During his appearance on today's "Morning Joe" show hosted by Mika brzezinski, Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) had to remind Mika not to get distracted when discussing Health Care Reform.
Now don't get it twisted people! I'm a huge fan of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program.
In fact its part of my daily ritual and I watch it everyday.
You may not agree but in this instance Mika was wrong. (My opinion)
She was trying to deal with an old argument (Rep. Joe Wilson's formal congressional reprimand), while Congressman Cummings wanted to discuss Health Care Reform.
I must say Mr. Cummings handled Mika very professional and did NOT allow Mika, nor the other panelists to take him there. (If you know what I mean.)
Good job Rep. Cummings!
Let's stop being silly people and keep down the drama.
It really doesn't matter if you personally like Pres. Barack Obama (for whatever reason) or not.
What matters is that America's Health Care Insurance System is in badly need of Reform, this includes offering people a Robust Gov't Public Option plan.
That's the only way to help drive down costs, ensure Fair competition and stop Fraud.
(Miss ya Joe. I can hardly wait for your return.)
Mika "0", Congressman Cummings "1"!
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Is the Public Option dead?
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A Morning Meeting panel, including Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, discuss the defeat of the public option, and how it’s only a prelude to other debates before a final bill is passed.
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Pres. Obama's Secret Bill: White House Drafts Health Care Legislation
The White House has been secretly drafting its own health care legislation that it may unveil at some point during the debate if officials believe it would help secure passage of a bill, according to sources familiar with the effort.
Sources differed on how far the process has gotten, with some saying a bill is basically finished and others saying they are aware only of a partially completed effort. White House officials, though they know their preferences, also appear to be constructing different options that could be thrown together depending on how the legislation is shaping up in Congress.
But all sources knowledgeable about the effort agreed the measure includes significant detail and possibly even some legislative language that could ensure the bill is ready to go the moment it is needed.
“They are getting ready for a backup,” said one veteran observer of health care debates who was knowledgeable about the effort. “It will be parachuted in if necessary.”
The White House measure appears designed to entice moderate Democrats and perhaps even Republicans into supporting a health care overhaul if legislative efforts in Congress fail or if they move too far to the left. Sources said one possibility would be to invoke the measure if the Senate cannot rally 60 votes to break a filibuster. Another option may be to present details of what the White House wants during a conference between the House and the Senate.
But the White House effort may never see the light of day.
At the moment, the Senate Finance Committee is moving legislation that includes many provisions and a price tag supported by President Barack Obama, and the need for a White House bill may now be moot. One of the reasons for embarking on the project was to have a detailed proposal ready in case the Finance Committee failed to move a bill that could pass the Senate.
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Sources: MSNBC, Morning Joe, House.gov, Huffington Post, Roll Call, Whitehouse.gov, Babble.com, Wikipedia, Google Maps

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