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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Casey Anthony: Cold-Blooded Murderer Gains Celebrity Status!!

Yes! Casey Anthony Is A Cold-Blooded, Premeditated Murderer Who Killed Her Daughter Because She Hated Being A Young, Responsible Mother.

Casey Probably Gave Little Caylee Too Much Over-The-Counter Meds Or Chlorofoam So That The Child Would Remain Sleep While She Hung Out ALL Night Partying.

(Many Single Mothers Both Black & White STILL Give Their Young Children Over-The-Counter Meds As Sleeping Aids. Doctors Know But Don't Seem To Care!!)

Upon Returning Home She Discovered The Child Was Dead (From An Overdose), Panicked, Put Her Little Body In The Trunk Of Her Car, Tried To Bury Caylee Someplace But Couldn't At The Time So She Threw Little Caylee's Body Back In The Trunk Of Her Car Where It Laid Decomposing & Smelling, For Several Days.

Casey Than Probably Later Put Some Duct Tape Around Caylee's Decomposing Mouth, Placed Her Little Body In A Plastic Bag & Came Up With A Bright Idea Of Telling The Fake Kidnapping Story To Law Enforcement Authorities & Her Parents. i.e., Gonzalez Woman.

Last But Certainly NOT Least Caylee Dumped Little Caylee's Body In The Location Where It Was Finally Found By A Gas Company Meter Reader.

This Theory Is More Likely Than Not Of What REALLY Happened To Little Caylee!

To Matters Worse, Not ONLY Did Her Mother Obviously LIE For Her Under Oath, But Now Her Defense Team Is Attempting To Get This Narcissistic Chick Off On A Trial Technicality & By Claiming Casey Is Mentally Ill!!



So How Many People Know That If Caylee & Casey Anthony Were Both BLACK, Neither Of Them Would Be Receiving The Same Widespread Media Coverage?

Yet While Her Young Child's Body Lies In A Cold Grave, Casey Anthony (Premeditated Child Murderer) Is Granted Celebrity-Like Status By The National Mainstream Media.

I've Even Heard Rumors She May Soon Be Getting A Book Or Movie Deal!


How Stupid Can The American Mainstream Media Be??

Stop Treating Casey "LIAR" Anthony Like A Celebrity & Throw Her In Jail Where She Belongs!

With All Other Cold-Blooded, Premeditated Child Murderers!

R.I.P. Little Caylee.

Why We Can't Stop Watching the Casey Anthony Trial

The Casey Anthony trial may ultimately equal or even eclipse the O.J. Simpson trial, in terms of galvanizing the attention of the nation. Yet, Ms. Anthony was not an athlete or movie star when her trial began. She has no "Dream Team" of famous defense attorneys. What, then, explains the level of attention she is generating?

First, Ms. Anthony represents a brainteaser for many people--a kind of psychological Rubik's Cube. She doesn't fit their preconceptions of a killer. She's pretty. She has a nice smile. She is young. She is female. She is (and this may be unfortunate, but it is true) a white woman and a woman who is not poor. She has no history of violent crime.

Thus, people are looking extremely closely at Ms. Anthony and listening with great intensity to witnesses, her attorney and the prosecutor in this case speak about her. We want to solve the puzzle of how the person we see and about whom we hear might be able to suffocate and dispose of her own adorable daughter.

Unlike Susan Smith, the South Carolina woman convicted in 1995 of murdering her two sons, Casey Anthony offers no clues. She doesn't claim a history of mental illness as a defense. She hasn't confessed to being a killer and blamed it on the darkness that can come with severe depression.

Unlike Scott Peterson, the Modesto, California man convicted in 2005 of killing his wife Lacey and unborn child Conner, there is no lover-in-waiting to "explain" why he murdered. Peterson had met beautiful masseuse Amber Frey and seemed to have wanted a life with her, free from other commitments.

The window onto Ms. Anthony's soul is especially cloudy and draws the nation ever closer, squinting through the glass for any glimpse.

Second, Ms. Anthony, whether a killer or a mother who inexplicably did not report her daughter missing for over a month, is a conduit for buried, forgotten terrors still inside all of us.

During childhood, we were all so vulnerable physically and emotionally, so entirely dependent on the good will of our guardians, that we suppressed the thought that we could be with a mother or father who disliked us, wished we did not exist, or might even be able to act on it. Such fears are, in childhood, unthinkable, and, in adulthood, still locked deep inside us.

Casey Anthony, the pretty, smiling, mother who may well have murdered her daughter is, in fact, every adult's worst, long-denied childhood nightmare.

The chance to see such a woman in captivity, and to ponder what she is accused of, is like going to the zoo to see the rarest, deadliest monster you can imagine, the one resurrected from the deepest recesses of your mind in its most fragile moments. And, what's more, even if she is that monster, she may or may not be freed.

The third reason that Casey Anthony's murder trial rivets so many of us is the hardest to speak of, let alone to admit. Many, many people who experience the joys of starting families, nonetheless recall wistfully what it was like to be unencumbered.

Raising kids is hard work, a lot of it necessarily selfless, and millions of us have thought at one moment or another, "What exactly have I gotten myself into--and why? What would my life be like if I could still just worry about myself."

If guilty, Casey Anthony actually acted on this ambivalence, attempting to rewrite history and free herself to live the life of a single woman, not a single mother. She speaks to a dark corner of the id (instinct) inside so many of us, the part that, happily, relatively effortlessly for most every one of us, yields to the ego and superego (conscience).

These three reasons combined are like three points of a plane: They steady our gaze and serve as the perfect foundation to focus our attention.

And consider this: If found guilty, there will almost certainly be an appeal. If found innocent, Ms. Anthony's every action will remain riveting. Freed, she could leap from the accused killer of her daughter to a reality TV star faster than you can say, "What has become of us?"

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Sources: CNN, Fox News, NY Daily News, Google Maps

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