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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Richard Burr Still Leads NC Dems In 2010 U.S. Senate Race & Independents

Burr Has Weak Approval Rating, but Still Leads Democrats in N.C. Senate Race

Despite a job approval rating under 40 percent, first-term Republican Sen. Richard Burr leads in his race for re-election against three not particularly well-known Democratic candidates and also when matched up against an unnamed "generic" opponent, according to a Public Policy Polling survey conducted Jan. 15-18.

Thirty-six percent approve of the job Burr is doing, 33 percent disapprove and 31 percent are undecided.

When voters were asked if they would support Burr over a Democrat, 45 percent said they'd back him, while 36 percent favored the Democrat, with 20 percent undecided. Independents, who make up 17 percent of the sample, back Burr 46 percent to 25 percent with 29 percent undecided.

Matched against former state senator and Iraqi war veteran Cal Cunningham, Burr leads 45 percent to 36 percent with 19 percent undecided.

He leads Secretary of State Elaine Marshall 44 percent to 37 percent with 18 percent undecided.

He leads Democratic organizer and fundraiser Kenneth Lewis by 46 percent to 34 percent with 20 percent undecided.

Eighty-five percent of voters did not know enough about Cunningham to express a favorable or unfavorable opinion of him, and that was true of 83 percent in Lewis' case and 70 percent for Marshall.

The margin of error is 3.8 points.

"Richard Burr's fate is tied up in something larger than Richard Burr," said PPP's Dean Debnam. "If this continues to be a huge Republican year he's going to get reelected. But he remains a weak incumbent, and should things get better for Democrats this will be a spirited race."

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Sources: Politics Daily, The Daily Beast, Fox News, Public Policy Polling, Youtube, Google Maps

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