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Monday, May 18, 2009

G.O.P. Exposes Its Sexist, Gender Bashing Ideology About Female Leadership (Including Speaker Pelosi)

Well, Well....

Seems as if Senator John Boehner (R-Ohio) and his cronies have finally decided to let it all hang out as it relates to how much they disapprove of a Woman being Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D).

Let's face they've been PO'd every since she was elected into her current ranking position.

Remember how they boohooed about Speaker Pelosi and the Stimulus Package?

Have you ever heard or seen more whining, crying and complaining from a bunch of supposedly adult men?

Some of them have even resorted to making fun of her looks.

How embarrassing!!

Its now become so crystal clear to me what type of party the G.O.P. is trying to develop and cultivate.

An All-Male, Sexist, Narrow-Minded, Fake Conservative, Dictatorship-like base. Period!

Oh they don't mind if Women join their "little" club however.... those same Subservient, Stepford Wives type Females will NEVER be allowed to function as Real Leaders within the Party.


The G.O.P. still remains a Good 'Ole Boys Network forever and forever and forever, etc.,

Could it be possible that the Republican Party Leaders are afraid of having Strong, Intelligent, Ambitious Women in their camp?? Hmmmm

Going forward all of the Media Hoopla about Nancy Pelosi and CIA Briefings being released needs to just be ignored.

You see the G.O.P. doesn't really care about Torture being an Inhumane act which violates the Geneva Conventions Treaty or the CIA lying to Congress.

No, instead the Republican Party just wants their House Speaker to be a "He".

Looks like they'll have to wait a long time because Nancy isn't going anywhere!

I wonder if Senator Boehner washes off his tanning lotion what color will he really be?

By the way can anyone tell me where I can purchase a box of Sexist, Gender Discrimination-hued crayons? I'd like to draw a picture of the G.O.P.

(Senator John Boehner preaching his Sexist propaganda rhetoric to a Fox News reporter about Speaker Pelosi providing proof that the CIA lied to her.)

(Media figures bashing Speaker Pelosi and attacking her looks. How Childish!)

Sources: Washington Post, Huffington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Media Matters, Day Life, Youtube

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