Zahra Baker's Body Was Dismembered
Court Documents: Read The Full Motion
Court papers filed by an attorney for Elisa Baker detail how the stepmother of Zahra Baker told police the 10-year-old had been dismembered and where to find her body parts.
The new revelations came in a filing by attorney Lisa Dubbs, requesting a reduction in the bond for Elisa Baker who, according to the documents, cooperated with Police.
The court papers say Baker's cooperation began Oct. 24 when her defense team turned over a piece of evidence to investigators to prove her information was reliable.
The papers go on to say "that Zahra Baker was deceased, that her body had been dismembered, and that it would be recovered at different sites."
The next day Baker accompanied investigators to three different locations, including Christie Road in Caldwell County where investigators later found a bone, identified as coming from Zahra, and a prosthetic leg that was hers.
Another site identified by Baker, according to the court papers, was the Dudley Shoals Road area in a remote area of Caldwell County. It was at that location where investigators found human remains last week that they say are believed to be those of a child.
The remains have not yet been positively identified as being those of the little girl.
Investigators also returned to the Bakers' home in Hickory where the court paper says, "Since Ms. Baker began cooperating with law enforcement they have thoroughly examined her home and collected evidence consistent with the information she had provided."
The document also says it was Elisa Baker who told investigators about a mattress they were looking for and directed them to a Dumpster where she said it had been disposed of.
It was the mattress that was later found at a landfill.
Lisa Dubbs spent two hours Monday afternoon with Elisa Baker at the Catawba County Jail. As Dubbs was leaving, she refused to comment in any way about the case.
Mystery Deepens Over Slaying Of Zahra Baker
Police were confident a freckle-faced disabled 10-year-old girl was killed, but the mystery of how she died deepened when police said a set of remains was uncovered five miles away from where one of her bones was found.
The bone, discovered in some brush alongside Zahra Baker's prosthetic leg, was discovered in an area near where the family lived until mid-September. Zahra's stepmother, Elisa Baker, is currently in jail, charged with trying to throw off investigators with a bogus ransom note. Her father, Adam Baker, has been arrested on charges unrelated to Zahra's disappearance and is free on bail.
Recently, Elisa Baker began cooperating with police and led them to the areas where the remains and the bone were found, though she has not been charged in Zahra's death.
"I've been dreading this moment from early on in the investigation," said Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins, who explained that investigators matched the bone with the child's DNA. "We have recovered enough physical evidence to think we have found Zahra."
Soon after Zahra was reported missing, investigators cast doubt on accounts given by her father and stepmother. Police had trouble finding anyone other than Zahra's parents who had seen her alive in the weeks before her disappearance, and a suspicious early morning fire occurred at the family's home several hours before she was reported missing.
It was then that police discovered a ransom note addressed to Adam Baker's boss on the windshield of Baker's car. Police went to that man's house, and found him and his daughter to be fine. Elisa Baker, 42, admitted writing the note and has been charged with obstruction of justice, police said.
Adam Baker, 33, is facing one count each of assault with a deadly weapon and failure to return rental property, two counts of communicating threats and five counts of writing worthless checks, authorities said.
Zahra, whose cancer forced her to use a prosthetic leg and hearing aids, was reported missing by her parents Oct. 9. They said she was last seen in her bed at their home in Hickory, about 50 miles northwest of Charlotte.
Zahra was born in Australia and moved to North Carolina about two years ago after her father met his soon-to-be wife online. Zahra's friends and relatives in Giru, Australia, described her as an outgoing, happy girl despite the cancer, and said she didn't want to come to the U.S.
"Investigators, agents, officers and staff who worked on this case are devastated that we were not able to find Zahra alive and bring her home safely," said Adkins, who wouldn't answer any questions at a news conference.
District Attorney James Gaither Jr. refused to say if the girl was dismembered or if any more charges were imminent.
"I'm not going to discuss that right now," Gaither said.
Neighbors and relatives have said that Elisa Baker had a short temper and was abusive toward her stepdaughter. Caldwell County Department of Social Services investigated the family because Zahra went to school with bruises and a teacher alerted school officials, who have said they are prohibited by law from discussing the case.
Zahra's friends and family in Australia were less than thrilled when she moved away, especially since her medical treatments were free there. Kim Wright, who became something of a surrogate mother to Zahra in Australia, told The Associated Press they became friends four years ago at a cancer fundraising event. She was sitting in a chair waiting for her head to be shaved to raise money when Zahra approached, took her hand and told her not to be scared.
Zahra was diagnosed with bone cancer about five years ago. She had her leg amputated and a few months later, doctors discovered tumors in her lungs. She had chemotherapy, but the treatment led to a partial hearing loss. Still, she remained upbeat, attending a camp for children with cancer and inspiring her fellow campers by taking part in all the physical activities.
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Sources: WCNC, WRAL, Google Maps
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