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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tiger Woods Tried To OD??...Pray For Tiger

FHP interviews Tiger's neighbor Jarius Adams about the accident scene.

Tiger Woods was admitted to hospital as a "suspected overdose"

Woods, who has faced a barrage of publicity concerning his private life since he crashed his car outside his family home in Florida less than two weeks ago, was reportedly admitted to Health Central Hospital under the alias William Smith.

According to sources in the hospital, Woods' admission chart listed "OD" and the golfer was having trouble breathing. Celebrity website TMZ said the fifth floor of the hospital was put on lockdown when he arrived with his wife Erin Nordegren.

The website claims that doctors used a breathing tube to assist Woods' respiration, while hospital officials later changed his alias over fears people would find out he was there. It also claims Ms Nordegren gave police officers two prescription pill bottles - for Ambien, a muscle relaxant, and Vicodin, a painkiller - at the scene of Woods' car crash.

Previously it was reported that Woods' neighbour Jarius Adams found the golfer lying in the road "snoring" after his crash.

Since Woods' early morning car crash and speculation arose about his marriage, seven women have been named as alleged mistresses of the world's top golfer.

The latest is Holly Sampson, a 36-year-old porn star, who joins Jamie Jungers, a 26-year-old Las Vegas aspiring model, Mindy Lawton, a restaurant waitress in Florida, and Cori Rist, a 31-year-old New York socialite.

He has also allegedly had an affair with New York nightclub promoter Rachel Uchitel, a claim she has denied; as well as Las Vegas nightclub executive Kalika Moquin and Jaimee Grubbs, a Los Angeles cocktail waitress.

Last week Woods, whose squeaky-clean family man image has taken a battering, issued a statement on his website apologising for the "transgressions" that "let his family down".

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Sources:, TMZ, FHP, AP, Youtube, Google Maps

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