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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good Day For Republicans! Super Tuesday...Democrats & Independents Are Fed Up Too!

GOP unity, support from independents key today

We think tonight will be very good for Republicans.

Two of the main reasons for that are superior party unity and pretty overwhelming support from independents.

In NY-23 despite the presence more or less of two Republican candidates on the ballot, Doug Hoffman is winning 71% of the GOP vote to Bill Owens' 67% of the Democratic vote. Hoffman leads Owens 52-30 with independents.

In New Jersey Chris Christie is getting 82% of the Republican vote while Jon Corzine is at 72% of the Democratic vote. Christie leads 52-29 with independents.

In Maine 77% of Republicans support the overturn of gay marriage while 71% of Democrats are opposed to it. Independents say they'll vote for it by a 52-46 margin.

In Virginia 94% of Republicans are for Bob McDonnell to 87% of Democrats for Creigh Deeds. McDonnell is up 63-33 with independents.

In Charlotte 89% of Republicans intend to vote for John Lassiter to 81% of Democrats for Anthony Foxx. Lassiter leads 51-40 with independents.

From the high levels of party unity it's clear that Republicans voters see the path back to power will require staying on the same page. And whether it's because the Democrats have bad candidates or they're unhappy with President Obama, independents are giving the GOP very high levels of support. It should be the best Republican election night since George W. Bush got reelected.

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Sources: Public Policy Polling, Google Maps

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