
Issue: The senior fiscal administrator lacks the communication skills to participate at the Senior Executive Team and add value to the discussions.
I am putting all this in writing to make the case for the position I have requested. The senior fiscal administrator is a valuable member of the DSS team but she is not the senior person needed to lead the finance effort to make DSS more efficient, effective and to create the new model we will need to deliver services during this economic downturn.
Please advise if you have any questions.
Mary E. Wilson
Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
W) 704-336-Mary
C) 704-649-0568
Email correspondence of Harry Jones
Posted: Thursday, Nov. 05, 2009
From: Walton, Jennifer Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 9:44 AM To: Wilson, Mary Subject: RE: anonymous letter
Dear Mrs.Wilson, The words in the letter must come from employee's who are feeling threaten by you. It does not make any sense we are all adults and if you are unhappy about the changes that are taking place find another job. I think you are doing great and you are exactly what DSS needed. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! Keep doing what needs to be done.. Jennifer Walton Dist.#754 Mecklenburg County, DSS Foodstamp Case Manager 301-Billingsley Rd. Charlotte,NC 28211 Phone:(704)432-1307 Fax:(704)353-1328 jennifer.walton@mecklenburgcountync.gov
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a Tuition Reimbursement Program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:32 PM To: Isler, Cynthia Subject: RE: anonymous letter
Thanks for your kind words of support and encouragement. I encourage you and others to share your positive feedback with the County Manager and the Board of County Commissioners. Don't let a few speak for you! Thanks again for at least giving change a chance! Take care, Mary Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
From: Isler, Cynthia Sent: Mon 1/12/2009 9:52 AM To: Wilson, Mary Subject: RE: anonymous letter
Dear Mary, Keep your head up and press on. You are doing a fantastic job. Cynthia
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
From: William F. James, Jr. [wjames@carolina.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:24 AM To: Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: FW: Support for Director Wilson
Importance: High
I got this from a management analyst regarding the letter about Mary Wilson that was sent to Channel 36 (WCNC).
The allegations in the letter is lengthy and I am sure Bill Warren is looking into the stuff about redecorating of offices and such. One of the questions was about the $20,000 for the ëChristmas partyÃ. That event and the costs said to be associated with it landed in the paper and in a WCNC news segment.
I have been asked about it and wanted to know some of the details of the expenditure. Vilma Leake made reference to a party at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church but I donÃt know if that is the $20,000 party that was being discussed.
I am asking about that directly because Ms. Wilson used to work for Friendship and frankly a predominantly Black church seems a strange place to hold a secular DSS (County Department) Christmas party (if that is what happened). If $20,000 was spent on a party there I would like to know what the costs were per person, how many actually attended, why there (as opposed to the Marriott, Westin, etcÖ), and how the pricing on the event was developed (whether bids were taken or did they look at various places before settling on Friendship).
If the cost per unit was high it would also be helpful to know the menu of what was served to make it that high. I recall Vlima saying something about the high quality of the food.
Of course, this may all be sour grapes from the person writing the letter but it could also be true which is why it is important to have the facts before this story gets legs.
Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)
Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Confidentiality Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address regarding public matters pertaining to Mecklenburg County business may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law "NCGS Ch 132" and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential, priviledged, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete the message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify me immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender (me) to waive any priviledge that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Heilman, Amy [mailto:Amy.Heilman@mecklenburgcountync.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:16 AM To: Jones, Harry L.; CountyCommissioners Subject: Support for Director Wilson
Dear County Manager and County Commissioners,
Good morning. I want to share my response I sent to Director Wilson regarding the appalling "anonymous letter" that she courageously shared with her Team at DSS.
I feel it is important that a few "anonymous letter writers" don't speak for me, or for the DSS Team collectively. I believe that the vast majority of us welcome and embrace the innovation and positive change Director Wilson brings to DSS. I am grateful that she is here as our leader.
Please see the attached email (below).
Amy Heilman
Amy Heilman, MSW, LCSW
Management Analyst
Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services
Office: 704.353.1541
Fax: 704.353.1898
E-mail: amy.heilman@mecklenburgcountyNC.gov
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message.
From: Heilman, Amy Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:24 AM To: Wilson, Mary Subject: RE: anonymous letter
Dear Director Wilson,
I support you 100%, and I believe that the re-organization you have accomplished in such a short period of time really does benefit the employees, customers and residents of Mecklenburg County. It is clear that you don't just talk about a more effective and efficient Department, you are creating one.
Unfortunately, there are some people who feel otherwise, and do not have the maturity to handle their grievances in a professional manner. In my opinion, the immaturity demonstrated by these letter writers is an indication of the how these letter writers must have conducted themselves in their positions at DSS.
I see something positive despite the negative nature of the letters. I think the letters are an indication that you are doing your job well. You are re-organizing the Department to create strong leadership. Re-assigning people to positions that they are better suited for is only going to make our Department better, even if that means that some people no longer have positions with authority. If this means that some people feel that this is unfair, then so be it.
Thank you for the work you do, and for all the motivational emails you send to us.
Amy Heilman
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson
Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
W) 704-336-Mary
C) 704-649-0568
From: William F. James, Jr. [wjames@carolina.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10:24 AM To: Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: FW: Support for Director Wilson
Importance: High
I got this from a management analyst regarding the letter about Mary Wilson that was sent to Channel 36 (WCNC).
The allegations in the letter is lengthy and I am sure Bill Warren is looking into the stuff about redecorating of offices and such. One of the questions was about the $20,000 for the ëChristmas partyÃ. That event and the costs said to be associated with it landed in the paper and in a WCNC news segment.
I have been asked about it and wanted to know some of the details of the expenditure. Vilma Leake made reference to a party at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church but I donÃt know if that is the $20,000 party that was being discussed.
I am asking about that directly because Ms. Wilson used to work for Friendship and frankly a predominantly Black church seems a strange place to hold a secular DSS (County Department) Christmas party (if that is what happened). If $20,000 was spent on a party there I would like to know what the costs were per person, how many actually attended, why there (as opposed to the Marriott, Westin, etcÖ), and how the pricing on the event was developed (whether bids were taken or did they look at various places before settling on Friendship).
If the cost per unit was high it would also be helpful to know the menu of what was served to make it that high. I recall Vlima saying something about the high quality of the food.
Of course, this may all be sour grapes from the person writing the letter but it could also be true which is why it is important to have the facts before this story gets legs.
Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)
Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Confidentiality Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address regarding public matters pertaining to Mecklenburg County business may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law "NCGS Ch 132" and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential, priviledged, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete the message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify me immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender (me) to waive any priviledge that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Heilman, Amy [mailto:Amy.Heilman@mecklenburgcountync.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:16 AM To: Jones, Harry L.; CountyCommissioners Subject: Support for Director Wilson
Dear County Manager and County Commissioners,
Good morning. I want to share my response I sent to Director Wilson regarding the appalling "anonymous letter" that she courageously shared with her Team at DSS.
I feel it is important that a few "anonymous letter writers" don't speak for me, or for the DSS Team collectively. I believe that the vast majority of us welcome and embrace the innovation and positive change Director Wilson brings to DSS. I am grateful that she is here as our leader.
Please see the attached email (below).
Amy Heilman
Amy Heilman, MSW, LCSW
Management Analyst
Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services
Office: 704.353.1541
Fax: 704.353.1898
E-mail: amy.heilman@mecklenburgcountyNC.gov
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message.
From: Heilman, Amy Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:24 AM To: Wilson, Mary Subject: RE: anonymous letter
Dear Director Wilson,
I support you 100%, and I believe that the re-organization you have accomplished in such a short period of time really does benefit the employees, customers and residents of Mecklenburg County. It is clear that you don't just talk about a more effective and efficient Department, you are creating one.
Unfortunately, there are some people who feel otherwise, and do not have the maturity to handle their grievances in a professional manner. In my opinion, the immaturity demonstrated by these letter writers is an indication of the how these letter writers must have conducted themselves in their positions at DSS.
I see something positive despite the negative nature of the letters. I think the letters are an indication that you are doing your job well. You are re-organizing the Department to create strong leadership. Re-assigning people to positions that they are better suited for is only going to make our Department better, even if that means that some people no longer have positions with authority. If this means that some people feel that this is unfair, then so be it.
Thank you for the work you do, and for all the motivational emails you send to us.
Amy Heilman
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson
Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
W) 704-336-Mary
C) 704-649-0568
From: Bentley, Karen Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:30 AM To: James, Bill; Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: RE: Support for Director Wilson
Bill and BOCC Colleagues, I attended the "mandatory" Christmas party/training session you refer to below. My interest in attending was to assess the content - was this mostly a social event or was the main focus on training? Ms. Wilson started the program by recognizing several DSS employees with awards - well deserved, I'm sure. Once that was completed, employees dispersed into various self-directed sessions that were, in my observation, designed to make employees aware of the broader organization and the various vendors/non-profits associated with DSS. The employees had an activity (a sheet of questions that could only be answered by attending the breakout sessions) that they were asked to complete. I do not know how the completion of this activity was assessed by management and what, if any consequences, there were for not completing the activity. In my observation, the employees were fully engaged in the training activities and found them to be relevant and useful. Many expressed great appreciation to Ms. Wilson for the opportunity. It appeared that after the employees walked through the breakout sessions, they were free to proceed to the refreshments. I did not attend this part of the event, but glanced into the room prior to the beginning of the awards session. I will say that is was pretty extravagant for a government function, especially in a time when we all personally and corporately are tightening our belts significantly. Of the $20,000 budget for the event, approximately $15,000 of that was related to the reception (mostly for catering, but some for entertainment). The cost of the Christmas party last year was about $9500. The event was held at Grady Cole and involved no training. I believe Ms. Wilson is doing a great job at the helm of DSS. However, I do question her judgment about spending significant dollars (albeit small relative to the overall DSS budget) on an office remodel and an event where most of the expense was food/entertainment related. Regards, Karen Karen Bentley Mecklenburg County Commissioner, District One
From: William F. James, Jr. [mailto:wjames@carolina.rr.com] Sent: Tue 1/13/2009 10:24 AM To: Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: FW: Support for Director Wilson
I got this from a management analyst regarding the letter about Mary Wilson that was sent to Channel 36 (WCNC).
The allegations in the letter is lengthy and I am sure Bill Warren is looking into the stuff about redecorating of offices and such. One of the questions was about the $20,000 for the ëChristmas partyÃ. That event and the costs said to be associated with it landed in the paper and in a WCNC news segment.
I have been asked about it and wanted to know some of the details of the expenditure. Vilma Leake made reference to a party at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church but I donÃt know if that is the $20,000 party that was being discussed.
I am asking about that directly because Ms. Wilson used to work for Friendship and frankly a predominantly Black church seems a strange place to hold a secular DSS (County Department) Christmas party (if that is what happened). If $20,000 was spent on a party there I would like to know what the costs were per person, how many actually attended, why there (as opposed to the Marriott, Westin, etcÖ), and how the pricing on the event was developed (whether bids were taken or did they look at various places before settling on Friendship).
If the cost per unit was high it would also be helpful to know the menu of what was served to make it that high. I recall Vlima saying something about the high quality of the food.
Of course, this may all be sour grapes from the person writing the letter but it could also be true which is why it is important to have the facts before this story gets legs.
Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)
Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Confidentiality Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address regarding public matters pertaining to Mecklenburg County business may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law "NCGS Ch 132" and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential, priviledged, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete the message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify me immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender (me) to waive any priviledge that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Heilman, Amy [mailto:Amy.Heilman@mecklenburgcountync.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:16 AM To: Jones, Harry L.; CountyCommissioners Subject: Support for Director Wilson
Dear County Manager and County Commissioners,
Good morning. I want to share my response I sent to Director Wilson regarding the appalling "anonymous letter" that she courageously shared with her Team at DSS.
I feel it is important that a few "anonymous letter writers" don't speak for me, or for the DSS Team collectively. I believe that the vast majority of us welcome and embrace the innovation and positive change Director Wilson brings to DSS. I am grateful that she is here as our leader.
Please see the attached email (below).
Amy Heilman
Amy Heilman, MSW, LCSW
Management Analyst
Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services
Office: 704.353.1541
Fax: 704.353.1898
E-mail: amy.heilman@mecklenburgcountyNC.gov
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message.
From: Heilman, Amy Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:24 AM To: Wilson, Mary Subject: RE: anonymous letter
Dear Director Wilson,
I support you 100%, and I believe that the re-organization you have accomplished in such a short period of time really does benefit the employees, customers and residents of Mecklenburg County. It is clear that you don't just talk about a more effective and efficient Department, you are creating one.
Unfortunately, there are some people who feel otherwise, and do not have the maturity to handle their grievances in a professional manner. In my opinion, the immaturity demonstrated by these letter writers is an indication of the how these letter writers must have conducted themselves in their positions at DSS.
I see something positive despite the negative nature of the letters. I think the letters are an indication that you are doing your job well. You are re-organizing the Department to create strong leadership. Re-assigning people to positions that they are better suited for is only going to make our Department better, even if that means that some people no longer have positions with authority. If this means that some people feel that this is unfair, then so be it.
Thank you for the work you do, and for all the motivational emails you send to us.
Amy Heilman
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson
Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
W) 704-336-Mary
C) 704-649-0568
From: Bentley, Karen Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:30 AM To: James, Bill; Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: RE: Support for Director Wilson
Bill and BOCC Colleagues, I attended the "mandatory" Christmas party/training session you refer to below. My interest in attending was to assess the content - was this mostly a social event or was the main focus on training?
Ms. Wilson started the program by recognizing several DSS employees with awards - well deserved, I'm sure. Once that was completed, employees dispersed into various self-directed sessions that were, in my observation, designed to make employees aware of the broader organization and the various vendors/non-profits associated with DSS. The employees had an activity (a sheet of questions that could only be answered by attending the breakout sessions) that they were asked to complete. I do not know how the completion of this activity was assessed by management and what, if any consequences, there were for not completing the activity. In my observation, the employees were fully engaged in the training activities and found them to be relevant and useful. Many expressed great appreciation to Ms. Wilson for the opportunity. It appeared that after the employees walked through the breakout sessions, they were free to proceed to the refreshments.
I did not attend this part of the event, but glanced into the room prior to the beginning of the awards session. I will say that is was pretty extravagant for a government function, especially in a time when we all personally and corporately are tightening our belts significantly. Of the $20,000 budget for the event, approximately $15,000 of that was related to the reception (mostly for catering, but some for entertainment). The cost of the Christmas party last year was about $9500. The event was held at Grady Cole and involved no training. I believe Ms. Wilson is doing a great job at the helm of DSS. However, I do question her judgment about spending significant dollars (albeit small relative to the overall DSS budget) on an office remodel and an event where most of the expense was food/entertainment related.
Regards, Karen Karen Bentley Mecklenburg County Commissioner, District One
From: William F. James, Jr. [mailto:wjames@carolina.rr.com] Sent: Tue 1/13/2009 10:24 AM To: Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: FW: Support for Director Wilson
I got this from a management analyst regarding the letter about Mary Wilson that was sent to Channel 36 (WCNC).
The allegations in the letter is lengthy and I am sure Bill Warren is looking into the stuff about redecorating of offices and such. One of the questions was about the $20,000 for the ëChristmas partyÃ. That event and the costs said to be associated with it landed in the paper and in a WCNC news segment.
I have been asked about it and wanted to know some of the details of the expenditure. Vilma Leake made reference to a party at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church but I donÃt know if that is the $20,000 party that was being discussed.
I am asking about that directly because Ms. Wilson used to work for Friendship and frankly a predominantly Black church seems a strange place to hold a secular DSS (County Department) Christmas party (if that is what happened). If $20,000 was spent on a party there I would like to know what the costs were per person, how many actually attended, why there (as opposed to the Marriott, Westin, etcÖ), and how the pricing on the event was developed (whether bids were taken or did they look at various places before settling on Friendship).
If the cost per unit was high it would also be helpful to know the menu of what was served to make it that high. I recall Vlima saying something about the high quality of the food.
Of course, this may all be sour grapes from the person writing the letter but it could also be true which is why it is important to have the facts before this story gets legs.
Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)
Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Confidentiality Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address regarding public matters pertaining to Mecklenburg County business may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law "NCGS Ch 132" and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential, priviledged, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete the message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify me immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender (me) to waive any priviledge that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Heilman, Amy [mailto:Amy.Heilman@mecklenburgcountync.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:16 AM To: Jones, Harry L.; CountyCommissioners Subject: Support for Director Wilson
Dear County Manager and County Commissioners,
Good morning. I want to share my response I sent to Director Wilson regarding the appalling "anonymous letter" that she courageously shared with her Team at DSS.
I feel it is important that a few "anonymous letter writers" don't speak for me, or for the DSS Team collectively. I believe that the vast majority of us welcome and embrace the innovation and positive change Director Wilson brings to DSS. I am grateful that she is here as our leader.
Please see the attached email (below).
Amy Heilman
Amy Heilman, MSW, LCSW
Management Analyst
Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services
Office: 704.353.1541
Fax: 704.353.1898
E-mail: amy.heilman@mecklenburgcountyNC.gov
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message.
From: Heilman, Amy Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:24 AM To: Wilson, Mary Subject: RE: anonymous letter
Dear Director Wilson,
I support you 100%, and I believe that the re-organization you have accomplished in such a short period of time really does benefit the employees, customers and residents of Mecklenburg County. It is clear that you don't just talk about a more effective and efficient Department, you are creating one.
Unfortunately, there are some people who feel otherwise, and do not have the maturity to handle their grievances in a professional manner. In my opinion, the immaturity demonstrated by these letter writers is an indication of the how these letter writers must have conducted themselves in their positions at DSS.
I see something positive despite the negative nature of the letters. I think the letters are an indication that you are doing your job well. You are re-organizing the Department to create strong leadership. Re-assigning people to positions that they are better suited for is only going to make our Department better, even if that means that some people no longer have positions with authority. If this means that some people feel that this is unfair, then so be it.
Thank you for the work you do, and for all the motivational emails you send to us.
Amy Heilman
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson
Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
W) 704-336-Mary
C) 704-649-0568
From: Bentley, Karen Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:30 AM To: James, Bill; Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: RE: Support for Director Wilson
Bill and BOCC Colleagues, I attended the "mandatory" Christmas party/training session you refer to below. My interest in attending was to assess the content - was this mostly a social event or was the main focus on training? Ms. Wilson started the program by recognizing several DSS employees with awards - well deserved, I'm sure. Once that was completed, employees dispersed into various self-directed sessions that were, in my observation, designed to make employees aware of the broader organization and the various vendors/non-profits associated with DSS. The employees had an activity (a sheet of questions that could only be answered by attending the breakout sessions) that they were asked to complete. I do not know how the completion of this activity was assessed by management and what, if any consequences, there were for not completing the activity. In my observation, the employees were fully engaged in the training activities and found them to be relevant and useful. Many expressed great appreciation to Ms. Wilson for the opportunity. It appeared that after the employees walked through the breakout sessions, they were free to proceed to the refreshments. I did not attend this part of the event, but glanced into the room prior to the beginning of the awards session. I will say that is was pretty extravagant for a government function, especially in a time when we all personally and corporately are tightening our belts significantly. Of the $20,000 budget for the event, approximately $15,000 of that was related to the reception (mostly for catering, but some for entertainment). The cost of the Christmas party last year was about $9500. The event was held at Grady Cole and involved no training. I believe Ms. Wilson is doing a great job at the helm of DSS. However, I do question her judgment about spending significant dollars (albeit small relative to the overall DSS budget) on an office remodel and an event where most of the expense was food/entertainment related. Regards, Karen Karen Bentley Mecklenburg County Commissioner, District One
From: William F. James, Jr. [mailto:wjames@carolina.rr.com] Sent: Tue 1/13/2009 10:24 AM To: Paige, Janice; CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: FW: Support for Director Wilson
I got this from a management analyst regarding the letter about Mary Wilson that was sent to Channel 36 (WCNC).
The allegations in the letter is lengthy and I am sure Bill Warren is looking into the stuff about redecorating of offices and such. One of the questions was about the $20,000 for the ëChristmas partyÃ. That event and the costs said to be associated with it landed in the paper and in a WCNC news segment.
I have been asked about it and wanted to know some of the details of the expenditure. Vilma Leake made reference to a party at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church but I donÃt know if that is the $20,000 party that was being discussed.
I am asking about that directly because Ms. Wilson used to work for Friendship and frankly a predominantly Black church seems a strange place to hold a secular DSS (County Department) Christmas party (if that is what happened). If $20,000 was spent on a party there I would like to know what the costs were per person, how many actually attended, why there (as opposed to the Marriott, Westin, etcÖ), and how the pricing on the event was developed (whether bids were taken or did they look at various places before settling on Friendship).
If the cost per unit was high it would also be helpful to know the menu of what was served to make it that high. I recall Vlima saying something about the high quality of the food.
Of course, this may all be sour grapes from the person writing the letter but it could also be true which is why it is important to have the facts before this story gets legs.
Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)
Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Confidentiality Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address regarding public matters pertaining to Mecklenburg County business may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law "NCGS Ch 132" and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential, priviledged, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete the message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify me immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender (me) to waive any priviledge that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Heilman, Amy [mailto:Amy.Heilman@mecklenburgcountync.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:16 AM To: Jones, Harry L.; CountyCommissioners Subject: Support for Director Wilson
Dear County Manager and County Commissioners,
Good morning. I want to share my response I sent to Director Wilson regarding the appalling "anonymous letter" that she courageously shared with her Team at DSS.
I feel it is important that a few "anonymous letter writers" don't speak for me, or for the DSS Team collectively. I believe that the vast majority of us welcome and embrace the innovation and positive change Director Wilson brings to DSS. I am grateful that she is here as our leader.
Please see the attached email (below).
Amy Heilman
Amy Heilman, MSW, LCSW
Management Analyst
Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services
Office: 704.353.1541
Fax: 704.353.1898
E-mail: amy.heilman@mecklenburgcountyNC.gov
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message.
From: William F. James, Jr. [mailto:wjames@carolina.rr.com] Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:40 AM To: CountyCommissioners; Jones, Harry L. Subject: NYT welfare article Importance: High
Saw this in the New York Times.
Evidently, they are claiming that DSS (welfare) aid is not growing as expected even with the slowing economy
Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)
Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Confidentiality Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address regarding public matters pertaining to Mecklenburg County business may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law "NCGS Ch 132" and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential, priviledged, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete the message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify me immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender (me) to waive any priviledge that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
Welfare Aid Isn't Growing as Economy Drops Off
Fabrizio Costantini for The New York Times
Michigan cut welfare rolls 13 percent despite the fact that its October unemployment rate topped 9 percent. An office cubicle at the welfare agency in Detroit.
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Published: February 1, 2009
WASHINGTON - Despite soaring unemployment and the worst economic crisis in decades, 18 states cut their welfare rolls last year, and nationally the number of people receiving cash assistance remained at or near the lowest in more than 40 years.
State-by-State Welfare Assistance
Welfare recipients, 2007
Welfare recipients, 2008
Pct. change in welfare recipients
Unemployment rate, 2007
Unemployment rate, 2008
Pct. pt. change in unemployment
Food stamp recipients, 2007
Food stamp recipients, 2008
Pct. change in food stamp recipients
North Carolina
Fabrizio Costantini for The New York Times
Unemployment applicants waiting at the Wayne County office of the welfare services division.
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E-mail correspondence of Dena Diorio
Posted: Thursday, Nov. 05, 2009
From: Riddle, Joel Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 8:55 AM To: County All Subject: Health Screening Appointment Requests
You are invited to register for free health screenings to be held in recognition of the Mecklenburg County Employee Health and Benefits Fair.
When: Wednesday June 13, 2007
Time: 7:30 am - 11:30 am
Where: Department of Social Services (DSS)
Kuralt Centre (301 Billingsley Road)
Charlotte Training Room
Screening appointments are available from 7:30 am to 11:30 am. The screenings will include a complete biometric profile (blood pressure, height, weight, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and Triglycerides). Following your screening, you will have immediate access to your results.
Appointments are required, so please make sure you register. *
Appointments will be confirmed by email. *
Every effort will be made to schedule your first or second choice.
To register, go to: http://survey.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/Surveys/TakeSurvey.aspx?surveyid=1401
Please contact Christie Dvorak (336-5035) or Anna Mendenahll (336-5036) with questions. From: McCullough, Dallas Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:40 PM To: Walters, Patrick; Cook, Richard Cc: Jones, Donna; Jones, Ron A. (DSS); Hosseini, Teresa C.; Wilson, Bob; Heptig, Barbara L. Subject: RE: Encryption
Hello Patrick, As you stated, to DSS customers, we have always "preached" the policy of saving any confidential information ( and actually anything that you do not want accidentally deleted) to your home directory on the network. I am not aware of any YFS staff or application situations that would not be doing so. Thanks. Dallas McCullough
From: Walters, Patrick Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:33 PM To: Cook, Richard Cc: Jones, Donna; Jones, Ron A. (DSS); Hosseini, Teresa C.; Wilson, Bob; Heptig, Barbara L.; McCullough, Dallas Subject: FW: Encryption
Hi Richard, This request has now found its way to me. By policy, DSS users aren't generally supposed to store/save documents or data on the hard drives. They are encouraged to save them on the networks. All of the data (confidential, sensitive, or otherwise) from our custom applications is saved on the network not on desktops or laptops. I have copied the IT liaisons to each of our divisions to see if they can identify individuals or situations where this might not be the case and we would need the encryption software installed. Thanks, Patrick 64888
From: Villescas, Susana Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 3:27 PM To: Walters, Patrick Subject: FW: Encryption
Patrick: See below: Two suggestions: 1. Get a timetable to see when we have to have this completed 2. Get a definition of what HIPAA related information means as it relates to DSS. I don't believe that we have any HIPAA related information, but I may be wrong. 3. We may need someone from the US Department of HHS to help us sort our the definition. Susana
From: Lipman, Helen Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:54 PM To: Villescas, Susana Subject: FW: Encryption
Please work with Patrick to get the correct information provided. Even though we do not have HIPPA data, we may have other data that we would want to encrypt. Thanks. Helen Lipman Interim Deputy Director Mecklenburg Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Phone: 704-336-6293 Fax: 704-336-3361 Email
From: Jackson, Janice Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:45 PM To: Lipman, Helen Subject: FW: Encryption
Plse get this info to Richard. Thanks.
From: Cook, Richard Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:34 PM To: Jackson, Janice Subject: Encryption
We are in the process of implementing encryption software for desktops/laptops to ensure sensitive/confidential data is properly secured in the event of loss and/or theft. To that end, we would like to identify employees within D.S.S. which have access to this type of information (i.e. HIPPA data etc.) for the initial phase across the County. This particular solution is the same which is being deployed at the State level. A contact to provide such a list (individuals, whole areas etc.) will be necessary. We will then work with D.S.S. Technology support to implement. Please let me know if any comments/concerns. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Richard Cook Sr. IST Security Manager - Mecklenburg County 704.336.4433 (W) 704.578.8934 (BB) Richard.Cook@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov From: Hosseini, Teresa C. Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 7:14 AM To: Walters, Patrick; Cook, Richard Cc: Jones, Donna; Jones, Ron A. (DSS); Wilson, Bob; Heptig, Barbara L.; McCullough, Dallas Subject: RE: Encryption
Several years back Debbie Espin worked with the County Attorney and determined we do not have HIPPA data. Sincerely, Teresa Hosseini IT Project Manager DSS Information Services Division Work number: (704)-336-3205 Email address: TeresaC.Hosseini@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov
From: Walters, Patrick Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:33 PM To: Cook, Richard Cc: Jones, Donna; Jones, Ron A. (DSS); Hosseini, Teresa C.; Wilson, Bob; Heptig, Barbara L.; McCullough, Dallas Subject: FW: Encryption
Hi Richard, This request has now found its way to me. By policy, DSS users aren't generally supposed to store/save documents or data on the hard drives. They are encouraged to save them on the networks. All of the data (confidential, sensitive, or otherwise) from our custom applications is saved on the network not on desktops or laptops. I have copied the IT liaisons to each of our divisions to see if they can identify individuals or situations where this might not be the case and we would need the encryption software installed. Thanks, Patrick 64888
From: Villescas, Susana Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 3:27 PM To: Walters, Patrick Subject: FW: Encryption
Patrick: See below: Two suggestions: 1. Get a timetable to see when we have to have this completed 2. Get a definition of what HIPAA related information means as it relates to DSS. I don't believe that we have any HIPAA related information, but I may be wrong. 3. We may need someone from the US Department of HHS to help us sort our the definition. Susana
From: Lipman, Helen Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:54 PM To: Villescas, Susana Subject: FW: Encryption
Please work with Patrick to get the correct information provided. Even though we do not have HIPPA data, we may have other data that we would want to encrypt. Thanks. Helen Lipman Interim Deputy Director Mecklenburg Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Phone: 704-336-6293 Fax: 704-336-3361 Email Helen.Lipman@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov
From: Jackson, Janice Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:45 PM To: Lipman, Helen Subject: FW: Encryption
Plse get this info to Richard. Thanks.
From: Cook, Richard Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:34 PM To: Jackson, Janice Subject: Encryption
We are in the process of implementing encryption software for desktops/laptops to ensure sensitive/confidential data is properly secured in the event of loss and/or theft. To that end, we would like to identify employees within D.S.S. which have access to this type of information (i.e. HIPPA data etc.) for the initial phase across the County. This particular solution is the same which is being deployed at the State level. A contact to provide such a list (individuals, whole areas etc.) will be necessary. We will then work with D.S.S. Technology support to implement. Please let me know if any comments/concerns. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Richard Cook Sr. IST Security Manager - Mecklenburg County 704.336.4433 (W) 704.578.8934 (BB) Richard.Cook@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov From: Adams, Rodney Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 4:49 PM To: Cook, Richard Subject: Meeting Request
Richard, I would like to discuss the need for additional computer support. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss. Thanks in advance for your time. Rodney Adams Support Services Division Director Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704-353-1594 From: Adams, Rodney Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:21 AM To: Cook, Richard Subject: Computer Support
Mr. Cook, Please contact me regarding computer support needed at the Kuralt Centre of DSS. Thanks. Rodney Adams Support Services Division Director Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704-353-1594 From: Buchanan, Cheryl Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 2:02 PM To: AMH-ALL; AMH-Clinical Managers; AMH-PSO-All Managers-Supervisors; CS-Court Services; DSS Call Center Mgrs; Elections Staff; IST-MGRS; LUE/HLT/GIS-Supv; MCSO-SUPERVISORS; ParkRecreation; PARKALL; ParkSMT; PRKMGR; YFS-ALL; SFA-Adult Medicaid Management Team; SFA-Adult Medicaid-Q&T All; NDS-ADS SECURITY; HR-ALL; Fire Marshall; DEP-ALL Subject: FW: Memo and registration
From: Spears, Cornita Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 9:47 AM To: Wilson, Mary; Diorio, Dena R. Cc: Lancaster, Michelle; Jackson, Janice; Waddell, Christopher; Barber, Douglas Subject: RE: Voucher Protocol
I'm a bit confused. Your e-mail to staff indicates that you've requested Internal Audit to review all invoices and expenditures, but other than receiving an e-mail from Janice at 12:52 today indicating that she had suggested that you contact me about an unspecified issue with expenditures, your e-mail of 5:03 is the first I've heard of the matter. Perhaps you may have spoken with one of our audit staff members and requested the audit that you've referred to in your e-mail to your staff. I don't know who you spoke with, but depending on the volume of transactions, it may be impratical for us to review all invoices and expenditures. I'm in the office on Friday. Give me a call to discuss. I don't have staff available to perform an audit right now, but we do have a project that is winding down in the next couple of weeks and can place this next on the list.
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Wed 12/31/2008 5:03 PM To: Diorio, Dena R.; Spears, Cornita Cc: Lancaster, Michelle; Jackson, Janice Subject: FW: Voucher Protocol
Anita, I'd like to speak with you soon about how we conduct an internal audit on this issue. Thanks, Mary Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 4:58 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: Voucher Protocol
Dear Staff,
On Monday, December 1st, I instructed Paul Risk, Division Director for Youth and Family Services (YFS) to discontinue using vouchers at local stores for purchases until we could understand why the costs had increased so significantly. In recent months one retail bill increased from an average of $5,000 - $6,000 per month to over $20,000 in October. Additionally, it was learned that contrary to County policy, only 30 ñ 35% of receipts have been returned to DSSà Finance Department by the person making the purchases. I ceased the use of YFS vouchers due to a lack of strict oversight of our voucher system for clothes and other consumable supplies for foster children. As a result of this lack of oversight I have asked County Finance internal audit department to review all invoices and expenditures to ensure compliance with County policies.
Upon further investigation, we have found that (i) foster care families are responsible for purchasing clothes for the kids in their care but do not receive a check until 45 days after the child comes to their home, (ii) Mecklenburg County was spending money in addition to the money being paid to the foster care families to purchase clothes, (iii) there are other families with unmet needs such as grandparents in our Kinship care program and (iv) there are donations available to provide for many of these resources for our children who are in need but not in DSS custody.
Following my guidance to discontinue using the vouchers until further research was completed, I received an email from a staff member and subsequently received questions during the round of supervisory meetings I held across DSS. I want to thank the staff member who was courageous enough to send me an e-mail asking me about my decision and I want to thank the supervisors who raised the question during the supervisory meetings.
The following is an update on the issue and our plan for the new process going forward.
A foster parentÃs monthly maintenance payment is intended to meet the needs of youth in custody such as clothing and/or other essential items, however they can not do so if they do not receive their check on time. Therefore, the following clothing protocol is being implemented immediately:
1) Foster parents are informed at the beginning of their relationship with DSS that they are expected to use the maintenance payment to meet the needs (clothing, school supplies, food, and increases in utilities) of a child placed within their home.
2) Foster parents are responsible for ensuring that foster youth are adequately clothed for the season and should have clothing equal to or greater than the minimum clothing list as established by the Department within three months of placement in the foster home.
3) DSS will provide a $150 check within one business day of placement of the foster child to the foster parent for initial clothing purchases and will have that amount deducted from the first foster care payment. This will apply to public and private provider agencies.
4) The licensing worker for the agency will monitor the foster parent to ensure that a foster childÃs basic needs are met.
5) When a youth leaves a foster care placement it is expected that they will have clothing that meets their minimum needs. If they do not the provider will have the cost of replacement clothing deducted from their next maintenance payment.
6) Emergency placements: after-hours staff are authorized to use a clothing voucher, up to $50, so that the provider can get essential clothing that evening or the next day when the child has no clothing.
7) Petitioning social workers should attempt to get clothing from the family and if the family denies access to their children's clothing this matter should be discussed in court at the initial hearing and YFS should request the court to order the family to provide all clothing that is available.
8) Social workers should also contact the Community Resource Office to access funds for safety, preventive or reunification services when a juvenile is remaining in the home or returning to the home (ex. cribs, car seats, etc.). The main contact number to the Community Resources is 704-336-4809.
The YFS Management team is developing the following protocols and will communicate these at a later date:
* A protocol for youth who go "absent with out leave " (AWOL).
* A protocol for kinship care placements throughout DSS. Permanency planning worker should ensure that basic clothing and other needs are met through the kinship care providerÃs resources. If additional resources are required , the social worker should contact the Community Resource Office for assistance using funds donated by the public for the care of our clients. Additionally, the worker should encourage the kinship provider to apply for the Work First cash assistance program to receive Temporary Assistance of Needy Families (TANF) funds and explore becoming licensed as a foster parent which will entitle them to additional cash assistance.
This is a great example of how I hope we can address issues within DSS by being open, honest and transparent and without fear of retaliation. Going forward, I believe it is essential to bring resolution by reviewing the situation and determining whether we are consistent with the policy intended or have we created a work around to fix another problem? In this instance, we created a work around to fix the problem of foster parents not being paid timely and children not having necessary items. This work around was on schedule to costing the County approximately $200,000 a year (up from $58,000 in FY 2007 without an increase in the number of children served). I think all of us would prefer to see these funds used for other items, such as summer camp opportunities or after school transportation for tutoring, that we know our clients need.
Finally, please know that no child was left without necessary items during this time of review and transition. Every Division Director has access to me 24 hours a day 7 days a week so that decisions can be made timely and effectively for our clients. While we will take the time to review and correct our policies and procedures we will always do the right thing to take care of our clients.
Thanks for your continued hard work on behalf of those we serve,
Mary E. Wilson
Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
W) 704-336-Mary
C) 704-649-0568
From: Spears, Cornita Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 9:47 AM To: Wilson, Mary; Diorio, Dena R. Cc: Lancaster, Michelle; Jackson, Janice; Waddell, Christopher; Barber, Douglas Subject: RE: Voucher Protocol
I'm a bit confused. Your e-mail to staff indicates that you've requested Internal Audit to review all invoices and expenditures, but other than receiving an e-mail from Janice at 12:52 today indicating that she had suggested that you contact me about an unspecified issue with expenditures, your e-mail of 5:03 is the first I've heard of the matter. Perhaps you may have spoken with one of our audit staff members and requested the audit that you've referred to in your e-mail to your staff. I don't know who you spoke with, but depending on the volume of transactions, it may be impratical for us to review all invoices and expenditures. I'm in the office on Friday. Give me a call to discuss. I don't have staff available to perform an audit right now, but we do have a project that is winding down in the next couple of weeks and can place this next on the list.
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Wed 12/31/2008 5:03 PM To: Diorio, Dena R.; Spears, Cornita Cc: Lancaster, Michelle; Jackson, Janice Subject: FW: Voucher Protocol
Anita, I'd like to speak with you soon about how we conduct an internal audit on this issue. Thanks, Mary Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 4:58 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: Voucher Protocol
Dear Staff,
On Monday, December 1st, I instructed Paul Risk, Division Director for Youth and Family Services (YFS) to discontinue using vouchers at local stores for purchases until we could understand why the costs had increased so significantly. In recent months one retail bill increased from an average of $5,000 - $6,000 per month to over $20,000 in October. Additionally, it was learned that contrary to County policy, only 30 ñ 35% of receipts have been returned to DSSà Finance Department by the person making the purchases. I ceased the use of YFS vouchers due to a lack of strict oversight of our voucher system for clothes and other consumable supplies for foster children. As a result of this lack of oversight I have asked County Finance internal audit department to review all invoices and expenditures to ensure compliance with County policies.
Upon further investigation, we have found that (i) foster care families are responsible for purchasing clothes for the kids in their care but do not receive a check until 45 days after the child comes to their home, (ii) Mecklenburg County was spending money in addition to the money being paid to the foster care families to purchase clothes, (iii) there are other families with unmet needs such as grandparents in our Kinship care program and (iv) there are donations available to provide for many of these resources for our children who are in need but not in DSS custody.
Following my guidance to discontinue using the vouchers until further research was completed, I received an email from a staff member and subsequently received questions during the round of supervisory meetings I held across DSS. I want to thank the staff member who was courageous enough to send me an e-mail asking me about my decision and I want to thank the supervisors who raised the question during the supervisory meetings.
The following is an update on the issue and our plan for the new process going forward.
A foster parentÃs monthly maintenance payment is intended to meet the needs of youth in custody such as clothing and/or other essential items, however they can not do so if they do not receive their check on time. Therefore, the following clothing protocol is being implemented immediately:
1) Foster parents are informed at the beginning of their relationship with DSS that they are expected to use the maintenance payment to meet the needs (clothing, school supplies, food, and increases in utilities) of a child placed within their home.
2) Foster parents are responsible for ensuring that foster youth are adequately clothed for the season and should have clothing equal to or greater than the minimum clothing list as established by the Department within three months of placement in the foster home.
3) DSS will provide a $150 check within one business day of placement of the foster child to the foster parent for initial clothing purchases and will have that amount deducted from the first foster care payment. This will apply to public and private provider agencies.
4) The licensing worker for the agency will monitor the foster parent to ensure that a foster childÃs basic needs are met.
5) When a youth leaves a foster care placement it is expected that they will have clothing that meets their minimum needs. If they do not the provider will have the cost of replacement clothing deducted from their next maintenance payment.
6) Emergency placements: after-hours staff are authorized to use a clothing voucher, up to $50, so that the provider can get essential clothing that evening or the next day when the child has no clothing.
7) Petitioning social workers should attempt to get clothing from the family and if the family denies access to their children's clothing this matter should be discussed in court at the initial hearing and YFS should request the court to order the family to provide all clothing that is available.
8) Social workers should also contact the Community Resource Office to access funds for safety, preventive or reunification services when a juvenile is remaining in the home or returning to the home (ex. cribs, car seats, etc.). The main contact number to the Community Resources is 704-336-4809.
The YFS Management team is developing the following protocols and will communicate these at a later date:
* A protocol for youth who go "absent with out leave " (AWOL).
* A protocol for kinship care placements throughout DSS. Permanency planning worker should ensure that basic clothing and other needs are met through the kinship care providerÃs resources. If additional resources are required , the social worker should contact the Community Resource Office for assistance using funds donated by the public for the care of our clients. Additionally, the worker should encourage the kinship provider to apply for the Work First cash assistance program to receive Temporary Assistance of Needy Families (TANF) funds and explore becoming licensed as a foster parent which will entitle them to additional cash assistance.
This is a great example of how I hope we can address issues within DSS by being open, honest and transparent and without fear of retaliation. Going forward, I believe it is essential to bring resolution by reviewing the situation and determining whether we are consistent with the policy intended or have we created a work around to fix another problem? In this instance, we created a work around to fix the problem of foster parents not being paid timely and children not having necessary items. This work around was on schedule to costing the County approximately $200,000 a year (up from $58,000 in FY 2007 without an increase in the number of children served). I think all of us would prefer to see these funds used for other items, such as summer camp opportunities or after school transportation for tutoring, that we know our clients need.
Finally, please know that no child was left without necessary items during this time of review and transition. Every Division Director has access to me 24 hours a day 7 days a week so that decisions can be made timely and effectively for our clients. While we will take the time to review and correct our policies and procedures we will always do the right thing to take care of our clients.
Thanks for your continued hard work on behalf of those we serve,
Mary E. Wilson
Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
W) 704-336-Mary
C) 704-649-0568
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 10:57 AM To: Spears, Cornita; Diorio, Dena R. Cc: Lancaster, Michelle; Jackson, Janice; Waddell, Christopher; Barber, Douglas Subject: Re: Voucher Protocol
Sorry if I misspoke. I thought Janice discussed with you. It is important but not time sensitive. We can work with your schedule.
Thanks for the response.
Happy New Year! Mary
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
E-mail correspondence of Cindy Brady
Posted: Thursday, Nov. 05, 2009
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:09:10 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Averi, Melissa" , "Berger, Larissa" , "Blankenship, Kelley A." , "Brewton, Mniokhi" , "Clark, Erin" , "Donaldson, Leslie" , "Fox, Morgan" , "Freeman, Jennifer A." , "Gause, Nichole" , "Goree, Alyssa" , "Hayes, Jennifer" , "Jennings, Lisa" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Rowell Brown, Tasha" , "Simpson, Crystal" , "Smalls, Terri L."
Since tomorrow is jeans day, I would like to pack up the Christmas toys and clean up the storage room. I think we will leave all the clothing in the old Intake room since we may need them due to not having vouchers. We may also move the tote bags into the old Intake room for convenience! We will start after lunch, about 1:00. I would love to have your help if you are available! Thank you for all your help throughout the entire Christmas season. Cindy E. Brady MSEd Licensing & Placement Supervisor Youth and Family Services 700 East Stonewall St. Charlotte, NC 28202 704-336-7348
From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Averi, Melissa" , "Berger, Larissa" , "Blankenship, Kelley A." , "Brewton, Mniokhi" , "Clark, Erin" , "Donaldson, Leslie" , "Fox, Morgan" , "Freeman, Jennifer A." , "Gause, Nichole" , "Goree, Alyssa" , "Hayes, Jennifer" , "Jennings, Lisa" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Rowell Brown, Tasha" , "Simpson, Crystal" , "Smalls, Terri L."
Since tomorrow is jeans day, I would like to pack up the Christmas toys and clean up the storage room. I think we will leave all the clothing in the old Intake room since we may need them due to not having vouchers. We may also move the tote bags into the old Intake room for convenience! We will start after lunch, about 1:00. I would love to have your help if you are available! Thank you for all your help throughout the entire Christmas season. Cindy E. Brady MSEd Licensing & Placement Supervisor Youth and Family Services 700 East Stonewall St. Charlotte, NC 28202 704-336-7348
Subject: Packing up toys and cleaning storage room Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:09:10 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Averi, Melissa" , "Berger, Larissa" , "Blankenship, Kelley A." , "Brewton, Mniokhi" , "Clark, Erin" , "Donaldson, Leslie" , "Fox, Morgan" , "Freeman, Jennifer A." , "Gause, Nichole" , "Goree, Alyssa" , "Hayes, Jennifer" , "Jennings, Lisa" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Rowell Brown, Tasha" , "Simpson, Crystal" , "Smalls, Terri L."
I will be out of the office from January 5th -9th. I will be returning to the office on Monday January 12th.
Subject: Packing up toys and cleaning storage room Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:09:10 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Averi, Melissa" , "Berger, Larissa" , "Blankenship, Kelley A." , "Brewton, Mniokhi" , "Clark, Erin" , "Donaldson, Leslie" , "Fox, Morgan" , "Freeman, Jennifer A." , "Gause, Nichole" , "Goree, Alyssa" , "Hayes, Jennifer" , "Jennings, Lisa" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Rowell Brown, Tasha" , "Simpson, Crystal" , "Smalls, Terri L."
I will be out of the office from January 5th -9th. I will be returning to the office on Monday January 12th.
Subject: giving tree 08 labels Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 10:40:42 -0500 From: "Fox, Morgan" To: "Brady, Cindy"
attached Morgan F. Jeter, MSW Resource Development Social Worker Youth and Family Services Department Mecklenburg County DSS 700 E Stonewall St Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 353-0067
Subject: RE: giving tree 08 labels Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 11:28:35 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Fox, Morgan"
Thank you so very much! Cindy E. Brady MSEd Licensing & Placement Supervisor Youth and Family Services 700 East Stonewall St. Charlotte, NC 28202 704-336-7348
From: Fox, Morgan Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 10:41 AM To: Brady, Cindy Subject: giving tree 08 labels
attached Morgan F. Jeter, MSW Resource Development Social Worker Youth and Family Services Department Mecklenburg County DSS 700 E Stonewall St Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 353-0067
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:22:21 -0500 From: "Goree, Alyssa" To: "Averi, Melissa" , "Berger, Larissa" , "Blankenship, Kelley A." , "Brady, Cindy" , "Brewton, Mniokhi" , "Clark, Erin" , "Donaldson, Leslie" , "Fox, Morgan" , "Freeman, Jennifer A." , "Gause, Nichole" , "Hayes, Jennifer" , "Jennings, Lisa" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Rowell Brown, Tasha" , "Simpson, Crystal" , "Smalls, Terri L."
From: Taylor-Richards, Susie [mailto:STaylor@jmdlaw.com] Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 12:05 PM To: Goree, Alyssa Subject: MCFPA Meeting
Can you please help us get the word out. _____
6209 Deep Forest Ln. Charlotte NC.
January 9, 2009
Dear Foster Parents:
The next meeting of the Mecklenburg County Foster Parent Association will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 17, at the downtown library. If you are currently utilizing the Food Bank and/or Clothing Closet, it is mandatory that you attend this meeting to discuss important issues.
Many great things are being planned for 2009 and we would like to get your input on what the association can do for you, as foster parents. It is our goal to bring new direction and renewed energy into the association.
If you would like additional information in regards to the meeting, please feel free to visit our web site at MCFPA-NC.com or you can contact me at home (704) 719-4307, on my cell (704) 287-0882, or email KSandTARichards@aol.com . Leave your name, email address and/or phone number and I will get back with you as quickly as possible.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 17.
Thomas A. Richards
President - MCFPA
Subject: FW: MCFPA Meeting Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:22:21 -0500 From: "Goree, Alyssa" To: "Averi, Melissa" , "Berger, Larissa" , "Blankenship, Kelley A." , "Brady, Cindy" , "Brewton, Mniokhi" , "Clark, Erin" , "Donaldson, Leslie" , "Fox, Morgan" , "Freeman, Jennifer A." , "Gause, Nichole" , "Hayes, Jennifer" , "Jennings, Lisa" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Rowell Brown, Tasha" , "Simpson, Crystal" , "Smalls, Terri L."
From: Taylor-Richards, Susie [mailto:STaylor@jmdlaw.com] Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 12:05 PM To: Goree, Alyssa Subject: MCFPA Meeting
Can you please help us get the word out. _____
6209 Deep Forest Ln. Charlotte NC.
January 9, 2009
Dear Foster Parents:
The next meeting of the Mecklenburg County Foster Parent Association will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 17, at the downtown library. If you are currently utilizing the Food Bank and/or Clothing Closet, it is mandatory that you attend this meeting to discuss important issues.
Many great things are being planned for 2009 and we would like to get your input on what the association can do for you, as foster parents. It is our goal to bring new direction and renewed energy into the association.
If you would like additional information in regards to the meeting, please feel free to visit our web site at MCFPA-NC.com or you can contact me at home (704) 719-4307, on my cell (704) 287-0882, or email KSandTARichards@aol.com . Leave your name, email address and/or phone number and I will get back with you as quickly as possible.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 17.
Thomas A. Richards
President - MCFPA
Subject: FW: MCFPA Meeting Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 13:27:09 -0500 From: "Goree, Alyssa" To: "Brady, Cindy" , "Simpson, Crystal"
see below
From: Taylor-Richards, Susie [mailto:STaylor@jmdlaw.com] Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 1:23 PM To: Goree, Alyssa Subject: RE: MCFPA Meeting
I appreciate that. I remember Crystal mentioned that to us earlier, it just slipped my mind until I noticed the up-coming date on the calendar. Thank you for you help.
From: Goree, Alyssa [mailto:Alyssa.Goree@mecklenburgcountync.gov] Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 1:19 PM To: Taylor-Richards, Susie Subject: RE: MCFPA Meeting
In order to get this to our foster parents in time through the mail, we will need more time in the future. Our mail system is slow and if we sent it out today it may not get there til the middle of next week, which wouldnt give them very much time to plan for it. But we are sending it out! Thanks.
From: Taylor-Richards, Susie [mailto:STaylor@jmdlaw.com] Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 12:05 PM To: Goree, Alyssa Subject: MCFPA Meeting
Can you please help us get the word out.
6209 Deep Forest Ln. Charlotte NC.
January 9, 2009
Dear Foster Parents:
The next meeting of the Mecklenburg County Foster Parent Association will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 17, at the downtown library. If you are currently utilizing the Food Bank and/or Clothing Closet, it is mandatory that you attend this meeting to discuss important issues.
Many great things are being planned for 2009 and we would like to get your input on what the association can do for you, as foster parents. It is our goal to bring new direction and renewed energy into the association.
If you would like additional information in regards to the meeting, please feel free to visit our web site at MCFPA-NC.com or you can contact me at home (704) 719-4307, on my cell (704) 287-0882, or email KSandTARichards@aol.com . Leave your name, email address and/or phone number and I will get back with you as quickly as possible.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 17.
Thomas A. Richards
President - MCFPA
Subject: anonymous letter Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 18:43:02 -0500 From: "Wilson, Mary" To: "DSS-ALL"
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Subject: anonymous letter Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 18:43:02 -0500 From: "Wilson, Mary" To: "DSS-ALL"
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Subject: anonymous letter Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 18:43:02 -0500 From: "Wilson, Mary" To: "DSS-ALL"
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Subject: RE: anonymous letter Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 16:22:08 -0500 From: "Love, Hazel" To: "Wilson, Mary" , "DSS-ALL"
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Subject: RE: anonymous letter Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 16:22:08 -0500 From: "Love, Hazel" To: "Wilson, Mary" , "DSS-ALL"
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Subject: RE: anonymous letter Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 16:22:08 -0500 From: "Love, Hazel" To: "Wilson, Mary" , "DSS-ALL"
From: Wilson, Mary Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:43 PM To: DSS-ALL Subject: anonymous letter
Dear Team:
The County Manager recently shared the attached letter with me. I requested permission to share this with all of you as I want to keep you informed. While I had hoped these letters would stop based upon the progress we have been making, unfortunately, they have not.
Nevertheless, we will continue our efforts to move the department from being good to great.
Over the past 6 months, I believe we have taken some significant strides together as an organization. We have held a DSS wide staff training and recognition that for the first time in the history of the organization, brought all 1200 employees together for training and recognition. We have implemented a tuition reimbursement program for the first time for all employees. We have aligned ourselves with County shared services which are already improving our access to resources. And we have engaged community partners and placed social workers in the community to meet the client where they are located.
Since I have come on Board at DSS I have taken the opportunity to get to know as many of you as I can through small group meetings, one on one sessions, meetings at different DSS locations and attending your staff meetings. I have met with hundreds of employees at every level of the organization and I will continue to do so. Over and over I have had employees tell me things such as, "Once again I want to thank you for listening to what we had to say. Once again I have that feeling that you really care about the front line workers. In all the years I have been at DSS, the director has always kept his distance from the front line workers, but ever since you have been here I have felt someone really does care about us."
What I have learned is that there are passionate people at DSS who love what they do but don't always have a way to have their voice heard at every level of the organization. You have questions and ideas and there is not always a non-threatening way to share ideas or get answers. My vision for DSS is that every employee will be valued as an important part of the team. It is my desire that each one of you would embrace this vision, to continue to move our organization forward.
Next week the Senior Executive Team will be involved in an offsite meeting to develop our vision and mission statement for DSS and our 6 month Strategic Plan. Once that is finalized, we will develop and publish a communication plan to keep you updated on how you can get involved to help make a difference. We will continue to communicate progress on all initiatives on a regular basis.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are the BEST team and I look forward to working with you to serve all the citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Subject: YFS Clothing Policy Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 14:35:49 -0500 From: "Johnson, Michelle" To: "Bass, Craig" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Brigitte Perry" , "Butler, Karen" , "Campbell, Kimm R." , "Cleveland, Libby" , "Clontz, Laine" , "Cooper, Rose" , "Crawford, Frank" , "Crockett, Grayce" , "Current, Jeree" , "Daughety, Julie" , "Dukes, Debbie" , "Fayko, Donna" , "Foster, Edward" , "Gatlin, Marvina" , "Graham, Brennon" , "Grosse, Fred" , "Howe, John" , "Hugging, Angela" , "Iseah, Valerie" , "Jackson, Angie" , "Johnson, Amy" , "Johnson, James" , "Knarr, Victoria" , "Kuehn, Jennifer" , "Laurie Whitson" , "Lawing, Clarence" , "Leslie Kellenberger" , "Levine, Bet" , "Mack, Gerald" , "Mack, Mary" , "McDaniel, Tara" , "Mele, Connie" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Nichols, Myra" , "Parks, Yvette" , "Pinkney, Colin" , "Powers, Mary Jo" , "Rollins, Andrea" , "Simpson-Crumpley, Tiffany" , "Stiwalt, Keith" , "Ward, Yvonne M" , "White, Mazie" , "Wilson, Beth" Cc: "Butler, Karen" , "Fayko, Donna" , "Risk, Paul M."
Good Afternoon, As you are aware the Department of Social Services, Division of Youth and Family Services continues to revamp business to provide a higher level of customer service to the people that it serves. To ensure that this is accomplished the following updated version of the clothing policy has been implemented. This policy is effective immediately. Should you have any questions or feedback, please do hesitate to contact the persons stated in the attached letter. Please share with your staff Michelle B. Johnson 720 E. 4th Street, Suite 502 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 704-432-1122 (Office) 704-336-7429 (Fax Machine) Michelle.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message and any attachments included are from the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services and are for sole use by the intended recipient(s). The information contained herein may include confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing, or using such information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this message in error, or have reason to believe you are not authorized to receive it, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you!
Subject: Read: YFS Clothing Policy Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:21:09 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Johnson, Michelle" Subject: Read: YFS Clothing Policy Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:21:09 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Johnson, Michelle" Subject: MCFPA Clothing Closet and Food bank Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:00:02 -0500 From: "Averi, Melissa" To: "Butler, Karen" Cc: "Brady, Cindy"
Hi Ms. Butler, The Mecklenburg County Foster Parent Association has a clothing closet and food bank which it operates for the foster parents of Mecklenburg County. Unfortunately, these services are in danger of being discontinued due to the rising costs of the storage units these items are housed in. With the moratorium on clothing vouchers, it would be a shame for these resources to be wasted when they are so desperately needed by our foster children. I was wondering if you were aware of any space that DSS/YFS could allocate for the Clothing Closet and food bank to continue its operations. Any assistance you could provide would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. _____
From: Hinson, Beverly [mailto:Beverly.Hinson@mecklenburgcountync.gov] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1:58 PM To: Taylor-Richards, Susie Cc: Cunningham, Darrell Subject: RE: Mecklenburg county Foster Parent Association
Let me forward this to Darrell Cunningham, Division Director for the Community Resources Division. Darrell?
From: Taylor-Richards, Susie [mailto:STaylor@jmdlaw.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1:51 PM To: Hinson, Beverly Cc: KSandTARichards@aol.com Subject: Mecklenburg county Foster Parent Association
Ms. Hinson -
The MCFPA operates a food bank and clothing closet that we open monthly for foster parents who have current placements to come and shop for non-perishable food items and gently used clothing. Our donations come for area coat/clothing drives, school drives and consignment shops and Second Harvest.
We have been renting 4 storage units to house our items. When foster parents come to shop, they pay a $25 fee and for this we give them groceries and a bag of free clothing. Additional bags are $5. Unfortunately, we do not make enough to pay the rental on the storage units and unless we can find another domicile to house our items, we will have to discontinue our services.
We would like to inquire about available space at the Freedom Drive or the Bob Walton Plaza DSS locations.
Would you be open to discussing this with us?
Thomas Richards/tr
Subject: MCFPA Clothing Closet and Food bank Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:00:02 -0500 From: "Averi, Melissa" To: "Butler, Karen" Cc: "Brady, Cindy"
Hi Amy, I just want to be sure I am understanding your message correctly- Licensing and PP staff gave fiscal staff numbers out to foster parents, correct? If that is the case I will be sure to get with them via Cindy in the am. Typically the licensing staff manage this communication with fiscal so I am not sure what was different in this case. Regardless we will get with staff in the am. Also just want to be sure that it is still ok for our staff to contact fiscal regarding check issues. This is the instruction Awilda gave us last week. If this has changed please advise. thanks
From: Risk, Paul M. Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 3:13 PM To: Johnson, Amy; Butler, Karen; Fayko, Donna Cc: Alexander, Stanley; Bradley, Charles; Buchanan, Richard; Levine, Bet; Mcallister, James P.; Muwwakkil, Baheerah; Renfroe, Darrell; Risk, Paul M. Subject: RE: clothing vouchers
Everyone, Please cover this in OPS next week and then create a plan for sharing the information with supervisors and line staff. This information will need to go out quickly and will need to be understood by everyone since phone calls to finance staff will not be allowed. Paul Paul M. Risk, MSW Director, Youth and Family Services 720 E. 4th Street, Suite 502 Charlotte NC 28212 704-336-5929 (Office) 704-336-7429 (Fax) PaulM.Risk@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov please note this is new office location and contact information
From: Johnson, Amy Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:23 PM To: Risk, Paul M.; Butler, Karen; Fayko, Donna Cc: Johnson, Adrienne; Brooks, Awilda Subject: FW: clothing vouchers Importance: High
All, Please see below for email from Awilda. It appears staff are calling her directly to find out the process for the clothing vouchers. The process is made relatively clear in the guidelines we developed and the supervisors should be able to handle that instruction. However, maybe Donna Johnson should do some training. Your call, of course, but we should be able to minimize these calls with training. Thanks. Also, if you could intercede on the part of social workers giving out several fiscal staff's names and numbers if they have an issue with their checks. An Alyssa Goree (supervised by Cindy Brady) and Janice Meyers (supervised by David Fee) gave out the numbers of Adrienne Johnson and Awilda Brooks. The customer called them numerous times because a check was incorrect. The social worker should have gone to the supervisor and the supervisor should handle with the fiscal staff. Please advise staff not to give out numbers to customers. Thanks again. Amy E. Johnson Senior Fiscal Administrator Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Work: (704) 336-7976 Cell: (704) 208-7063 Email: Amy.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message. Please note that although we will take all commercially reasonable efforts to prevent viruses from being transmitted from our systems, it is the responsibility of the recipient to check for and prevent adverse action by viruses on its own systems.
From: Brooks, Awilda Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:07 PM To: Johnson, Amy Subject: clothing vouchers
I just received a call from Trescha MccIlwaine and she was advised to call me to get instructions on completing the clothing voucher. Supervisors need to explain this process or there needs to be collective meeting all staff where this can be reviewed as a informal training session. Awilda Ann Brooks Fiscal Analyst Mecklenburg County Social Services 301 Billingsley Rd Charlotte NC 28211 Office : 704-336-4837 Fax: 704-409-7007
Subject: MCFPA Clothing Closet and Food bank Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:00:02 -0500 From: "Averi, Melissa" To: "Butler, Karen" Cc: "Brady, Cindy"
Hi Amy, I just want to be sure I am understanding your message correctly- Licensing and PP staff gave fiscal staff numbers out to foster parents, correct? If that is the case I will be sure to get with them via Cindy in the am. Typically the licensing staff manage this communication with fiscal so I am not sure what was different in this case. Regardless we will get with staff in the am. Also just want to be sure that it is still ok for our staff to contact fiscal regarding check issues. This is the instruction Awilda gave us last week. If this has changed please advise. thanks
From: Risk, Paul M. Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 3:13 PM To: Johnson, Amy; Butler, Karen; Fayko, Donna Cc: Alexander, Stanley; Bradley, Charles; Buchanan, Richard; Levine, Bet; Mcallister, James P.; Muwwakkil, Baheerah; Renfroe, Darrell; Risk, Paul M. Subject: RE: clothing vouchers
Everyone, Please cover this in OPS next week and then create a plan for sharing the information with supervisors and line staff. This information will need to go out quickly and will need to be understood by everyone since phone calls to finance staff will not be allowed. Paul Paul M. Risk, MSW Director, Youth and Family Services 720 E. 4th Street, Suite 502 Charlotte NC 28212 704-336-5929 (Office) 704-336-7429 (Fax) PaulM.Risk@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov please note this is new office location and contact information
From: Johnson, Amy Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:23 PM To: Risk, Paul M.; Butler, Karen; Fayko, Donna Cc: Johnson, Adrienne; Brooks, Awilda Subject: FW: clothing vouchers Importance: High
All, Please see below for email from Awilda. It appears staff are calling her directly to find out the process for the clothing vouchers. The process is made relatively clear in the guidelines we developed and the supervisors should be able to handle that instruction. However, maybe Donna Johnson should do some training. Your call, of course, but we should be able to minimize these calls with training. Thanks. Also, if you could intercede on the part of social workers giving out several fiscal staff's names and numbers if they have an issue with their checks. An Alyssa Goree (supervised by Cindy Brady) and Janice Meyers (supervised by David Fee) gave out the numbers of Adrienne Johnson and Awilda Brooks. The customer called them numerous times because a check was incorrect. The social worker should have gone to the supervisor and the supervisor should handle with the fiscal staff. Please advise staff not to give out numbers to customers. Thanks again. Amy E. Johnson Senior Fiscal Administrator Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Work: (704) 336-7976 Cell: (704) 208-7063 Email: Amy.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message. Please note that although we will take all commercially reasonable efforts to prevent viruses from being transmitted from our systems, it is the responsibility of the recipient to check for and prevent adverse action by viruses on its own systems.
From: Brooks, Awilda Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:07 PM To: Johnson, Amy Subject: clothing vouchers
I just received a call from Trescha MccIlwaine and she was advised to call me to get instructions on completing the clothing voucher. Supervisors need to explain this process or there needs to be collective meeting all staff where this can be reviewed as a informal training session. Awilda Ann Brooks Fiscal Analyst Mecklenburg County Social Services 301 Billingsley Rd Charlotte NC 28211 Office : 704-336-4837 Fax: 704-409-7007
Subject: FW: Process for vouchers Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 09:47:13 -0500 From: "Levine, Bet" To: "Brady, Cindy" , "Newman, Donna" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Wade, Debbie B." , "Houston, Christine" , "Harris, Myeisha"
fyi- keep for reference please
From: Fayko, Donna Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 7:01 PM To: Levine, Bet Cc: Butler, Karen Subject: FW: Process for vouchers
Here are the procedures on how to access the clothing allotment that Karen shared on Friday. Donna Fayko 704.336.3274
From: Butler, Karen Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:56 PM To: Alexander, Stanley; Bradley, Charles; Mcallister, James P.; Renfroe, Darrell; Buchanan, Richard; Fayko, Donna; Muwwakkil, Baheerah; Levine, Bet; Shepard-Smith, Rebecca; Syles-Ballard, Denise Cc: Risk, Paul M. Subject: Process for vouchers
Please see the attached outline from finance re: the process for vouchers (emergency and the $150 for foster placements). Please contact Awilda Brooks or Adrienne Johnson with any questions. Thanks! Karen Butler, Deputy Director Youth & Family Services Agency 720 E. Fourth Street, Suite 502 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.432.0292 (desk) 704.336.7429 (fax)
Subject: FW: Process for vouchers Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 09:47:13 -0500 From: "Levine, Bet" To: "Brady, Cindy" , "Newman, Donna" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Wade, Debbie B." , "Houston, Christine" , "Harris, Myeisha"
fyi- keep for reference please
From: Fayko, Donna Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 7:01 PM To: Levine, Bet Cc: Butler, Karen Subject: FW: Process for vouchers
Here are the procedures on how to access the clothing allotment that Karen shared on Friday. Donna Fayko 704.336.3274
From: Butler, Karen Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 2:56 PM To: Alexander, Stanley; Bradley, Charles; Mcallister, James P.; Renfroe, Darrell; Buchanan, Richard; Fayko, Donna; Muwwakkil, Baheerah; Levine, Bet; Shepard-Smith, Rebecca; Syles-Ballard, Denise Cc: Risk, Paul M. Subject: Process for vouchers
Please see the attached outline from finance re: the process for vouchers (emergency and the $150 for foster placements). Please contact Awilda Brooks or Adrienne Johnson with any questions. Thanks! Karen Butler, Deputy Director Youth & Family Services Agency 720 E. Fourth Street, Suite 502 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.432.0292 (desk) 704.336.7429 (fax)
Subject: 2008 Project Joy Giving Tree Totals.doc Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:31:21 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Hinson, Beverly" Subject: 2008 Project Joy Giving Tree Totals.doc Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:39:07 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Hinson, Beverly" Subject: 2008 Project Joy Giving Tree Totals.doc Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:39:07 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Hinson, Beverly" Subject: Clothing voucher policy revisit Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:52:10 -0500 From: "Levine, Bet" To: "Jennings, Lisa" Cc: "Brady, Cindy"
Hi Lisa,
Donna Fayko asked if you would be a good choice to participate in a group revisiting the new clothing voucher protocol since you had had some conversation around this topic already. I told her that you would be a good choice.
She will be getting in touch with you
Bet Levine, MHDL Senior Social Services Manager Youth and Family Services 700 E. Stonewall St. Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28202 Bet.Levine@Mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-3165 704-432-4132 (fax)
Subject: Clothing voucher policy revisit Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:52:10 -0500 From: "Levine, Bet" To: "Jennings, Lisa" Cc: "Brady, Cindy"
Hi Lisa,
Donna Fayko asked if you would be a good choice to participate in a group revisiting the new clothing voucher protocol since you had had some conversation around this topic already. I told her that you would be a good choice.
She will be getting in touch with you
Bet Levine, MHDL Senior Social Services Manager Youth and Family Services 700 E. Stonewall St. Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28202 Bet.Levine@Mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-3165 704-432-4132 (fax)
Subject: RE: Clothing voucher policy revisit Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 08:21:52 -0500 From: "Jennings, Lisa" To: "Levine, Bet" Cc: "Brady, Cindy"
No problem! Lisa Jennings Resource Development Licensing & Placement Phone: 704-336-2850 Fax: 704-353-0964
From: Levine, Bet Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 4:52 PM To: Jennings, Lisa Cc: Brady, Cindy Subject: Clothing voucher policy revisit
Hi Lisa,
Donna Fayko asked if you would be a good choice to participate in a group revisiting the new clothing voucher protocol since you had had some conversation around this topic already. I told her that you would be a good choice.
She will be getting in touch with you
Bet Levine, MHDL Senior Social Services Manager Youth and Family Services 700 E. Stonewall St. Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28202 Bet.Levine@Mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-3165 704-432-4132 (fax)
Subject: RE: Clothing voucher policy revisit Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 08:21:52 -0500 From: "Jennings, Lisa" To: "Levine, Bet" Cc: "Brady, Cindy"
No problem! Lisa Jennings Resource Development Licensing & Placement Phone: 704-336-2850 Fax: 704-353-0964
From: Levine, Bet Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 4:52 PM To: Jennings, Lisa Cc: Brady, Cindy Subject: Clothing voucher policy revisit
Hi Lisa,
Donna Fayko asked if you would be a good choice to participate in a group revisiting the new clothing voucher protocol since you had had some conversation around this topic already. I told her that you would be a good choice.
She will be getting in touch with you
Bet Levine, MHDL Senior Social Services Manager Youth and Family Services 700 E. Stonewall St. Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28202 Bet.Levine@Mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-3165 704-432-4132 (fax)
Subject: voucher policy Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 13:52:41 -0500 From: "Levine, Bet" To: "Brady, Cindy"
I think this is the most recent "policy" (attachment # 1)
the other is the e-maiil from Mary that the policy was derived from
Please ensure staff have the ppolicy and understand how to facilitate the $150
Bet Levine, MHDL Senior Social Services Manager Youth and Family Services 700 E. Stonewall St. Suite 600 Charlotte, NC 28202 Bet.Levine@Mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-3165 704-432-4132 (fax)
Subject: FW: Clothing Allowance Check Request Procedures Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 16:08:30 -0500 From: "Butler, Karen" To: "Levine, Bet" , "Brady, Cindy" Cc: "Buchanan, Richard"
Latest version
From: Johnson, Amy Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 4:09 PM To: Risk, Paul M.; Fayko, Donna; Butler, Karen Cc: Brooks, Awilda; Johnson, Adrienne Subject: Clothing Allowance Check Request Procedures
Please see attached revised clothing allowance check request process with changes requested during this morning's meeting.
Amy E. Johnson
Senior Fiscal Administrator
Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services
301 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
Work: (704) 336-7976
Cell: (704) 208-7063
Email: Amy.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or communication of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message. Please note that although we will take all commercially reasonable efforts to prevent viruses from being transmitted from our systems, it is the responsibility of the recipient to check for and prevent adverse action by viruses on its own systems.
Subject: Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 10:39:41 -0500 From: "Brady, Cindy" To: "Hinson, Beverly" Cindy E. Brady MSEd Licensing & Placement Supervisor Youth and Family Services 700 East Stonewall St. Charlotte, NC 28202 704-336-7348
Subject: Project Joy Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:15:46 -0500 From: "Hinson, Beverly" To: "Brady, Cindy"
Can you give me your volunteer hours?
Beverly Hinson, CAVNC Community Resources Administrator Mecklenburg County- Dept of Social Services phone 704-336-4545 fax 704-336-8046
Subject: Client Benefits Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:36:04 -0500 From: "Nelson, Tammera" To: "Jeter, Morgan" , "Averi, Melissa" , "Berger, Larissa" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Donaldson, Leslie" , "Freeman, Jennifer A." , "Gause, Nichole" , "Goree, Alyssa" , "Hayes, Jennifer" , "Jennings, Lisa" , "Rowell Brown, Tasha" , "Simpson, Crystal" , "Smalls, Terri L." , "Spears-Mbacke, DeShawn C." Cc: "Levine, Bet"
Bet needs to know the following today: 1. Number and amount of vouchers used in RD since January 1, 2009 2. Any other client benefits that could have been used in our area. Tammera R. Nelson, MA Social Work Supervisor Youth and Family Services 700 E. Stonewall Street, 6th Floor Charlotte, NC 28202 Office: (704) 336-4972 Fax: (704) 353-0964
Subject: Process for Initial Clothing for Children in Custody - Response Needed Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 20:47:07 -0500 From: "Johnson, Michelle" To: "Nelson, Tammera" , "Mack, Gerald" , "Graham, Brennon" , "Crawford, Frank" , "Cooper, Rose" , "Hugging, Angela" , "Kuehn, Jennifer" , "Butler, Karen" , "Ward, Yvonne M" , "Clontz, Laine" , "Bass, Craig" , "White, Mazie" , "Rollins, Andrea" , "Lawing, Clarence" , "Johnson, James" , "Simpson-Crumpley, Tiffany" , "Pinkney, Colin" , "Fayko, Donna" , "Cleveland, Libby" , "Johnson, Amy" , "Brigitte Perry" , "Mack, Mary" , "Iseah, Valerie" , "Leslie Kellenberger" , "Knarr, Victoria" , "Gatlin, Marvina" , "Current, Jeree" , "Nichols, Myra" , "Parks, Yvette" , "Grosse, Fred" , "Laurie Whitson" , "Campbell, Kimm R." , "Wilson, Beth" , "Foster, Edward" , "Jackson, Angie" , "Mele, Connie" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Crockett, Grayce" , "Levine, Bet" , "Howe, John" , "Daughety, Julie" , "Powers, Mary Jo" Cc: "Butler, Karen" , "Fayko, Donna"
Good Afternoon Providers, As you know, during the last provider meeting the group discussed the new clothing policy that is being implemented by Youth and Family Services. According to this policy each agency is responsible for obtaining the initial clothing for children that come into custody of the department. and placed in a foster home that is under your supervision. To ensure that our staff understands the overall process and how each agency will address the clothing issue and communicate more effective with your staff as it relates to meeting the needs of the children within the timeframe described in the policy it is imperative that we are given the process that you will follow to achieve the desired outcome. For example, will your agency provide the foster parents with a gift card, check or alternative method of payment as well as timeframes. Please e-mail me this process as soon as possible so that we can share the information with our staff and management and reduce any barriers that may hinder the children from receiving their initial clothing in a timely manner. Should you have any questions about the request, please feel free to contact me at 704-432-1122 and don't forget to e-mail your information to Michelle.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov
Subject: FW: Process for Initial Clothing for Children in Custody - Response Needed Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 10:03:52 -0500 From: "Levine, Bet" To: "Jennings, Lisa" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Nelson, Tammera" Cc: "Fayko, Donna" , "Butler, Karen" , "Buchanan, Richard"
Hi Lisa, could you please pass on to the L&P staff? thx
From: Johnson, Michelle Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:47 PM To: Nelson, Tammera; Mack, Gerald; Graham, Brennon; Crawford, Frank; Cooper, Rose; Hugging, Angela; Kuehn, Jennifer; Butler, Karen; Ward, Yvonne M; Clontz, Laine; Bass, Craig; White, Mazie; Rollins, Andrea; Lawing, Clarence; Johnson, James; Simpson-Crumpley, Tiffany; Pinkney, Colin; Fayko, Donna; Cleveland, Libby; Johnson, Amy; Brigitte Perry; Mack, Mary; Iseah, Valerie; Leslie Kellenberger; Knarr, Victoria; Gatlin, Marvina; Current, Jeree; Nichols, Myra; Parks, Yvette; Grosse, Fred; Laurie Whitson; Campbell, Kimm R.; Wilson, Beth; Foster, Edward; Jackson, Angie; Mele, Connie; Brady, Cindy; Crockett, Grayce; Levine, Bet; Howe, John; Daughety, Julie; Powers, Mary Jo Cc: Butler, Karen; Fayko, Donna Subject: Process for Initial Clothing for Children in Custody - Response Needed Importance: High
Good Afternoon Providers, As you know, during the last provider meeting the group discussed the new clothing policy that is being implemented by Youth and Family Services. According to this policy each agency is responsible for obtaining the initial clothing for children that come into custody of the department. and placed in a foster home that is under your supervision. To ensure that our staff understands the overall process and how each agency will address the clothing issue and communicate more effective with your staff as it relates to meeting the needs of the children within the timeframe described in the policy it is imperative that we are given the process that you will follow to achieve the desired outcome. For example, will your agency provide the foster parents with a gift card, check or alternative method of payment as well as timeframes. Please e-mail me this process as soon as possible so that we can share the information with our staff and management and reduce any barriers that may hinder the children from receiving their initial clothing in a timely manner. Should you have any questions about the request, please feel free to contact me at 704-432-1122 and don't forget to e-mail your information to Michelle.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov
Subject: FW: Process for Initial Clothing for Children in Custody - Response Needed Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 10:03:52 -0500 From: "Levine, Bet" To: "Jennings, Lisa" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Nelson, Tammera" Cc: "Fayko, Donna" , "Butler, Karen" , "Buchanan, Richard"
Hi Lisa, could you please pass on to the L&P staff? thx
From: Johnson, Michelle Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:47 PM To: Nelson, Tammera; Mack, Gerald; Graham, Brennon; Crawford, Frank; Cooper, Rose; Hugging, Angela; Kuehn, Jennifer; Butler, Karen; Ward, Yvonne M; Clontz, Laine; Bass, Craig; White, Mazie; Rollins, Andrea; Lawing, Clarence; Johnson, James; Simpson-Crumpley, Tiffany; Pinkney, Colin; Fayko, Donna; Cleveland, Libby; Johnson, Amy; Brigitte Perry; Mack, Mary; Iseah, Valerie; Leslie Kellenberger; Knarr, Victoria; Gatlin, Marvina; Current, Jeree; Nichols, Myra; Parks, Yvette; Grosse, Fred; Laurie Whitson; Campbell, Kimm R.; Wilson, Beth; Foster, Edward; Jackson, Angie; Mele, Connie; Brady, Cindy; Crockett, Grayce; Levine, Bet; Howe, John; Daughety, Julie; Powers, Mary Jo Cc: Butler, Karen; Fayko, Donna Subject: Process for Initial Clothing for Children in Custody - Response Needed Importance: High
Good Afternoon Providers, As you know, during the last provider meeting the group discussed the new clothing policy that is being implemented by Youth and Family Services. According to this policy each agency is responsible for obtaining the initial clothing for children that come into custody of the department. and placed in a foster home that is under your supervision. To ensure that our staff understands the overall process and how each agency will address the clothing issue and communicate more effective with your staff as it relates to meeting the needs of the children within the timeframe described in the policy it is imperative that we are given the process that you will follow to achieve the desired outcome. For example, will your agency provide the foster parents with a gift card, check or alternative method of payment as well as timeframes. Please e-mail me this process as soon as possible so that we can share the information with our staff and management and reduce any barriers that may hinder the children from receiving their initial clothing in a timely manner. Should you have any questions about the request, please feel free to contact me at 704-432-1122 and don't forget to e-mail your information to Michelle.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov
Subject: Reply to Commissioner James Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 14:57:04 -0500 From: "Wilson, Mary" To: "James, Bill" Cc: "DSS-ALL" , "Shields, Bobbie" , "Jackson, Janice" , "McGillicuddy, John" , "Lancaster, Michelle" , "Jones, Harry L."
Dear Commissioner James, Per your e-mail: I have called Mr. LaMay and discussed his experience at DSS. I am pleased to report that DSS has already identified and resolved the issue Mr. LaMay was concerned about regarding the voter registration process. We have created an internal policy unit to review the policy changes coming from Raleigh so that we are clear on their desired outcome and do not unnecessarily complicate the process by our attempt to follow the letter of the law which may increase County expense and time for our customers. I recommend that you follow-up with John McGillicuddy regarding the County Diversity Training Workshop. However, I have attended the diversity training and it does not address sexual orientation except in the context of acknowledging it as a form of diversity. The training does not train anyone to condone nor does it pass any judgment, positive or negative, on such behavior. Attached is the letter you asked Bill Warren to forward to me which I received yesterday. The anonymous writer references three incidents which he/she describes as a lack of diversity and you have characterized as a hostile work environment for white employees. Following are facts which you and the writer may want to take into consideration: 1. I was invited to attend an Adult Medicaid Thanksgiving potluck luncheon on November 19, 2008. The program, performed by employees, included an original poem stating that change had come to the White House and that change had come to DSS. Both are factual statements. I did not count who cheered but I think it is safe to say the majority of employees are black so it may be that it appeared only black employees cheered. 2. The Thanksgiving Referral Team was an initiative to automate the holiday referral system to move thousands of telephone calls off case managers desks and into the call center for more efficiency. The team was selected by me based initially on volunteers and subsequently we added additional representation based on division leadership. The team was all black. However, please note that DSS is 68% black. Interestingly enough, the diversity on this team was the male representation which is very limited at DSS at 13% . 3. The only change in leadership has been the Senior Leadership Team (SET) which reports to me. When I arrived at DSS the SET was comprised of 4 whites 1 black and 1 Latino. Since I have re-organized the senior leadership team is comprised of 7 whites and 3 blacks. 4. The Employee Climate Survey for Fiscal Year 2008 reflected a range of 64%-80% diversity perception score. To address the myriad issues arising out of the survey and the 260+ employee note cards and e-mails I received, I requested that the Organizational Development (OD) group within the Human Resource office conduct a diversity survey within DSS. The response was an outstanding 55% (664) response rate. The results are still being tabulated. The OD group utilized an online tool, survey monkey. It is my understanding that the survey tool is anonymous and only generated the data, not the source of the information. Thanks for bringing these matters to my attention. I will share this with the DSS staff because I believe it is critical that they know the issues that are being shared with the Board of County Commissioners so that they are well informed. Mary E. Wilson Director Department of Social Services 301 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 W) 704-336-Mary C) 704-649-0568 mary.wilson@mecklenburgcountync.gov
From: William F. James, Jr. [mailto:wjames@carolina.rr.com] Sent: Thu 2/26/2009 3:34 PM To: Jackson, Janice; Wilson, Mary Cc: Warren, John ( Bill ); Paige, Janice Subject: FW: Voter registration forms at DSS
I am not sure what he is referring to but I would appreciate it if someone could call and determine what is DSS concern is about Voter Registration forms.
Also - I received a complaint (a long one) about some sort of 'diversity' training that was mandatory involving 'sexual orientation'. If someone in County government believes that behavior is a sin and unlawful then there should not be any 'training' to force them to reach another conclusion. It is one thing to treat someone professionally but quite another to force them to accept behavior that the law and major religions codify as wrong.
Since I don't know what is being taught I don't know what specifically they are talking about.
There was also a reference to some racial commentary at DSS that involved (according to this letter) a hostile work environment for white DSS employees.
I gave the letter to Janice Paige to have Bill Warren follow up on. It had a copy of an e-mail from Mary Wilson about the issue. They did not believe that the anonymous questionnaire for this exercise was really hidden from management view.
Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)
Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners
600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Confidentiality Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address regarding public matters pertaining to Mecklenburg County business may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law "NCGS Ch 132" and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential, priviledged, or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete the message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify me immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender (me) to waive any priviledge that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Bill LaMay [mailto:billlamay@windstream.net] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:27 PM To: bill james Subject: Voter registration forms at DSS
I wanted to follow-up on a telephone message I left with you the other day regarding my experience at DSS. When I called I got a bit longwinded and you may not have got my telephone numbers. In case you did not, here are my contact numbers:
Home - (704) 846-0261
Cell - (704) 995-0002
Thank you for any of the time you spent on this inquiry and should or a staff member wish to call me regarding this situation please feel free to do so at anytime.
Bill LaMay
1231 Armadale Lane
Subject: Initial Clothing Request Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 10:17:56 -0400 From: "Johnson, Michelle" To: "Bailey, Kim" , "Bass, Craig" , "Batts, Nakia" , "Benson, LaCinda" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Butler, Karen" , "Campbell, Kimm R." , "Cleveland, Libby" , "Clontz, Laine" , "Cooper, Rose" , "Crawford, Frank" , "Crockett, Grayce" , "Current, Jeree" , "Daughety, Julie" , "Dukes, Debbie" , "Fayko, Donna" , "Foster, Edward" , "Gatlin, Marvina" , "Graham, Brennon" , "Grosse, Fred" , "Howe, John" , "Hugging, Angela" , "Iseah, Valerie" , "Jackson, Angie" , "Johnson, Amy" , "Johnson, James" , "Kellenberger, Leslie" , "Knarr, Victoria" , "Kuehn, Jennifer" , "Lawing, Clarence" , "Levine, Bet" , "Long, Cindy" , "Mack, Gerald" , "Mack, Mary" , "McDaniel, Tara" , "Mckechnie, Sara" , "Mele, Connie" , "Montgomery, George" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Nichols, Myra" , "Parks, Yvette" , "Perry, Brigitte" , "Pinkney, Colin" , "Powers, Mary Jo" , "Rollins, Andrea" , "Simpson-Crumpley, Tiffany" , "Ward, Yvonne M" , "White, Mazie" , "Wilson, Beth"
Good Morning, During the provider meeting held on last Friday, Donna Fayko mentioned that we are still missing agency processes on how the purchase of initial clothing will be handled for those children coming into custody with no personal items. Below are the agencies that we have received information from. If your agency is not listed here, please take a few moments to send me the process in which you will use to ensure that the needs of the child(ren) are met within a 24-hour timeframe.
* Alexander Youth Network * Elon Homes * Omni visions * Youth Homes, Inc * Thompson Family Focus * Carolina Family Connections
As always, thanks for all that you do to to strengthen the children and families of Mecklenburg County. Michelle B. Johnson 720 E. 4th Street, Suite 502 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 704-432-1122 (Office) 704-336-7429 (Fax Machine) Michelle.Johnson@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message and any attachments included are from the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services and are for sole use by the intended recipient(s). The information contained herein may include confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing, or using such information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this message in error, or have reason to believe you are not authorized to receive it, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you!
Subject: DSS Voucher Program Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 07:56:31 -0400 From: "Diorio, Dena R." To: "Alexander, Becky" , "Bowen, Patrena" , "Daniels, Erskine N." , "Gibbs, Grace" , "Happney, Bridget" , "Hooper, Betty J." , "Lucas, Pamela" , "McNeil, Peter" , "Myers, Kelly" , "Plummer, Sharon P." , "Shepard-Smith, Rebecca" , "St. Aimie-Bonner, Nichole" , "Thomas, Paula" , "Williams, Avi" , "Woodberry, Shellie D." , "Harvey, Gregory" , "Avent, Elizabeth" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Fee, David" , "Graham, Jennifer D." , "Harris, Leslie" , "Alexander, Cynthia" , "Masterton, Ramona" , "McSwain, Christine" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Pryor, Harold L." , "Schriber, Joni" , "Steele-Campbell, Denise" , "Todd, Linda" , "Clark, Aaron" , "Zimmerman, Jeffrey" , "Bohland, Leo J." , "Cook, Sue" , "Hampton, Kirk" , "Havner, Kenneth R." , "Long, Kathy A." , "Mason, Erma" , "Newman, Donna" , "Roberts, Erin M." , "Smith, Sherrida" , "Taylor, John M." , "White, Beverly" , "Wilson, Givonna L." , "Kenner, Nyasia" , "Smith, Felicia" , "Syles-Ballard, Denise" , "Renfroe, Darrell" , "Bradley, Charles" , "Daugherty, Dennis" , "Alexander, Stanley" , "Buchanan, Richard" , "Butler, Karen" , "Mcallister, James P." , "Fayko, Donna" , "Risk, Paul M." , "Cunningham, Darrell" , "Foxx, Samara" , "Adams, Rodney" , "Benson, LaCinda" , "Johnson, Amy" , "Sturgill, Brian" , "Voignier, Clayton" , "Wilkins, Judi" , "Mullis, Wayne" , "Wilson, Mary" , "Hurlburt, Angela" Cc: "Eddie Burke" , "Collin Hill" , "Chris Silvey" , "Adam King" , "Murchison, Gail"
As you may know, the County has engaged Cherry, Bekaert & Holland to perform an audit of the internal controls in place related to financial transactions at the Department of Social Services. While the scope of the audit is fairly comprehensive, a portion of the work includes a review of DSS's voucher program. As we understand it, the voucher program is used to purchase items for clients in emergency situations. The first step in auditing the program is to identify all of the retail outlets used by DSS staff to purchase these items. While we have identified some, we believe there may be some we have missed. As individuals that have access to voucher requests or approve these requests for your staff, I need you to generate a list of all of the stores you or your staff use to purchase items with these vouchers. To keep the project moving, I am requesting that you send your list to me no later than the close of business tomorrow, April 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Dena R. Diorio Director of Finance Mecklenburg County 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Dena.Diorio@mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-2228 (p) 704-336-2380 (f)
Please take the time to complete the Finance DepartmentÃs Customer Service Survey here.
Subject: DSS Voucher Program Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 07:56:31 -0400 From: "Diorio, Dena R." To: "Alexander, Becky" , "Bowen, Patrena" , "Daniels, Erskine N." , "Gibbs, Grace" , "Happney, Bridget" , "Hooper, Betty J." , "Lucas, Pamela" , "McNeil, Peter" , "Myers, Kelly" , "Plummer, Sharon P." , "Shepard-Smith, Rebecca" , "St. Aimie-Bonner, Nichole" , "Thomas, Paula" , "Williams, Avi" , "Woodberry, Shellie D." , "Harvey, Gregory" , "Avent, Elizabeth" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Fee, David" , "Graham, Jennifer D." , "Harris, Leslie" , "Alexander, Cynthia" , "Masterton, Ramona" , "McSwain, Christine" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Pryor, Harold L." , "Schriber, Joni" , "Steele-Campbell, Denise" , "Todd, Linda" , "Clark, Aaron" , "Zimmerman, Jeffrey" , "Bohland, Leo J." , "Cook, Sue" , "Hampton, Kirk" , "Havner, Kenneth R." , "Long, Kathy A." , "Mason, Erma" , "Newman, Donna" , "Roberts, Erin M." , "Smith, Sherrida" , "Taylor, John M." , "White, Beverly" , "Wilson, Givonna L." , "Kenner, Nyasia" , "Smith, Felicia" , "Syles-Ballard, Denise" , "Renfroe, Darrell" , "Bradley, Charles" , "Daugherty, Dennis" , "Alexander, Stanley" , "Buchanan, Richard" , "Butler, Karen" , "Mcallister, James P." , "Fayko, Donna" , "Risk, Paul M." , "Cunningham, Darrell" , "Foxx, Samara" , "Adams, Rodney" , "Benson, LaCinda" , "Johnson, Amy" , "Sturgill, Brian" , "Voignier, Clayton" , "Wilkins, Judi" , "Mullis, Wayne" , "Wilson, Mary" , "Hurlburt, Angela" Cc: "Eddie Burke" , "Collin Hill" , "Chris Silvey" , "Adam King" , "Murchison, Gail"
As you may know, the County has engaged Cherry, Bekaert & Holland to perform an audit of the internal controls in place related to financial transactions at the Department of Social Services. While the scope of the audit is fairly comprehensive, a portion of the work includes a review of DSS's voucher program. As we understand it, the voucher program is used to purchase items for clients in emergency situations. The first step in auditing the program is to identify all of the retail outlets used by DSS staff to purchase these items. While we have identified some, we believe there may be some we have missed. As individuals that have access to voucher requests or approve these requests for your staff, I need you to generate a list of all of the stores you or your staff use to purchase items with these vouchers. To keep the project moving, I am requesting that you send your list to me no later than the close of business tomorrow, April 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Dena R. Diorio Director of Finance Mecklenburg County 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Dena.Diorio@mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-2228 (p) 704-336-2380 (f)
Please take the time to complete the Finance DepartmentÃs Customer Service Survey here.
Subject: RE: DSS Credit Cards Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 16:26:59 -0400 From: "Diorio, Dena R." To: "Alexander, Becky" , "Bowen, Patrena" , "Daniels, Erskine N." , "Gibbs, Grace" , "Happney, Bridget" , "Hooper, Betty J." , "Lucas, Pamela" , "McNeil, Peter" , "Myers, Kelly" , "Plummer, Sharon P." , "Shepard-Smith, Rebecca" , "St. Aimie-Bonner, Nichole" , "Thomas, Paula" , "Williams, Avi" , "Woodberry, Shellie D." , "Harvey, Gregory" , "Avent, Elizabeth" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Fee, David" , "Graham, Jennifer D." , "Harris, Leslie" , "Alexander, Cynthia" , "Masterton, Ramona" , "McSwain, Christine" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Pryor, Harold L." , "Schriber, Joni" , "Steele-Campbell, Denise" , "Todd, Linda" , "Clark, Aaron" , "Zimmerman, Jeffrey" , "Bohland, Leo J." , "Cook, Sue" , "Hampton, Kirk" , "Havner, Kenneth R." , "Long, Kathy A." , "Mason, Erma" , "Newman, Donna" , "Roberts, Erin M." , "Smith, Sherrida" , "Taylor, John M." , "White, Beverly" , "Wilson, Givonna L." , "Kenner, Nyasia" , "Smith, Felicia" , "Syles-Ballard, Denise" , "Renfroe, Darrell" , "Bradley, Charles" , "Daugherty, Dennis" , "Alexander, Stanley" , "Buchanan, Richard" , "Butler, Karen" , "Mcallister, James P." , "Fayko, Donna" , "Risk, Paul M." , "Cunningham, Darrell" , "Foxx, Samara" , "Adams, Rodney" , "Benson, LaCinda" , "Johnson, Amy" , "Sturgill, Brian" , "Voignier, Clayton" , "Wilkins, Judi" , "Mullis, Wayne" , "Wilson, Mary" , "Hurlburt, Angela" Cc: "Eddie Burke" , "Collin Hill" , "Chris Silvey" , "Adam King" , "Murchison, Gail"
I want to thank all of you for your help identifying the stores were DSS vouchers are used. I now need your assistance identifying any DSS staff that have County credit cards for stores. I do not need the names of those staff with Purchasing Cards (P-cards), just for store credit cards. I appreciate your forwarding this information to me by Tuesday at 5:00 PM. Thanks for your help. Dena Diorio
From: Diorio, Dena R. Sent: Tue 4/14/2009 7:56 AM To: Alexander, Becky; Bowen, Patrena; Daniels, Erskine N.; Gibbs, Grace; Happney, Bridget; Hooper, Betty J.; Lucas, Pamela; McNeil, Peter; Myers, Kelly; Plummer, Sharon P.; Shepard-Smith, Rebecca; St. Aimie-Bonner, Nichole; Thomas, Paula; Williams, Avi; Woodberry, Shellie D.; Harvey, Gregory; Avent, Elizabeth; Brady, Cindy; Fee, David; Graham, Jennifer D.; Harris, Leslie; Alexander, Cynthia; Masterton, Ramona; McSwain, Christine; Nelson, Tammera; Pryor, Harold L.; Schriber, Joni; Steele-Campbell, Denise; Todd, Linda; Clark, Aaron; Zimmerman, Jeffrey; Bohland, Leo J.; Cook, Sue; Hampton, Kirk; Havner, Kenneth R.; Long, Kathy A.; Mason, Erma; Newman, Donna; Roberts, Erin M.; Smith, Sherrida; Taylor, John M.; White, Beverly; Wilson, Givonna L.; Kenner, Nyasia; Smith, Felicia; Syles-Ballard, Denise; Renfroe, Darrell; Bradley, Charles; Daugherty, Dennis; Alexander, Stanley; Buchanan, Richard; Butler, Karen; Mcallister, James P.; Fayko, Donna; Risk, Paul M.; Cunningham, Darrell; Foxx, Samara; Adams, Rodney; Benson, LaCinda; Johnson, Amy; Sturgill, Brian; Voignier, Clayton; Wilkins, Judi; Mullis, Wayne; Wilson, Mary; Hurlburt, Angela Cc: 'Eddie Burke'; 'Collin Hill'; Chris Silvey; Adam King; Murchison, Gail Subject: DSS Voucher Program
As you may know, the County has engaged Cherry, Bekaert & Holland to perform an audit of the internal controls in place related to financial transactions at the Department of Social Services. While the scope of the audit is fairly comprehensive, a portion of the work includes a review of DSS's voucher program. As we understand it, the voucher program is used to purchase items for clients in emergency situations. The first step in auditing the program is to identify all of the retail outlets used by DSS staff to purchase these items. While we have identified some, we believe there may be some we have missed. As individuals that have access to voucher requests or approve these requests for your staff, I need you to generate a list of all of the stores you or your staff use to purchase items with these vouchers. To keep the project moving, I am requesting that you send your list to me no later than the close of business tomorrow, April 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Dena R. Diorio Director of Finance Mecklenburg County 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Dena.Diorio@mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-2228 (p) 704-336-2380 (f)
Please take the time to complete the Finance DepartmentÃs Customer Service Survey here.
Subject: RE: DSS Credit Cards Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 16:26:59 -0400 From: "Diorio, Dena R." To: "Alexander, Becky" , "Bowen, Patrena" , "Daniels, Erskine N." , "Gibbs, Grace" , "Happney, Bridget" , "Hooper, Betty J." , "Lucas, Pamela" , "McNeil, Peter" , "Myers, Kelly" , "Plummer, Sharon P." , "Shepard-Smith, Rebecca" , "St. Aimie-Bonner, Nichole" , "Thomas, Paula" , "Williams, Avi" , "Woodberry, Shellie D." , "Harvey, Gregory" , "Avent, Elizabeth" , "Brady, Cindy" , "Fee, David" , "Graham, Jennifer D." , "Harris, Leslie" , "Alexander, Cynthia" , "Masterton, Ramona" , "McSwain, Christine" , "Nelson, Tammera" , "Pryor, Harold L." , "Schriber, Joni" , "Steele-Campbell, Denise" , "Todd, Linda" , "Clark, Aaron" , "Zimmerman, Jeffrey" , "Bohland, Leo J." , "Cook, Sue" , "Hampton, Kirk" , "Havner, Kenneth R." , "Long, Kathy A." , "Mason, Erma" , "Newman, Donna" , "Roberts, Erin M." , "Smith, Sherrida" , "Taylor, John M." , "White, Beverly" , "Wilson, Givonna L." , "Kenner, Nyasia" , "Smith, Felicia" , "Syles-Ballard, Denise" , "Renfroe, Darrell" , "Bradley, Charles" , "Daugherty, Dennis" , "Alexander, Stanley" , "Buchanan, Richard" , "Butler, Karen" , "Mcallister, James P." , "Fayko, Donna" , "Risk, Paul M." , "Cunningham, Darrell" , "Foxx, Samara" , "Adams, Rodney" , "Benson, LaCinda" , "Johnson, Amy" , "Sturgill, Brian" , "Voignier, Clayton" , "Wilkins, Judi" , "Mullis, Wayne" , "Wilson, Mary" , "Hurlburt, Angela" Cc: "Eddie Burke" , "Collin Hill" , "Chris Silvey" , "Adam King" , "Murchison, Gail"
I want to thank all of you for your help identifying the stores were DSS vouchers are used. I now need your assistance identifying any DSS staff that have County credit cards for stores. I do not need the names of those staff with Purchasing Cards (P-cards), just for store credit cards. I appreciate your forwarding this information to me by Tuesday at 5:00 PM. Thanks for your help. Dena Diorio
From: Diorio, Dena R. Sent: Tue 4/14/2009 7:56 AM To: Alexander, Becky; Bowen, Patrena; Daniels, Erskine N.; Gibbs, Grace; Happney, Bridget; Hooper, Betty J.; Lucas, Pamela; McNeil, Peter; Myers, Kelly; Plummer, Sharon P.; Shepard-Smith, Rebecca; St. Aimie-Bonner, Nichole; Thomas, Paula; Williams, Avi; Woodberry, Shellie D.; Harvey, Gregory; Avent, Elizabeth; Brady, Cindy; Fee, David; Graham, Jennifer D.; Harris, Leslie; Alexander, Cynthia; Masterton, Ramona; McSwain, Christine; Nelson, Tammera; Pryor, Harold L.; Schriber, Joni; Steele-Campbell, Denise; Todd, Linda; Clark, Aaron; Zimmerman, Jeffrey; Bohland, Leo J.; Cook, Sue; Hampton, Kirk; Havner, Kenneth R.; Long, Kathy A.; Mason, Erma; Newman, Donna; Roberts, Erin M.; Smith, Sherrida; Taylor, John M.; White, Beverly; Wilson, Givonna L.; Kenner, Nyasia; Smith, Felicia; Syles-Ballard, Denise; Renfroe, Darrell; Bradley, Charles; Daugherty, Dennis; Alexander, Stanley; Buchanan, Richard; Butler, Karen; Mcallister, James P.; Fayko, Donna; Risk, Paul M.; Cunningham, Darrell; Foxx, Samara; Adams, Rodney; Benson, LaCinda; Johnson, Amy; Sturgill, Brian; Voignier, Clayton; Wilkins, Judi; Mullis, Wayne; Wilson, Mary; Hurlburt, Angela Cc: 'Eddie Burke'; 'Collin Hill'; Chris Silvey; Adam King; Murchison, Gail Subject: DSS Voucher Program
As you may know, the County has engaged Cherry, Bekaert & Holland to perform an audit of the internal controls in place related to financial transactions at the Department of Social Services. While the scope of the audit is fairly comprehensive, a portion of the work includes a review of DSS's voucher program.
As we understand it, the voucher program is used to purchase items for clients in emergency situations. The first step in auditing the program is to identify all of the retail outlets used by DSS staff to purchase these items. While we have identified some, we believe there may be some we have missed. As individuals that have access to voucher requests or approve these requests for your staff, I need you to generate a list of all of the stores you or your staff use to purchase items with these vouchers.
To keep the project moving, I am requesting that you send your list to me no later than the close of business tomorrow, April 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Dena R. Diorio Director of Finance Mecklenburg County 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Dena.Diorio@mecklenburgcountync.gov 704-336-2228 (p) 704-336-2380 (f)
Please take the time to complete the Finance DepartmentÃs Customer Service Survey here.
Man's e-mail about Charlotte-Meck. DSS sent to his Employer
As news spread about possible missing money from the Department of Social Services Christmas charity, Harry Lomax and other donors contacted Mecklenburg County leaders to complain.
"I feel duped," Lomax wrote in an e-mail to county commissioners and top administrators.
But Lomax likely did not anticipate County Manager Harry Jones' response.
Jones forwarded the e-mail to Lomax's employer, Bank of America, and wrote, "Do you know Harry Lomax."
A Bank of America vice president replied to Jones about one hour later, writing that she was "embarrassed" by Lomax's e-mail.
"I am tracking it down. I don't know him - I have alerted charles. Will be back to you," she wrote.
Some commissioners and ethics experts now say the actions by Jones and the bank official were improper because they could stifle free speech and blur the lines between employment and citizenship.
It's unclear how Jones knew Lomax worked at Bank of America. Lomax sent his message from a personal account and did not mention the bank by name.
"It is not appropriate," said Diane Swanson, a professor of business ethics at Kansas State University. "If this happened all the time, what kind of world would we have?"
The Observer obtained the e-mails from the county through an open records request. They provide a glimpse into how top Mecklenburg administrators reacted to reports of misspending and accounting lapses at the Department of Social Services.
Worried donors wrote to commissioners and county executives after auditors disclosed that they could not account for tens of thousands of dollars from a charity designed to buy Christmas presents for needy children.
Some county commissioners said they do not understand why Jones forwarded the e-mail from Lomax to his employer when he was speaking as a citizen and not on behalf of the company. They said they would question Jones about it.
Public officials publish their phone numbers and e-mail addresses to allow constituents to voice concerns and ask questions. They also set aside time during public meetings to listen to comments from constituents.
"Citizens are able to vent frustrations without thinking that (county) management will get their employer to engage in some retribution," Commissioner Bill James said. "This makes the county look bad. It makes Harry look vindictive. It makes Bank of America look like the county's hatchet man."
Jones did not respond to interview requests from the Observer. A county spokesman referred a reporter to a statement the county released, but it does not directly address questions about Lomax's e-mail.
Nicole Nastacie, a spokeswoman for Bank of America, said "on their personal time, employees are free to express personal opinions" to government officials about any issue that is not related to the company.
Betty Turner, the bank's government liaison who responded to Jones, suspected that Lomax's e-mail involved issues related to the bank and appropriately looked into the situation, Nastacie said. When she determined Lomax was speaking as a private citizen, there were no further discussions, Nastacie said.
Lomax declined to comment.
The e-mail:
On July 7, Lomax sent his e-mail to commissioners, Jones, DSS Director Mary Wilson and County Finance Director Dena Diorio. He wrote that he had planned to speak during a commissioners meeting the same day at the urging of Commissioner Neil Cooksey.
Lomax wrote that he left before speaking and decided to e-mail his comments.
The e-mail criticizes county management for failing to prevent accounting failures and accuses some commissioners of a "flippant, hands-off response" to the issue. "There seems to be a need for a wholesale cleanup of many county agencies, and I think that starts from the top down," Lomax wrote.
A week after receiving the e-mail, Jones forwarded it to Turner.
Commissioners respond
Commissioner Karen Bentley said Jones should not have sent the e-mail to Bank of America.
"It should have no bearing on his job," Bentley said. "That's his right."
Commissioner Dumont Clarke called the move "unusual."
Clarke and some other commissioners said they would need more information to judge whether Jones acted appropriately.
"It's not a good practice for the manager to do," Clarke said.
Commissioner Chairman Jennifer Roberts said she would try to contact Lomax to speak with him. "I don't read anything into this," Roberts said. "Maybe Harry was trying to make sure Bank of America didn't feel duped."
Four business and government professors reviewed the e-mails for the Observer. Three said Jones did not have a valid reason to forward Lomax's e-mail since he did not mention his employer by name or present himself as a representative of the company.
"Given these circumstances, one would expect a public official to respond directly to Mr. Lomax and not contact his employer," said Denis Arnold, a professor of business ethics at UNC Charlotte.
Winthrop professor Marilyn Smith disagreed.
Considering public outcry over alleged misspending in DSS, Smith said it understandable that Jones would contact Bank of America. The bank also reacted appropriately, she said.
"To a certain extent, we represent our employers 24/7," said Smith, a professor of management. "We like to think it's my own personal opinion. Companies are judged by how their employees behave, fair or not."
Jones gets bonus but total pay is same
Mecklenburg County Manager Harry Jones will receive a $38,400 performance bonus, but his total compensation remains the same as last year, under a deal unanimously approved Wednesday by county commissioners.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Commissioners praised Jones for, among other things, leading the county during a difficult economic time.
The "pay-at-risk" money - which commissioners have in previous years called a performance bonus - is part of an overall $302,854 compensation package. It also includes $215,655 in base salary.
The pay plan keeps Jones' compensation the same as in 2008-09, though a board committee determined he actually would have been due more money this year, said commissioner Dumont Clarke.
Jones, however, asked that his pay be kept level. "That was his request," said commissioners' Chairman Jennifer Roberts. He "wants to be treated like all the other county employees." The county didn't award any merit raises this year.
Jones' evaluation has been in the works for weeks, with talks largely being kept private initially as allowed by state law.
But some commissioners acknowledged last month that paying the money could raise questions in light of steep budget cuts across the county. Two other local public officials - Charlotte City Manager Curt Walton and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Superintendent Peter Gorman - declined merit raises or bonuses for themselves and staff to help save money.
Jones is eligible for a higher bonus than Gorman or Walton, up to 30 percent of his base salary.
Commissioners Chair Jennifer Roberts said the board had a "difficult conversation" about the pay plan because of the economic conditions.
Still, commissioners also have said they wanted to reward Jones for meeting goals previously outlined by the board.
Clarke said Jones told commissioners earlier Tuesday evening that 2008-09 was both his most challenging and best year as manager.
Roberts said Jones "has done a very, very good job, an excellent job as manager in a very difficult year." She cited Jones' work addressing budget cuts because of falling tax revenues and his work on the Critical Needs Task Force to help address social services needs in the community.
But the county also faced questions about inadequate accounting at the Department of Social Services, including an investigation into possible misused money in a charity program for Foster Children. The county announced steps to help shore up practices within DSS, including putting its finances under control of the main county finance department.
Mecklenburg has offered bonuses to the manager for years, but decided five years ago to restructure the pay system to reflect a CEO-style package of a base salary with another piece of pay tied to performance.
Under the plan, Jones is eligible for a bonus of up to 30 percent of his annual salary based on a series of criteria, including how well the county performs on annual goals and a management plan approved by commissioners. Based on his current salary, he could have received a bonus up to about $65,000 this year.
Jones has not received the full bonus since commissioners approved the new pay structure in 2004.
Clarke said Jones' performance in the past year earned him more money. He said he's being paid about 10 percent less than what his performance score called for.
Cuts in mental health
Also on Tuesday, commissioners approved about $2.76million worth of service cuts to the county's Area Mental Health department because of reduced money from the state. The state cuts were actually larger, but county staff has promised $3.7 million to help make up the gap.
Jones said he hasn't yet identified where the money would come from.
DSS hires politically-connected during "Freeze"
While Mecklenburg County is cutting some jobs, the county's Department of Social Services has been hiring.
The NewsChannel 36 I-Team discovered DSS has hired 30-40 positions, many of them managers and several filled with candidates who have political connections.
The DSS hiring freeze was in effect when Mary E. Wilson joined the department as director last July. But in the name of reorganizing the department, DSS has hired dozens of new employees, including the daughter of Charlotte's police chief, the daughter of a Superior Court judge and the wife of a city councilman who is running for mayor.
DSS hired Samara Foxx, the wife of at-large councilman and mayoral candidate Anthony Foxx, last July.
Her salary as Division Director II was $100,000 a year.
Foxx's hiring raised questions among some DSS staffers since the position was posted on July 17 and taken down the very next day.
For months, the I-Team has asked DSS in writing for public records showing when the job was posted. At first a department spokeswoman told us that legal counsel had advised her the records were confidential personnel records. After our repeated requests for only the public portion of the records, DSS sent us a two-page letter detailing the job posting.
The letter says in part, "The creation of Ms. Foxx's position was an initial step in the re-organization of DSS, which was approved by the county's executive team."
Charlotte-Meck. County Commissioners Chair Jennifer Roberts told us by phone from Washington, "I did not realize that opening was posted for such a short period of time. It's concerning. We pride ourselves on being open, transparent, equal and fair. I can't imagine why the posting period would not be available to reporters."
After DSS Director Mary E. Wilson gave Samara Foxx the job, Wilson's husband Cornell donated $4,000 -- the legal maximum -- to Anthony Foxx's mayoral campaign.
Foxx Campaign Manager Bruce Clark said Wilson and Foxx had worked together in the past but declined comment on the hiring, saying it was a county decision.
Foxx is not the only person with political connections to be hired by DSS since the "hiring freeze" went into effect.
Public records show DSS hired Hollye Monroe, the daughter of CMPD Police Chief Rodney Monroe, on Jan. 14 as a Management Analyst. Her salary: $46,613.60 per year. Our phone messages to Monroe's public information officer and chief of staff were not returned.
DSS also hired Tracey Evans, the daughter of Superior Court Judge Yvonne Mims-Evans, on Feb. 11 as a Social Services Manager at a salary of $57,380.95 per year. Judge Mims-Evans told us in a brief telephone interview that she had nothing to do with the hire.
County Manager Harry Jones e-mailed us a two-line response saying, "These individuals were hired within our policies and without regard to who their parents or spouses are."
Neither Jones nor DSS Director Mary E. Wilson responded to our requests for an on-camera interview.
But County Commissioner Bill James says the hiring smacks of political patronage and in his words "just smells bad." Commissioner James says the hiring should be investigated.
How system failed 15-year-old girl gunned down at a Charlotte, NC School bus stop
Tiffany Wright stood alone in the dark, waiting for her school bus.
It was just before 6 a.m., and her foster grandmother had walked back home to get Tiffany's water bottle.
Tiffany, 15, was eight months pregnant but determined to stay on track in school. She wanted to be a lawyer. And after just a few weeks at Hawthorne High, she had impressed teachers as smart and ambitious, despite a difficult childhood.
At 5:51, Tiffany sent a text.
"Wheres the bus?"
One stop away, replied her friend, already on the bus.
At 5:55, as the bus lumbered toward Tiffany's stop, people began calling police to report gunshots.
A school bus dispatcher radioed Tiffany's bus driver: Change course - something's happening ahead.
Tiffany lay dead in the road, shot in the head, that morning, Monday, Sept. 14. Her baby girl was delivered at the hospital and lived a week, but died Sunday.
Nobody's charged in the killings, but police call Tiffany's adoptive brother, Royce Mitchell, a "person of interest."
In the months before she died, local agencies took steps aimed at stabilizing her home life and keeping her safe. But her story exposes failures in the system that was supposed to protect her.
Among the missteps:
•In February, a Mecklenburg court clerk appointed Mitchell as Tiffany's temporary guardian — even though he was a felon who served time in federal prison. He was also tried in 2006 for murder, but found not guilty. And last year, he was accused of domestic violence, though the case was dismissed.
•In July, social workers told police that Mitchell, 36, might have committed statutory rape with Tiffany, but police didn't question him about it for seven weeks, and didn't charge him with the rape until after Tiffany was killed.
•This month, Mecklenburg social services failed to cut off communication between Tiffany, who was in foster care, and Mitchell, said a source close to the investigation.
On the day of Tiffany's killing, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police jailed Mitchell for statutory rape and indecent liberties with a child, naming Tiffany as the victim.
Police defend their work, saying they followed the industry's best practices - which takes time. Police didn't feel a need to rush, they say, because they believed Tiffany was secure, hidden in a foster home with no threat to her safety.
Police say it's hard to prove statutory rape: Of the 262 reports of statutory rape police received over three years, only 16 percent - 42 cases - were accepted by prosecutors.
Experts say statutory rape cases are complicated because they involve victims ages 13, 14 or 15 who often consider themselves voluntary participants in sex with someone at least six years older. So victims can be reluctant to help police.
But child advocates say in cases like Tiffany's, police should act more aggressively. An immediate arrest sends a signal to a suspect and can persuade them to stay away from victims.
"The cases may be difficult to win, but they're not difficult to charge," says Brett Loftis of Charlotte's Council for Children's Rights.
UNCC criminologist Paul Friday says: "Often, nothing is done in these kinds of cases because they're based on improper assumptions about the rationality of someone that age. But the minors are often unaware of disease, birth control and they can be exploited by someone."
Adopted by foster mother
Tiffany first entered the child welfare system as a toddler in Buffalo, N.Y., when her mother lost custody.
She was adopted at 4 by her foster mother, Alma Wright, an older woman with eight grown children, who was excited about raising another child.
One of Wright's grown sons was Royce Mitchell, a star quarterback in high school who'd gone on to play for a semi-pro team in Buffalo. But Mitchell also was indicted in 1999 as part of a drug trafficking ring and went to federal prison.
While he was in prison, authorities also charged Mitchell with an earlier murder, but a jury found him not guilty.
In 2004, Alma and Tiffany left Buffalo for North Carolina, settling near Kings Mountain. Tiffany made friends easily at school and church. She ran track at Bessemer City High School.
In 2007, Mitchell was released from prison and followed his mother to North Carolina.
But last fall, Alma Wright got sick. Friends at church helped out with Tiffany, inviting her for dinners and weekends. Tiffany spent time with Mitchell and his wife, too.
Alma Wright died Jan. 25, and Tiffany moved in with the Mitchells in Charlotte.
On Jan. 30, Royce Mitchell asked a Mecklenburg court to appoint him and his wife as Tiffany's guardians.
On his application, he wrote: "We are seeking guardianship because we were requested to do so by Mrs. Alma Wright before she died."
He wanted to transfer Tiffany to West Mecklenburg High School.
The court set a hearing for Feb. 5 and appointed a child advocate to study the situation and look after Tiffany's best interests in court.
There's no transcript of what happened in court, and the clerk who handled Tiffany's case declined to discuss his decision.
Frederick Benson, a Mecklenburg assistant clerk of superior court, appointed Mitchell the temporary guardian of Tiffany's welfare.
It's unclear if Benson, a lawyer, knew about Mitchell's criminal background. Court clerks are not required to perform background checks in guardianship cases, says Clerk of Superior Court Martha Curran. It's up to each clerk to decide what checks are necessary, and they often rely on court-appointed child advocates to advise them in such cases.
Tiffany's advocate, lawyer Martha Efird, declined to discuss her actions in the case.
It was in the weeks surrounding the Feb. 5 court hearing that Tiffany got pregnant, if hospital estimates are accurate.
But friends say Tiffany, who started at West Mecklenburg High in February, wouldn't realize for four or five months that she was pregnant.
On Feb. 27, clerk of court Benson ordered DSS to conduct a "home study" of the Mitchell household. Officials won't release their findings.
But Mitchell didn't keep custody long, according to several of Tiffany's friends in King's Mountain.
In late March, Mitchell left Tiffany at a group home called With Friends in Gastonia, according to Marlene Jefferies and Cruceta Jeffeirs, two adult family friends who watched Tiffany grow up.
The group home wouldn't confirm that. But the friends say the home reported to social services that Tiffany was abandoned. And she was soon back in foster care.
On March 31, Jeffeirs, a Shelby pastor, wrote a letter to Benson seeking custody of Tiffany: "My desire is to see Tiffany accomplish all the goals that she has set for herself and I believe she can do that in a stable environment with lots of guidance and love."
DSS officials in Gaston and Mecklenburg won't discuss Tiffany's case or answer questions about what steps they took to protect her.
But friends and family say Tiffany was eventually placed in the care of foster parent Susan Barber, in a townhome off Mallard Creek Road in Derita.
By July, it was clear Tiffany was pregnant, friends say.
Barber tried to shield Tiffany from talking to those she believed might be bad influences, according to Tiffany's cousin Brittany Page. But a source close to the investigation said Tiffany and Mitchell continued communicating.
Despite repeated attempts, Barber could not be reached.
As the school year approached, Tiffany prepared to change schools again, this time to Hawthorne High in Charlotte, which offers a special program for pregnant students.
Delayed Investigation
On July 27, social workers reported to police that Royce Mitchell might have committed statutory rape with Tiffany.
It took eight days for a detective to look at the case, and three days more for it to be officially assigned to Teresa Johnson, a detective with CMPD's youth crime and domestic violence unit.
Another 12 days passed before Johnson interviewed Tiffany.
It's unclear when detective Johnson discovered Mitchell's background, but it wasn't enough to ramp up the investigation. Investigators say they believed Tiffany was safe in a foster home and faced no threats from Mitchell.
Police say their performance in the case followed procedure and met standards.
Police interview alleged victims immediately if the crime has occurred within the previous 72 hours, so they can gather evidence that may remain. But in cases like Tiffany's - where months had elapsed since the alleged offense - police try to arrange just one interview when children and teen victims of abuse are involved.
Police acknowledge that strategy takes time but minimizes trauma and reduces the chances that young victims might be led into inaccurate testimony by repeated questioning.
Police also let such victims decide when they want to be interviewed at the county's child-victim center called Pat's Place. There, specially trained interviewers talk to victims, while social workers, psychologists, police and others watch from another room.
Tiffany chose an Aug. 19 interview. She didn't say much during the formal interview. But later that day, Johnson won her trust and obtained enough information to move forward with the investigation.
No response from Royce Mitchell
The next day, Aug. 20, the detective made her first call to Mitchell to ask him about the charge, she says. Johnson left a message and gave him a few days to call back.
When Mitchell didn't respond, she made calls over the next two weeks to social workers and a federal probation officer to ask Mitchell to come talk to police.
Police say they didn't immediately arrest him because they believed they could get better information if he talked voluntarily.
On Sept. 9, a federal probation official told Johnson that Mitchell was not coming in.
On Sept. 10, a team of social workers, police and other agencies held a standard follow-up meeting to discuss how to proceed in Tiffany's case.
On Friday, Sept. 11, detective Johnson phoned Mitchell's wife and left a message. She asked her to call back to discuss Tiffany, Johnson says, but didn't give details of the rape allegation.
That Monday, Tiffany was shot and killed.
As emergency vehicles rolled to the scene, Tiffany's school bus was diverted from its normal route. But the students could see flashing lights. Tiffany's friends on the bus, Cimone Black and Tamia Corpening, began to worry.
"I kept texting her phone...," Cimone said. Then she started calling, but all she got was voice mail.
The bus continued on to Hawthorne. For Tamia, the hourlong ride was excruciating.
Nobody said a word.
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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, Daily Kos, Politico, Carolina Politics Online, Charlotte Conservative.com, Charmeck.org, Wikipedia, Youtube, Google Maps

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