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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Giuliani's Camp Dismisses NY Senate Run Rumors...Smoke Screen

Giuliani for Senate?

The New York Daily News is reporting that Rudy Giuliani is planning to run for the Senate, and is preparing an announcement within the next 48 hours.

I’ve heard similar buzz from several New York GOP sources since news broke that the former New York City mayor wasn’t running for governor, but news of Giuliani’s interest in running for the Senate came as a total surprise to Republican Senate campaign officials in Washington.

The Daily News reports that he’d only seek the seat to fill the final two years of Hillary Clinton’s term, and would then use the experience to prepare for a 2012 presidential campaign. The New York Post, however, reports today that a close Giuliani adviser "nixed" the idea of the former NYC mayor running against Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), who spoke at length with Giuliani after a campaign fundraiser last night, told POLITICO that he had no inside information about Giuliani’s political future, but did think it would make sense for him to pursue the Senate race.

“It makes sense for Rudy to run for Senate, because these are the issues he’s been focusing on -- international issues, national security. He really has a lot to say. On the other hand, Rudy’s background is as an executive,” King said.

"I can see him wanting to run for president again, and doing the Senate race would position him well for that.... the Senate would be a great opportunity to keep him in the public eye -- keep him in the national attention more, rather than in the narrow prism of the governorship.”

UPDATE: Giuliani spokeswoman Maria Comella dismissed reports about Giuliani's political future: "When Mayor Giuliani makes a decision about serving in public office, he will inform New Yorkers on his own."

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Sources: Politico, The Daily Beast, Google Maps

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