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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

NC Gov. Bev Perdue Expresses Doubt About Pres. Obama's HC Reform Policies


Perdue: "Don't give states the bill"

While Gov. Beverly Perdue supports efforts to overhaul the national health care system, she is worried that state governments will get stuck with the bill.

"We are all hungry for a solution, but the absolute deal breaker for me as governor is a federal plan that shifts costs to the states," Perdue said in a statement Tuesday.

Perdue, a Democrat, echoed the sentiments of many of her fellow governors who attended the summer meeting of the National Governors Association in Biloxi, Miss. over the weekend, reports Rob Christensen.

The governors expressed concern that President Barack Obama's plan would not do enough to hold down health spending would also shift more of the costs of Medicaid, the health insurance program for the poor, to the states.

Perdue skipped the meeting to stay in Raleigh in case she was needed for the budget negotiations, according to her staff.

The governor said the concerns of the states must be heard as Congress puts together a new health care plan.

Gov. Perdue stated, "I urge our Federal Leaders to find a national solution that will provide access to Affordable Care for everyone without putting the financial burden on states,"

She went on to say, "Put simply, a national health care system must provide the right care, at the right time, at the right place – and at a price that people, and states, can afford."

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Sources: Newsobserver,, National Governor's Association, Charlotte Observer, Wikipedia, Google Maps

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