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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tiger's Alleged Groupie Scorecard: 6 (Sex Addict)...How Many More?

Yankees' Manager Joe Giraldi says "nothing today is private". Tiger is a Public Figure who sold his private life for a Billion Dollars. Thus he has very little privacy.

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So far Tiger's endorsements are safe despite the fallout and gossip over his extramarital affairs.

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Tiger Woods' accident was recreated in a Taiwanese, grand theft auto type animation.

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Three more transgressions, Tiger? Golfer's list of 'conquests' rises to six

Tiger Woods's scorecard of extramarital affairs rose to a total of six last night after three more women were claimed to have shared his bed.

A Florida waitress and a Las Vegas model told over the weekend of their torrid relationships with the billionaire golfer.

A blonde Manhattan nightclubber, Cori Rist, 31, was added last night to the list of those with whom the married father of two had 'transgressed'.

And it seems unlikely to stop there.

Even as they digested the latest claims yesterday, Woods and his team of advisers were bracing themselves for yet more revelations from as yet unidentified women.

There were strong rumours last night of a dalliance with a seventh woman, a porn star, and there has even been speculation that the trail of shame will lead to this side of the Atlantic with claims of a fling with a British TV presenter.

Miss Rist declined to comment last night on claims by the New York Daily News that she has been secretly seeing Woods since they met last year at a Manhattan club. But the two other alleged mistresses to emerge over the weekend showed no such reticence.

Waitress Mindy Lawton, 33, spoke out to describe how she conducted a torrid affair with the golfer under his wife's nose.

And the former boyfriend of blonde model Jamie Jungers, 26, said she had slept with Woods repeatedly over a two-year period.

Both women described tawdry affairs in which they were used for sex - and then discarded.

Their revelations further damage Woods's carefully-constructed image as a dedicated - even boring - professional sportsman and family man.

Representatives of his numerous sponsors - which include Nike, Gillette and Pepsi - have contacted the star to demand he act to extinguish the flames of bad publicity.

But Woods himself appears to be stunned into inaction: he has reportedly fled the family home in Orlando, Florida, to escape the media glare. His representatives refuse to comment.

The explosion of sexual revelations was sparked just over a week ago when Woods crashed his car outside his home in the early hours of the morning.

At first the golfer denied allegations that he had rowed with his Swedish wife, Elin, 29. But when details about an affair with glamorous New York party organiser Rachel Uchitel, 34, started to emerge, he made a limited public apology.

While he refrained from explicitly admitting infidelity, he did confess to 'personal sins' and said: 'I regret those transgressions with all of my heart.'

Two more women - cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs, 24, and Las Vegas club promoter Kalika Moquin, 27, then told how they too had affairs with Woods.

As well as revealing Woods's predatory modus operandi, Mindy Lawton's testimony also gave an indication of how his alleged philandering was kept secret for so long.

It has been claimed that an American tabloid magazine, having gathered irrefutable evidence of his affair with Miss Lawton, was persuaded not to print by Woods's management team, who in exchange granted an exclusive interview with the golfer to the tabloid's sister magazine.

And last week it was claimed that Woods's management offered Rachel Uchitel $1million to cancel a press conference she had planned to give on the topic, claims which surfaced again yesterday.

Yesterday another, as yet unnamed, girlfriend tried to explain Woods's action, telling the Mail on Sunday: 'His big problem is, ironically, insecurity. He has never felt particularly attractive.

'From the age of four or five he was destined to be a golfing legend but no one told him how to be a man.

'He married the dream girl, had the perfect family, but couldn't feel satisfied with that. He's not a happy man.'

She added: 'He was caught once and got away with it. He thought he could get away with it for ever.'

Woods married Elin Nordegren in 2004 after they were introduced by the Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik, who had employed her as an au pair.

Parnevik has said: 'I really feel sorry for Elin - since me and my wife were at fault for hooking her up with him. We probably thought he was a better guy than he is.'

Elin is reported to have been offered £50million to stand by her husband and help salvage his tattered image. She could expect a £200million settlement if they divorce.

Mindy Lawton, 33, was almost outed as Tiger Woods mistress two years ago.

But the relationship between the £5-an-hour waitress and the billionaire golfer was covered up as part of a deal between 'Team Tiger' and the U.S. magazine Men's Fitness.

It agreed to keep the lid on the alleged affair in return for an exclusive interview with Woods.

Yesterday, however, all the salacious details of Woods's supposed fling with Miss Lawton appeared in Sunday newspapers.

Unlike the other women identified as part of Woods's harem, who hailed from Las Vegas and New York, Miss Lawton lived much closer to home in Orlando, Florida.

She claimed to have had sex with Woods at his mansion and while the golfer's wife was pregnant. 'Sometimes I looked like a rag doll after we'd made love,' she was quoted as saying by the News of the World. 'He really did like it quite rough.

'He wanted to spank me and loved pulling my hair as we had sex. He also liked me to talk dirty to him, but hair-pulling was what really turned him on.

'I realise now that all he wanted me for was sex. The only time he would call was when he wanted it. Tiger just used me as his sex toy. I thought I meant something to him, but all he cared about was lust. He is a selfish, heartless man.'

Despite his enormous wealth, she said Woods was not generous. 'He did not buy me anything, not even a meal.'

She also claimed his marriage was unhappy. 'I did not ask him about her, but I got the impression that he was not happy and the marriage was sexless.'

She added that Woods stopped calling after his wife gave birth to their first child, who is now two. The couple also now have a ten-month-old baby.

The blonde clubber

Cori Rist, 31, was remaining tight-lipped last night on claims that she was secretly involved with the golfer.

A source told the New York Daily News that Woods flew the blonde beauty to meet up with him at tournaments.

They reportedly met at Manhattan's trendy Butter club last year.

'They went on to another party,' a source told the Daily News. 'One thing led to another and, pretty soon, Tiger was flying her to hook up with him on tour.

'Tiger would typically get a large suite at a hotel. Someone would book Cori an adjacent room, so she would-n't be seen coming into his room. He would get a presidential suite. It was the ultimate in luxury. The trouble is, he never wanted to leave the room. He didn't want to risk anyone seeing them together.'

Miss Rist eventually grew tired of the deception.

'After about six months of this, she started to get tired of being cooped up,' said the source. 'She felt like a bird in a gilded cage.'

The paper also quotes a friend of Woods who recalled being introduced to Miss Rist. 'I remember she was quite attractive,' he said.

Confronted with the allegations over the weekend, Miss Rist replied: 'No comment. Not at this time.'

The model engaged to a Woods fanatic

Jamie Jungers, 26, was allegedly seduced by Woods nine months after his marriage to Elin Nordegren.

The golfer reportedly picked up the model at a party in Las Vegas and conducted an on-off relationship with her lasting 18 months.

The blonde, who bears a striking resemblance to Woods's wife, was herself engaged to be married at the time she was meeting the golfer for sex.

Miss Jungers did not personally admit the affair in a Sunday newspaper, which quoted her former fiancé, businessman Derek Schmidt, a golf fan who used to idolise Woods.

But according to the well-connected RadarOnline website in the U.S., the model was behind the bid to profit from her story by hawking it to the highest bidder.

'She did not want to be quoted directly but was directly involved in making it public,' said the site.

Her relationship with Woods is said to have begun when he sent a message to ask her to join him and his entourage at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas in July 2005.

'He immediately started hitting on her and telling her she was beautiful,' said Mr Schmidt, 28.

Miss Jungers is said to have been flattered enough by Woods's attentions to go back to his £3,000-a-night suite at the MGM Grand Mansion hotel where they had 'passionate sex', said the newspaper.

Mr Schmidt said that over the following months, his fiancee made a number of trips to California to see the golfer.

'I was a massive Tiger Woods fan. I had Tiger Woods memorabilia all over my house and even collected Tiger Woods videos.

'On the night Jamie met him for the first time, I had just bought the new Tiger Woods computer game. She showed me Tiger's number and we both called it. I still remember his answer machine message. It said, "You've called the right person at the wrong time. Please leave a message".'

Mr Schmidt added: 'I think Tiger is a great competitor on the golf course, but away from it he is a horrible person.'

And is there a British connection to come out of the woodwork?

As the number of women linked to Tiger Woods's infidelities continues to grow, rumours are increasing that it will lead to a British connection.

Although the women named so far are all American, it is strongly expected that the list of lovers will increase.

And since he has been a regular visitor to Britain because of his busy playing schedule, it seemed a strong possibility that someone on this side of the Atlantic had fallen for his charms.

According to the Sun, there are claims that Woods had enjoyed a fling with a well-known female British television presenter.

It quoted a source as saying: 'He would hook up with her when he went to the UK. She's really sexy and very well known. A good friend of mine told me about it years ago.'

The source, said to be a sports marketing executive who had known Woods for years, added: 'Both will be hoping this one doesn't come out. It will take the scandal to a new level.'

The claim was furiously denied yesterday by the woman in question, who insisted there was no truth in what was being claimed.

Woods has been visiting Britain for the Open championship since 1995. He first won it in 2000, and triumphed again in 2005 and 2006.

He had played in 13 consecutive Opens when he was forced to pull out through injury in 2008.

Woods was again here earlier this year for the tournament at Turnberry, where he failed to make the cut for the first time.

He has also played in the World Match Play Championship, held at Wentworth.

Woods also played in the 2002 Ryder Cup at the Belfry in Warwickshire as well as visiting the UK for commercial purposes.

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Sources: Daily Mail, MSNBC, NY Daily News, US Weekly, Reuters, News of the World, Taiwan News, Google Maps

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