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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hackney Predicts Huge Dem Victories In 2010, 2012...He's Delusional

Ha, Ha!

Looks like North Carolina's highest ranking member of the House Joe Hackney (Dem) is having a fit of Delusion if he thinks Dems are going to sweep 2010, 2012 Elections.

Hasn't he read all the headlines lately about high levels of Political/Public Corruption being committed by Democrats or news referring to our nation's disturbingly high Unemployment rate? (The USA is basically in a Depression.)

The Democrat's message of "HOPE" has turned to NOPE!

Does Hackney really think North Carolina Voters will be stupid enough to keep allowing the same Corrupt State Party to remain in control, especially if its apparent NC Democrat Leaders are NOT trying to stop Corruption?

Senator Hackney sir Denial is NOT a river in Egypt.

Didn't you hear about the recent G.O.P. victories in VA and NJ?

Unless North Carolina Democrats (including Gov. Bev Perdue) chooses to stop all this Political and Public Corruption (coming from Democrats), the G.O.P. will have a grand old time in 2010, 2012.

The Republican Party has tasted blood!

They are hot on the trail in their quest to attract voters for future elections.

This includes White Voters, Independent Voters, Black Voters, Hispanic Voters, Young Voters, Middle Class, Low Income and Senior Citizen Voters.

That Straight Ticket Voting stuff has played out!

Many of us realized we've been duped and we're tired of the NC Democratic Party doing nothing about Political/Public Corruption, Jobs, Fair Taxation Laws, Fair Crime Laws, State Health and Mental Health Care Reform, Reforming DSS, Education, and Discrimination (Racial, Gender, Age & Workplace).

If NC Democrat Leaders keep sticking their heads in the sands instead of tackling those (serious) issues listed above, when they do decide to come up for air it will be too late.

And oh by the way....

In case you haven't thought about it, continuing to hang Middle Class, Low Income and Senior Citizen Voters out to dry is most definitely NOT going to score NC Dems any brownie points in 2010, 2012.

Virginia has some of the lowest Sales Taxes nationwide, thus their Unemployment rate isn't as high as North Carolina's. Perhaps NC needs to take a hint.

Especially Charlotte-Mecklenburg county which has the HIGHEST Sales Taxes/ Property Taxes in North Carolina!

Think about it.


Here's a word to North Carolina's "Wise" Democrat Political Leaders:

You may NOT care much about Low Income, Black Voters, Hispanic Voters, Middle Class or Senior Citizen voters now but you most certainly WILL come 2010, 2012.

So go ahead and throw us under the bus now, we'll remember you in 2010 and 2012.

Ha, Ha

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NC Senator Joe Hackney predicts Democratic gains in 2010

These are headlines no Democratic candidate wants to see:

A former governor under Federal Investigation for corruption, a top Senate Democrat accused of insider trading, a current governor with approval ratings in the 40s and a big tax increase to cope with the biggest budget shortfall in memory, Jim Morrill of The Charlotte Observer reports.

"Of course it's worrisome," N.C. House Speaker Joe Hackney said Tuesday. "You'd rather not have that environment. But people aren't going to blame Rep. (Tricia) Cotham for Mike Easley's problems."

Hackney, who met with new Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx Tuesday afternoon, was also scheduled to appear at a fundraiser for Cotham, a Charlotte Democrat. Hackney has been appearing at events for other Democrats throughout the state. Despite the bad run of publicity for some members of his party, Hackney, an Orange County Democrat, doesn't expect to see big losses at the polls, at least for the state House.

"There are some pick-up opportunities," he said, "And we really think we'll be able to pick up some seats on the House side."

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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Under The Dome, News & Observer, MSNBC, Charlotte Observer, Morning Joe Show, NC General Assembly, Think Progress,, JoatMoaf, Google Maps

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