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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hoffman Revokes His Concession, Accuses ACORN Of Voter Fraud

Hoffman alleges vote fraud in NY 23

Even as he faces near-impossible odds of pulling ahead in the count, Doug Hoffman announced Wednesday night that he is officially revoking his concession from Election Night, and is accusing labor unions and ACORN of stealing the election for Rep. Bill Owens (D-N.Y.).

Hoffman posted a message on his campaign site Wednesday alleging dirty tricks by Democrats, and is asking for additional campaign contributions to fund a legal challenge to the election results.

“As evidence surfaces, we find out that reported results from election night were far from accurate. ACORN and the unions did their best to try and sway the results to Obamacare supporter Bill Owens," Hoffman wrote on his campaign site. "Rest assured, they will not succeed, and I am therefore revoking my statement of concession.”

Despite his unfailing optimism, Hoffman currently faces next-to-no chance of pulling ahead, with nearly half of the absentee ballots counted. The Watertown Daily Times reports that Hoffman currently trails Owens by 2,832 votes, with 4,262 absentee ballots left to be counted, with him only picking up a net of 344 votes in the process.

Hoffman would need to win nearly 80 percent of the outstanding absentee ballots to win. St. Lawrence, Oswego, Jefferson, Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties still have to finish their absentee count – with much of the remaining votes coming from Democratic strongholds that Owens carried on Election Night.

And Hoffman's claims are being undermined by his own staff and Republican election workers in the district. His campaign adviser, Rob Ryan, told the Syracuse Post-Standard that the campaign "knows chances for a victory grow more remote with each passing day."

The Jefferson County Republican elections commissioner told the Watertown Daily Times that Hoffman's allegations were “absolutely false.”

But that's not stopping Hoffman from crying foul.

"The people of NY-23 deserve to have their ballots counted properly, but we can't let ACORN or the unions keep that from happening. They have more lawyers and more experience tampering with democracy," he wrote.

"We need to make sure that fair elections are a reality in NY-23, just like our Founding Fathers envisioned. So long as we remain the "land of the free," we MUST ensure every vote is counted. Help us today so we may be the first of many conservative victories during the Obama Regime."

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Sources: Politico, CBS News, Google Maps

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