With all due respect to terminally ill, long time Public Servant and Charlotte Mayor Pro Tem Susan Burgess, if Mrs. Burgess were not stepping down and one of the Black Council members (i.e., Anthony Foxx) were seriously ill and had to resign, would she allow them to rush in one of their Inexperienced recommended friends or family members to fill their seat?
Would Mayor Pro Tem Susan Burgess object to that recommendation by suggesting every Charlotte citizen have the right to apply and than select a qualified member from the community?
Considering the fact that Jason has NO real Political experience other than working on his mother's campaign committee, do you think its fair to specially appoint him to hold his mother's At-Large seat until November 2011?
I don't think it is fair or right.
Let's be real (NOT Fake!) for a moment shall we?
Why is it that as it relates to any position of Leadership Black citizens have to be Experienced in some way or another but White citizens don't?
Sounds like something Charlotte is famously recognized for: Its Double Standards!
Its NOT Susan Burgess' seat. It belongs to the people of Charlotte! If Foxx gives this At-Large seat to Susan's son it will just be another reason NOT to vote for him or his buddies next general election in 2011.
Hey I'm just saying.
Check out the video and article below regarding Susan Burgess' appeal to let her son Jason hold her seat until next Fall when the next General Election for Charlotte City council will take place.
Susan Burgess’ Request To Be Replaced By Son Draws Mixed Response
City Councilwoman Susan Burgess, who has been battling cancer for more than three years, announced her resignation Monday, leaving a vacant seat that must be filled for the remainder of the term.
She put forth her son, Jason, as a candidate for the empty seat.
“He shares my ideals and values completely and I am confident that he will be able to serve in my place,” Burgess said at the meeting.
Charlotte residents have expressed mixed emotions about Jason, who is a surgeon, taking over the position for the remaining 18 months of his mother’s term.
“Her son has the same values and principles that she stands for, so yes, I would [agree with the decision,]” Vincent Stewart said.
“She has a legitimate reason and there's no reason for them to be against her and what she's asking,” Erin Wessinger said.
Others said council members, who will have the final say in the matter, need to pick the most qualified person, regardless of other factors. With more than a year left in Burgess’ term and the city under unusually tight financial conditions, there’s a lot at stake.
“I think they do have to look at other candidates and they need to be thoughtful to Jason -- and to her -- but consider all their options,” Pat Jackson said.
Council members are similarly split on the issue. While some are already backing Jason Burgess, others have promised to give all applicants a look. Councilman Edwin Peacock said Jason Burgess is “very qualified,” but added that he'll “await the review of the full candidate pool.”
The deadline to apply for the vacant seat is noon on Friday. To be eligible, applicants must be registered Democrat voters and live within Charlotte city limits.
Interested applicants can click here to submit statements of interest.
Council members could vote on Burgess’ replacement as soon as Monday.

Susan Burgess' Son Jason, Draws Mixed Support From Charlotte City Council Members & Charlotte Voters
The City of Charlotte kicked off an abbreviated process of choosing Susan Burgess's City Council successor Tuesday, even as her son emerged as the favorite of several members.
Burgess, a Democrat suffering from terminal cancer, made a dramatic appeal to her colleagues Monday night on behalf of her son Jason.
She urged his appointment after reading her own letter of resignation at the emotion-laden meeting. The council could name a replacement as early as Monday.
It's the seventh time in four decades the council has had to fill a vacancy. But it's the first time in memory that a departing member has sought to steer their seat toward a particular individual.
By law, the council must pick a registered Democrat who lives in Charlotte. By custom, it's expected to choose someone who won't run for the seat in the next council election in 2011.
The city posted an application on its website Tuesday. The deadline is noon Friday.
"I don't think you can replace Susan Burgess," Mayor Anthony Foxx said Tuesday. "But we've got a lot of things in the hopper, and the sooner we can fill the seat the better."
Democratic council member James Mitchell has said he'll recommend Jason Burgess's selection on Monday.
"This," he said, "is a tribute to Susan."
Democrat Nancy Carter Tuesday called the younger Burgess "a brilliant young man."
"He respects his mother's ideals and will carry them on," she said. "Unless there is somebody who is absolutely astonishing and brings more to the table than he does, I am committed."
Democrat David Howard said, "I need a real good reason not to honor his mother's request."
Democrat Patrick Cannon said he expects to add his support "given the (request) of Mayor Pro Tem Burgess."
Patsy Kinsey, a Democrat, said she'll follow the process. But, she added, "I have a lot of respect for Susan and her wishes."
Of 10 council members who would vote on a replacement, seven are Democrats.
Jason Burgess, 39, is a vascular surgeon who graduated from Myers Park High and UNC Chapel Hill, where he was a walk-on basketball player for Hall of Fame coach Dean Smith.
Monday night, his mother called him "a bridge-builder" who "embodies the qualities that I have worked towards as a public servant."
Even in her illness, Susan Burgess sought to orchestrate her son's appointment, beginning with a conversation on Friday.
"I'd like for you to finish out my term on city council," he recalled his mother telling him. "At first I wasn't 100 percent sure she was serious, but she was."
Burgess said that it was at his mother's suggestion that he began calling council members over the weekend expressing his interest.
"We decided that I should call them and tell them I don't have much experience in this, and if they decided to appoint me I'll need help," he said.
One Republican called the process rushed.
"We literally advertise for committees and commissions and boards longer than this, and we're talking about an at-large seat on the city council," said Andy Dulin. "I'm not comfortable being this rushed."
Foxx doesn't have a vote. But he called Jason Burgess "a good choice."
"There's a lot of sentimental value to having someone who is very closely (tied to) Susan," he said. "But you know, there are lots of people in our community who probably want to take a look at it ...
"I don't think you can make it just on sentimentality, that's for sure."
Interested in the council seat?
Anyone interested in applying for Susan Burgess's city council seat can find an application here.
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Sources: Charmeck.org, McClatchy Newspapers, WCNC, WSOC, Google Maps

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