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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2009 "Jackass" Award Winners...Drumroll Please

And the 2009 "Jackass" Award Winners are.....

(Audio of Pres. Obama calling Kanye West a "Jackass". From TMZ)

(Music fans are criticizing singer Kanye West after he interrupted Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech for Best Female Video at the MTV Video Music Awards. TODAY’s Natalie Morales reports.)

(Serena Williams loses her cool and the match after a foot fault was called on her at US Open tennis semi-finals vs Kim Clijsters 2009.)

(ACORN Prostitution Investigation)

(SC Rep. Joe Wilson defends his stupid, disrespectful, embarrassing heckling scene during Pres. Obama's recent Congressional Health Care Reform speech.)

(Now Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced she's stepping down early.)

(After publicly admitting to having an affair with a woman from Argentina, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford now says she is his “soul mate” and admits to relationships with other women. NBC’s Mark Potter reports.)

(Sen. John Ensign, R-NV, is making his first public comments since admitting his affair. Rachel Maddow talks about his comments with Las Vegas Sun columnist Jon Ralston.)

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Sources: MSNBC, Politico, Huffington Post, Washington Post, TPM, The State, Daily Kos, Wonkette, TMZ, NBC Sports, N8tip, Youtube, Google Maps

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