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Friday, July 17, 2009

The KKK: How It Looks Today....A New Generation Of Racial Hatred & Ignorance (US Dept. Homeland Security Investigates)

Huffington Post, MSNBC----

(Late Entertainer Michael Jackson performs one of his hits, "Its Black, Its White". Race should no longer matter in today's society, however for some people its their life's mission to focus on hating Blacks, Latinos, Indians, Asians, etc., How sad. I'll keep praying for those individuals.)

(MSNBC Political Pundit Pat Buchanan tells the wonderful Rachel Maddow (I just love her show!) that "White Men made this country!"....Despite his disparaging comments about Minorities, I still don't think Pat is a Racist. Even if his bone-headed views on American History are delusional.)

(Text from

The US Department of Homeland Security recently issued a chilling report: Americans, it said, can expect an upsurge in "rightwing extremism" from White nationalists, militias, and groups like the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan, of course, has had a hand in some of the nation's most infamous acts of racial terror and murder.

But what does the KKK look like today? Photographer Anthony Karen has documented the modern-day Klan in their homes, at rallies, and at Klan gatherings, taking us deep inside a world we would otherwise never see -- a world most of us might not even want to know about. The unnerving photos featured here, exclusively on, are from his new book, "The Invisible Empire: Ku Klux Klan."

"The majority of people I've come across," Karen told LIFE, "you'd only know they were in the Klan if they decided to share that."

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Sources: Huffington Post, MSNBC, US Dept of Homeland Security,, MTV, Google Maps

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