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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

23 North Carolina Banks In Trouble...Facing Serious Issues

Charlotte Observer, The State----

More than one-fourth of North Carolina’s 88 state-chartered banks are on N.C. regulators’ list of troubled institutions, a record number at least in recent history.

The tally of 23 troubled banks compares with six about two years ago, said Ray Grace, the N.C. deputy banking commissioner who heads bank supervision. Typically, he said, only two or three are on the list.

While acknowledging banks face serious issues, Grace doesn’t expect a run of failures.

“Most of our banks are in pretty good shape,” he said. “People don’t need to get panicky.”

The figures provide a rare look at the potent economic forces hitting banks. Job losses, dramatic declines in home sales and property values, struggling businesses and a deep recession have depressed demand for loans and made it harder for consumers and companies to repay loans, mortgages, credit cards and other debt.

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Sources: Charlotte Observer, The State, Huffington Post, Google Maps

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