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Monday, May 4, 2009

10 Lessons From Jack Kemp On Rebuilding The G.O.P.

The recent passing of former nine-term Republican Congressman and one time V.P. Candidate Jack Kemp (73), marks the end of the "Reaganomics" style political era.

Kemp, a Moderate Republican with a voice of good will towards all men, was silenced by Cancer last weekend at his home in Bethesda, Maryland.

Jack's upbringing and various life experiences as a Star Athlete, Soldier in the U.S. Army Reserves and a Politician, gave him a big heart towards his fellow man regardless of their ethnicity.

In fact due to his nine years playing in the NFL (1957-1969), Kemp felt it prepared him for the hard, fickle, sometimes dirty life of Politics.

Subsequently his time well-served in the United States Army Reserves, gave him a special compassion for Military Veterans.

His long, substantive, Grassroots Political career began in 1964 as a volunteer for Barry Goldwater's Presidential campaign. He continued establishing roots in the world of Public Service by later volunteering for Ronald Reagan's successful California Gubernatorial campaign (1966).

In 1969, he worked as a Special Assistant to the Republican National Committee chairman.

From 1971 to 1989, he served as a Congressman in Western New York for nine terms.

Thereafter from 1989 to 1993, he served as the Secretary of Housing and Development under former George H.W. Bush's administration.

In 1996, he ran as Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole's running mate.

Jack Kemp was an unusual kind of Republican in that unlike most members of the G.O.P. today, he was an advocate for Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Rights for Illegal Immigrants, Attracting business to Low-Income communities by establishing Tax-Free zones and bringing more African-Americans into the Party by reaching them on an Intelligent level.

In addition as HUD Secretary, he spoke up for the "little guy" and Minorities by attacking Predatory Lenders, versus adopting an attitude of greed in steering Toxic Mortgages to the general public.

Motivated by a desire for a better America, he also fought against Racial Segregation and Poverty.

Such strong ideology could have posed a serious risk to Kemp's Political career.

However instead of hurting him, his Social-Conservative agenda gained him much popularity with everyday voters and propelled him into the Republican Party Icon status.

More so than anything else Jack Kemp's ability to help place the G.O.P. in a winning position, was largely due to seeing his fellow man regardless of their race or income status, as equals.

A Political attribute of which the Democratic Party demonstrated during former President JFK's reign, later adopted in greater detail under former President William Jefferson Clinton's time in the Oval office and now being carried out by current President Barack Obama.

Jack Kemp an awesome man greatly admired by both Political parties, will be deeply missed. Especially during a time when the G.O.P. is so desperately trying to find its compass.

Our nation is a nation of Democracy and Choice. Not a Monarchy or a Theocracy!

We need two Political Parties for effective CHANGE to occur, or else it won't matter who's elected President.

Facing a devastating, unfilled void created by the recent defection of Senator Arlen Specter and Kemp's death, its time for the G.O.P. to redeem itself.

Here are 10 lessons to be considered for rebuilding/ re-branding the Republican Party's image.

1) First admit you have a problem. A shrinking political party DOES expose that a serious problem exists. Just remember Denial is not a river in Egypt.

2) Stop trying to use gimmicks to rebuild the party. (No offense intended) For example: Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Steele.

3) The party needs Strong, Visible, Bold Leaders with Good Character like Moderate Republican Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory. Leaders with open hearts for all Human Beings, regardless of race or socio-economic status.

Leaders who aren't afraid to speak up, yet doing so without personally attacking the extremely popular, capable President Obama.

Much like President Obama, Jack Kemp was an Optimistic dreamer with a Big Vision.

That's the kind of Leader the G.O.P. needs to help revitalize itself.

4) Instead of bashing the Democrats or remaining a divisive "Party of No", choose to become a Team Player.

When campaigning and speaking to crowds about the G.O.P.'s purpose, Jack Kemp often used effective Team Building skills he learned while playing professional sports to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and trust.

He wisely knew when to compromise and when to go for the kill. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

In other words instead of bashing Democrats, he chose to focus on the good of the Republican Party. He also gave people a real reason to join the G.O.P. versus the Democratic Party.

Re-examine your party's values and agenda. Do you really think that Tax Cuts ALONE are enough to repair our country's broken Economy? Think Again!

Jack Kemp's past voting records displays his balanced support for Incentive-based Social Programs and Tax Cuts. Why has the Republican Party of today's society strayed away from that type of agenda?

5) Target your audience and if need be, sincerely (the key word here is Sincerely) reach out to Minorities using Intelligent measures.

Define Conservatism. Are you using the term "Conservative" to intentionally keep "certain" people out?

If the G.O.P. does not want Minorities or Low-Income voters in its constituency base, then stop pretending and be honest about it!

If on the other hand the G.O.P. does want to bring more Minorities and Low-Income constituents into its circle, reach out to those voters on an Intelligent level.

Stop all the "Hip Hop jargon mess". That type of condescending stuff often offends African-Americans and other Minority citizens. (No offense to the Hip Hop crowd. Its just not MY thing.)

Case in point, while on the campaign trail President Obama never walked around with his pants hanging below his bottom, speaking street slang, or wearing a cap backwards for the purpose of "identifying with voters". Never!!

He and First Lady Michelle, consistently reached out and were able to relate to ALL voters on an Intelligent level, regardless of each voter's race, creed, age, religion, demographics or socio-economic status.

Note: If the G.O.P. chooses to exclude Minorities and Low-Income voters, it will cease to exist. Forever.

6) The G.O.P. doesn't appear to have a real message. In addition whenever the party does attempt to communicate with voters, they aren't maximizing the greatness of Advanced Technology or Social Networking Tools.

While we're on the subject, can anyone tell me why are Republicans experiencing such difficulty conveying their message to the American people?

Better yet what is the message?

The Media need not be blamed for the G.O.P.'s downfall.

To date the negative, aloof, out-of-touch voice of several long time, Congressional Republican Party Leaders, has done a fine job bringing down the party without any help from the Mainstream Media.

Everyone knows that personal attacks and negativity often backfire. By continuing to bash President Obama and other Dems, the G.O.P. has unintentionally placed the spotlight on ALL its flaws.

This strategy needs to change immediately! How can you reach people if you can't communicate with them on their level?

The G.O.P. needs it find its true voice once more.

And.......Please recruit a Believable, Bold, Non-Polarizing, People-Loving, Non-Hypocritical, Intelligent, Charismatic Speaker to deliver the message.

7) By the way I wonder how many Republican Party Leaders take time each morning to watch the "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC?

Perhaps the Republican Party should consider hiring the show's main host former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough to become its Chief Strategist.

8) Return to Grassroots Politics and LISTEN to your Constituents.

Get out of Washington and make yourselves accessible to your voters. People are hurting. They're losing jobs, losing homes, have no health care, can't feed or educate their children, dealing with High Teen Pregnancy rates, Unfair Tax Laws, Can't get Unemployment Benefits, etc.,

The Dems are winning because they're consistently demonstrating to the public that they really DO Care about people outside of Congress.

What about the G.O.P.? Does the Republican Party still have a heart?

Get out of Washington and HELP your constituents! Show them that you have hearts and really DO Care.

9) Stop fooling around with all these experiments, gimmicks, etc., and come up with a Viable, Realistic PLAN to regain your territory.

10) Like the late Jack Kemp and our outstanding President Barack Obama, make a heartfelt decision to WIN!

Stop Vacillating! Stop looking Lost, Confused and Foolish!

As painful as it may be, return to the game room with your Coach (NOT Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin!).

Review all the old game movies (previous campaigns and elections) to learn why the G.O.P. lost. Then focus on changing or eliminating those defeating "plays".

Either you want to WIN or you don't! If you do, then get with it!

Our nation is a nation of Democracy and Choice. Not a Monarchy or a Theocracy!

We need two Political Parties for effective CHANGE to occur, or else it won't matter who's elected President.

Jack Kemp sir, may you Rest In Peace.

Jack Kemp on Fox New's Sean Hannity defending Presidential Candidate Barack Obama.

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Source: Washington Post, Huffington Post, NY Times, MSNBC Politics, Morning Joe Show, Politico, The Arena, Wikipedia,, Fox News (Sean Hannity Show), Youtube, Google Maps

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