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Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Ted Kennedy Would Be Disappointed Health Care Bill Isn't Bi-Partisan"...McCain

Exhausted and Divided, Senate Casts Holiday Vote

The last time the Senate voted on Christmas Eve, in 1895, it represented a moment of national reconciliation, as lawmakers agreed to lift a ban on federal officers who had joined the Confederacy from serving in the post-Civil War military.

“No Animosity Remaining,” proclaimed a celebratory front-page headline in The New York Times the next day.

The same could not be declared about Thursday’s vote approving a bitterly contested health care overhaul at the end of an exhausting 25-day legislative journey. It was the second-longest consecutive stretch in Senate annals and one that severely strained the traditions of collegiality that underpin the institution.

Beneath the bright red jackets, blouses and holiday ties donned to signify the exceedingly rare occasion of a sunrise session the day before Christmas, real tension remained over the merits of the proposal passed along hardened party lines as well as over how the debate unfolded, with its odd postmidnight and early morning votes.

Democrats and their allies rejoiced at realizing an achievement that had eluded them for decades, saying they were on the verge of enacting an expansion of health care coverage that would provide security for millions of Americans. But the excitement was tempered with the reality for some that they will now have to persuade skeptical voters that the measure, which has been subjected to a blizzard of partisan analysis, is in the public’s best interests.

“I know there are a lot of people who have an opposing point of view,” said Senator Ben Nelson, the Nebraska Democrat who was the key 60th vote for the bill. “The use of information and misinformation has really confused the public. Don’t be surprised if you have people who are upset.”

In the minutes leading up to the 7:05 a.m. call of the Senate roll, Republicans sat glum and scowling at their desks as Senator Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who is the majority leader and architect of the measure, chastised them for choosing “to stand on the sidelines rather than participate in great and greatly needed social change.” It was not a happy holiday moment for them.

“It is sad,” said Senator Susan Collins, a Maine Republican who has been willing to cross party lines to work with Democrats but remains firmly opposed to the bill. “I feel that we missed an opportunity.”

Senior Republicans pledged to continue to resist the measure as it heads for negotiations with the House.

“I guarantee you, the people who voted for this bill are going to get an earful when they finally get home for the first time since Thanksgiving,” said Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader. “There is widespread opposition to this monstrosity.”

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For all the buildup, the final act was accomplished speedily as senators, ready to race to the region’s airports, assembled with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. presiding and zipped through the climactic vote in about 15 minutes. The outcome drew applause as weary Congressional staff members and administration negotiators looked on. A second vote to approve an increase in federal borrowing power was quickly disposed of, and in just over 30 minutes, lawmakers were heading for the doors with their travel bags.

At the White House, President Obama hung around long enough to congratulate his party, then headed to Hawaii for the holidays with his family.

On Capitol Hill, there was little griping about working right up to the holiday. “Those kids in Iraq are out there,” said Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama. “We have no basis to be whining around here about working.”

Among those in the gallery was Victoria Reggie Kennedy, widow of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who was credited by Democrats as inspiring them to push the measure through after his death last summer.

Senator Paul Kirk, who filled Mr. Kennedy’s seat after the Massachusetts legislature took extraordinary steps to provide a dependable vote for health care, said it was an emotional moment that left him elated.

“He is having a Merry Christmas up there in heaven, proud of the leadership and all the work that went into it,” Mr. Kirk said.

The scores of police officers and Senate staff required for a daily session arrived at the Capitol in the dark to prepare for the final vote. Some opponents of the bill did as well.

“I am here to watch my country get signed away,” said Sherri Cooper, who traveled from Georgia to witness the vote, as she searched for an open entrance to the Capitol.

With a final measure near approval, Democrats say they believe they can better sell the plan and focus on benefits intended to provide coverage to more than 30 million Americans and stop ever-rising insurance costs.

“When people learn what is in this bill, which is a lot of good stuff for them, I think we will be in good shape,” Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, the No. 3 Democrat, said as he headed into the chamber to cast his vote.

The 25-day Senate run fell one day short of the record set in 1917, when antiwar lawmakers were stalling a measure allowing the arming of merchant ships during World War I.

President Woodrow Wilson, greatly frustrated at the power of a “little group of willful men,” pushed the Senate to create a process to cut off debate, and the Senate adopted its rule allowing senators to impose cloture and force final votes.

That power allowed present-day Democrats to use their 60-vote bloc to overcome Republican objections through a series of cloture votes and push their health care plan into talks with the House.

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Sources: NY Times, MSNBC, Zimbio, Google Maps

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