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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bristol Palin Joins Fight Against Teen Pregnancy

On the "Today Show" this morning 18-year-old Bristol Palin (daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin) shared the harsh realities of being a Teen Mother.

Hopefully someone was listening.

Especially the DSS Officials in North Carolina, where Teen Pregnancies cost Tax Payers more than $300 Million dollars each year.

Bristol just happens to come from a Wealthy family but for most young girls who end up pregnant, its the Welfare system that provides for their babies.

In the words of actress Jane Fonda, "Adolescent Pregnancy must become a priority for all Americans".

Check out some of Bristol's statements and the interview with show host Matt Lauer below.

"My baby is not a mistake, he's a blessing but it's been really hard."

"If your going to have Sex, you should have Safe Sex."

"Teens should learn from my example, and that abstinence is the only way to ensure you don't get pregnant."

Sources: MSNBC, Today Show, Huffington Post, Youtube, Flickr

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