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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Plaintiff In Roe vs. Wade Case Handcuffed by Police @ Notre Dame Anti-Abortion Protest

Norma McCorvey a plaintiff in the controversial 1973 Roe vs. Wade U.S. Supreme Court case regarding a woman's right to choose, was supposedly arrested today at a non-violent Notre Dame Anti-Abortion protest rally.

For years McCorvey now 61, hid her identity behind the moniker of "Jane Roe".

McCorvey's landmark case was the founding legal precedent for On-Demand Abortion procedures in the United States.

Now a Born Again Christian and Pro-Life Activist, she chose to participate in an on-campus Prayer Vigil in protest of President Obama's stance on Abortion.

She was handcuffed and escorted away by Police with about 19 other protesters after refusing to leave the campus.

(Norma McCorvey is escorted away from the Notre Dame campus by Police.)

Norma McCorvey's Pro Life Commercial

Sources: South Bend Tribune, Mahalo, CNN, Politico, The Hill,, Fox News, Day Life, Youtube

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