On June 22, 2010 a state run-off election between N.C. Democratic Party Rivals Cal Cunningham and Elaine Marshall will take place.
Both candidates are running for U.S. Senate in hopes of defeating current seat holder Richard Burr (R).
Following the May Primary Elaine Marshall a Career Politician (N.C. Secretary of State), tried to stake her claim in this race by professing to be a person "with guts" who really cares about North Carolina voters.
I won't dispute she actually cares about North Carolina voters, my only concern is which N.C. residents is she referring to?
North Carolina's White citizens or ALL citizens because thus far she hasn't really done a darn thing for North Carolina's Black residents since her time in public office.
Just because well-known African-American N.C. Attorney Kenneth Lewis (sell-out) endorsed Marshall, doesn't mean she is the right fit for North Carolina.
In fact since Lewis did endorse Marshall I'd be a little wary of supporting her because he most likely did so as the result of a back room deal to benefit himself.
This also applies for other Black North Carolina "Elite" sell-out leaders supporting Elaine Marshall.
Unless North Carolina's Black so-called "Leaders" can publicly prove Marshall has an established public service record of helping North Carolina's Black community, they too deserve to be voted out of office!
Here's a bit of advice and something to consider before June 22 arrives:
If I had to bet my money on which N.C. Democratic Party candidate campaigning for U.S. Senate represents North Carolina Democrats' Status Quo most, it would be Elaine Marshall NOT Cal Cunningham.
Elaine has close ties (guilt by association) to former N.C. Governor Mike Easley and current Governor Bev Perdue. Cal Cunningham does NOT.
Elaine is trying too hard to distance herself from President Barack Obama, also a Democrat.
Let's see Elaine Marshall can't prove she's EVER done anything much to help North Carolina's Black citizens yet she's constantly berating President Obama a Black man.
Hmmm, I'd say something is definitely wrong with this picture.
Does she oppose Obama's policies or his race?
Now I could be wrong but usually if it smells like Racism and looks like Racism, its probably Racism!
Elaine also tried to dissuade Cal Cunningham from proceeding with the Run-Off Election.
Is it because she's afraid?
Afraid of what?
Afraid of Cal exposing her Status Quo nature and her Status Quo N.C. Public Service record.
People its time we woke up in the Tarheel state and stop allowing N.C. Democrats, especially Career Politicians railroad us.
As I stated previously I plan to cast my ballot for Richard Burr in the General Election this Fall, however during the Run-Off I'm voting for Cal Cunningham.
I'm tired of North Carolina's Status Quo Politicians ruining the Quality of Life for ALL North Carolina residents, especially Black residents.
Blacks in this state will be better off if either Richard Burr or Cal Cunningham wins.
But we will most certainly regret it if Elaine Marshall wins.
Perhaps this explains why North Carolina Newspapers (Newsobserver & the Charlotte Observer) wants Marshall to be victorious.
The Editors of both publications appear to be on a laser-focused mission to help keep Black citizens in Slave-like conditions in these areas: Affordable Housing, Education, the Criminal Justice system, Taxation, Jobs, Health Care, Notary Public Licenses, Voting Rights, etc.,
Elaine Marshall would be just the individual to continue carrying out North Carolina's historically Racist/Slavery agenda.
Check out the videos and articles below to learn why North Carolina citizens need to vote responsibly this year versus listening to the local biased media.
Hasn't North Carolina seen enough Corruption and Discrimination?
N.C. Democratic Candidates Gear Up for U.S. Senate Run-Off
North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and former state Sen. Cal Cunningham were gearing up Wednesday for a runoff election to decide who will challenge Republican Richard Burr this fall for his seat in the U.S. Senate.
In Tuesday's Democratic primary, neither candidate drew the 40 percent of votes necessary to avoid a runoff. Marshall led the six-candidate field with 36 percent, while Cunningham came in second with 27 percent.
"The momentum belongs to us, and we're going to capitalize on it," Marshall said Wednesday. "I'll put my energy up against his any day of the week."
"We feel very good about where we are in this campaign," Cunningham said. "The closer we got to election day, more people were responding to our message about jobs and the economy."
The two candidates have 49 more days to campaign before the runoff election on June 22.
Cunningham was quickly back on the campaign trail Wednesday, speaking to small-business owners about how he could help them in Washington, D.C.
"Main Street, North Carolina, needs an advocate in Washington, a U.S. senator who stands on their side," he said.
Marshall maintains that a runoff is unnecessary and potentially divisive, but Cunningham said that it simply gives the candidates more time to make their case to voters.
"This runoff is not necessarily in the best interests of party unity. It's not necessarily in the best interests of the future of North Carolina," Marshall said. "It's time that people put their personal ambitions aside and looked at those issues also."
"Between President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, we went long in those (2008) primaries. That was good for our party," Cunningham said. "This is going to give us an opportunity to continue to build on the coalition we've already put together."
Durham lawyer Ken Lewis, who finished third in the primary with 17 percent of the votes, said he has no immediate plans to endorse either Marshall or Cunningham.
Republicans will have two runoffs in congressional races. William Randall and Bernie Reeves will vie for the nomination in the 13th Congressional District, where the winner will face Congressman Brad Miller, and Tim D'Annunzio and Harold Johnson will compete for the right to face 8th District Congressman Larry Kissell.
Poll favors Marshall
Marshall has run a grassroots campaign on a shoestring budget based largely on her 14 years experience in state government, while Cunningham was hand-picked by the national Democratic Party to go up against Burr and has enjoyed steady funding from the party.
"The primary results show I've got the grit, the energy and the connection to the public to win a race against someone they've anointed," Marshall said.
Left-leaning Public Policy Polling said Tuesday night that Marshall begins as the favorite in the runoff. Voters surveyed in a pre-election poll favored Marshall 43 to 32 percent over Cunningham.
PPP's analysis says that Cunningham will have to "significantly improve his appeal to black voters." Slightly more than half of the supporters of former candidates Ken Lewis and Marcus Williams, who are black, indicated that they would support Marshall in a runoff, according to the PPP poll.
Cunningham said he overcame a large deficit in the polls to pull within single digits of Marshall.
"We came from a 37-point deficit to put this into a runoff," he said. "We like where we are, and we're confident of success on June 22."
Both candidates pledged to stay focused on the issues and their Republican opponent, rather than personal attacks, in the campaigning to come.
"We continue to take on Richard Burr, hold him accountable for the bad decisions he's made in Washington. We continue to highlight the voices of North Carolinians who are struggling through this difficult time to make ends meet," Cunningham said. "That's our strategy, and we're going to continue to execute it."
"The strategy's going to be to work harder, work longer, work smarter," Marshall said, "keeping talking about the needs of North Carolina and the long-range future of this state and this country."
Burr, who won his primary with 80 percent of the vote, said he would leave it up to North Carolina voters to judge the job he has done in the past six years. He said he has tried to be a rational, conservative voice in the Senate.
"I've got the same frustrations with the direction of the country, but I also want to be part of the solution and change the direction that we go and, more importantly, bring the brakes to this outrageous spending going on," he said.
Burr on Wednesday committed to debate the eventual Democratic nominee in June and again in October, and he challenged the runoff winner to take part in two more debates before the November general election.
Marshall said that her decades of service in state government best qualify her to represent North Carolina, while Cunningham pointed to his military service and attitude.
"Clearly, I have experience. I have experience in taking on Wall Street, special interests," Marshall said. "That gives me a proven track record."
"I'd be the first Iraq war veteran elected to the United States Senate," Cunningham said. "But I also bring an energy, a commitment and an optimism about the future of our state that is what this state needs to make sure its voice is being heard in these debates in Washington."
50 Examples Of North Carolina Democrats' Corruption & Discrimination (Shameful!)
Here's 50 examples of North Carolina Democrats' Extreme Corruption and Discrimination.
This is shameful considering the fact that so many of North Carolina Democrats are African-Americans.
Isn't it time we wake up people?
Seems New York isn't the only state with serious Corruption problems, North Carolina has its share too. Its also quite possible Obama's Administration has ordered the Mainstream Media NOT to report this stuff probably as a result of some sort of deal he made with either Gov. Bev Perdue or Senator Kay Hagan.
1) Crooked Campaign Finance deals, possible stolen Elections (ACORN helped NC in 2008), Unnecessary Gerrymandered Districts (12th), pushing or forcing Straight Ticket Voting from Minority Low Income citizens who are treated the worse in North Carolina (Democrats),
2) Unnecessary Early releases from Federal Prison (Jim Black),
3) Not spending NC Education Lottery money on Education,
4) Extreme Racial Discrimination within the NC Job Market, Criminal Justice System and Education System,
5) Very Strong Allegations of Insider Trading by NC Senators,
6) Crooked Health Care deals with NC Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS raised its rates again this year),
7) Not reporting Campaign Flights to the State Board of Elections,
8) NC Politicians involved in Serious Conflict of Interest as it relates to Employment and Lobbying,
9) No-Bid Medicaid Contracts to Corrupt companies whose products may cause Deaths for Low Income, Senior Citizen Diabetes patients,
10) Spending Federal Stimulus Money on Political Favor projects (Cocaine research on Monkeys) instead of Real Jobs,
11) Re-Segregating Public Schools (Civil Rights Violation),
12) Huge Achievement Gaps & Disparities in Education between White and Minority Students (Civil Rights Violations),
13) Using Black Foster Care children to secure more Federal Revenue but not using the funding on those children,
14) DSS Funding Embezzlement by NC DSS employees (more than $100,000.),
15) Food Stamp Fraud by Charlotte DSS employees,
16) ABC Board bribes,
17) Serious Alcohol Law Violations,
18) Serious Misuse of Authority,
19) Illegally Firing Qualified, High Performing Teachers from Low Income Schools to save jobs for Teachers in Wealthy White Schools,
20) Medicaid Fraud by State Officials ($300 Million intentional Overbilling from NC Doctors & Hospitals),
21) DMV employees conducting Illegal Wiretapping and selling Driver Licenses,
22) Appointing Federal Judgeships in exchange for other favors,
23) Sheriff Deputies scrubbing Criminal Records for Sexual Favors,
24) Continuing to hire outside Contractors (Chicago based)even after Gov. Perdue promised to give NC Contractors first priority,
25) Creating Jobs for Politicians' spouses during Hiring Freezes after the vacancy is advertised for just one day,
26) Only collecting Taxes from the Middle Class & Low Income citizens, while allowing North Carolina's Wealthy White citizens and Businesses to forgo paying their taxes,
27) Only raising property taxes in NC Communities heavily populated by Black and Hispanic citizens,
28) Allowing Violent Federal Ex-Convicts on Probation to adopt Black Foster Care Children, (Royce Mitchell & Tiffany Wright)
29) Trying to cover up deaths of Black Foster Care Children in order to save jobs of Black NC DSS Fraternity/ Sorority friends of NC Politicians,
30) Firing White DSS Social Workers to save jobs of Black Social Workers who are friends of NC Politicians, (Reverse Discrimination is still illegal)
31) Not awarding NC State Contracts to Minorities,
32) Continuing to award State Contracts to Contractors with records of Shoddy Products, Terrible Service and many Consumer complaints,
33) Luring Companies to North Carolina by promising them they can pay employees very low salaries and don't have to pay Taxes,
34) Cooking the numbers of North Carolina's Public School Drop Out rates especially among Minority Students who are currently receiving an Inferior Education,
35) Securing millions in Federal money for Homelessness Prevention but using it for other purposes and letting Homeless citizens freeze to death on the streets,
36) North Carolina Law Enforcement Officials refusing to provide the same protection for Minority citizens (Greensboro, N.C. A & T Students) as they do for White citizens and not sending out Amber Alerts for missing Black Children right away versus immediate responses for missing White Children,
37) Refusing to collect Child Support for Black Children (Charlotte) while doing so wonderfully for White Children,
38) Using Credit History as an excuse NOT to hire Black Job Applicants but doing the exact opposite for White Job Applicants,
39) Allowing serious Housing Discrimination to take place and dismissing numerous Complaints about Violations from Minority citizens on this issue,
40) Allowing Developers to build Shoddy homes for Minority citizens & Minority Homebuyers (Charlotte),
41) Intentionally sending raggedy City Buses into Minority communities but sending out nice, well-maintained buses to White communities while ALL riders pay the same fares (Charlotte). In Black communities the buses are often late or fail to even arrive thus hindering many Low Income people from getting to work on time.
Also securing Federal DOT & Mass Public Transportation Funding but only investing it in North Carolina's Wealthy White or Pre-Dominantly White communities,
42) Allowing North Carolina City Councils to make risky investments in the Stock Market using Taxpayer money,
43) Using Federal Neighborhood Revitalization Funds only in NC's White Communities and intentionally leaving Black Communities out of City Planning (except for West Charlotte where many Low Income Straight Ticket Voters live),
44) Terrible Age Discrimination used in NC Hiring & Firing Practices,
45) Giving Black Youth Life Sentences for committing Non-Homicidal, Non-Drug Related offenses while giving White Offenders much less jail sentences for committing worse crimes,
46) North Carolina Media organizations refusing to publish and report FACTS instead citizens keep getting Partisan Propaganda from the state's Corrupt Democrat party,
47) Allowing Bank of America to Foreclose on thousands of homes owned by Minority citizens. How? BOFA officials intentionally ignore or lose Loan Modification Applications,
48) Giving North Carolina's Black Colleges much less money than pre-dominantly White student populated Colleges & providing Financial Aid to fewer Black College Students than White College Students,
49) Refusing to provide Mental Health Counseling for Low Income Minority citizens. I'm NOT speaking of locking up people. Instead I'm referring to providing Mental Health Counseling to stop Child Abuse, Drug addictions, Alcoholism, etc.,
In North Carolina White citizens often receive State-Funded Mental Health Counseling, while Black citizens are sentenced to Prison.
50) Encouraging Low Income Women to have Abortions or to have more babies out of wedlock, in order to help secure more Federal Funding from the U.S. Dept of HHS.
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As you can see North Carolina Politicians within the Democrat Party can do whatever they please without any real consequences, unless your Black.
For Black North Carolina Democrats they may get a pass, they might not.
It depends upon how low their willing to go as it relates to selling out the North Carolina Black Community to help White constituents.
I find it strange the Federal Gov't is suddenly no longer getting involved while all of this obvious Corruption is being committed by NC Politicians and State Officials (all Democrats).
Under President Bush's Administration NC Corruption was being cleaned up, however strangely since Pres. Obama has been in Office, the FBI Investigations have slowed considerably and NO one else is being prosecuted regardless of what they do (except Low Income Black citizens).
Perhaps its because he has cut a deal with North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue to look the other way if she and other Influential Dems will endorse his next campaign.
Maybe this explains why so many North Carolina Democrat and Independent Voters will be voting for Republicans come November 2010 and in 2012.

Kenneth Lewis Rubber Stamps Elaine Marshall, She Doesn't Deserve It (Deals)
Yesterday former candidate for U.S. Senate (Dem) Kenneth Lewis (an African-American) endorsed Elaine Marshall, Cal Cunningham's rival in the upcoming N.C. Democratic nominee U.S. Senate run-off election.
I would like for someone to please name ONE thing Elaine Marshall has actually done for North Carolina's Black Voters?
I mean really show me or tell me one thing!
I'll wait.
What's that I hear? Crickets?
Last news (or rumor) I heard about Elaine Marshall (current N.C. Secretary of State) was that she scrutinizes Black North Carolina Notary Public applicants more heavily than White applicants.
That she rejects more Black North Carolina Notary Public applicants than White applicants. This includes Black North Carolina Notaries applying to have their commissions renewed.
With that said can someone please tell me one thing she has done to help North Carolina's Black community?
Lewis' endorsement of Marshall is just another example of scared Southern Black Politicians rubber stamping N.C. Democrat Incumbents for the sake of attracting Black Voters.
His endorsement could be the result of some sort of backroom deal.
Maybe Marshall promised Lewis a job in Washington, D.C. if he supports her and delivers the Black vote to her on a silver platter.
Both Lewis and Marshall could just be angry and vindictive that the national Democratic Campaign Committee chose to back Cal Cunningham instead of them.
Who knows? It could be a combination of all three theories.
At least Cal Cunningham fought for our Freedom overseas while serving in the U.S. Army Reserves.
But what has Elaine Marshall done for ALL Americans?
In case anyone forgot serving yourself and your buddies doesn't count.
Lewis claimed during a forum in March of this year "We can't change a broken Senate simply by sending career politicians to Washington".
Excuse me!
But as N.C. Secretary of State for several years, isn't Elaine Marshall already an Incumbent and a Career Politician??
Man this guy (Ken L.) is so FAKE!
No wonder he lost the primary.
Now do you understand why I no longer throw my weight behind North Carolina's Black Politicians?
This is so sad but what's even sadder is the majority of North Carolina's Black Voters lack courage or guts to use their own minds when casting ballots in state and general elections.
Why do Black Voters need a Black Political Caucus organization or a Black "sell-out" Politician who really couldn't care less about their well-being (unless they run in Elite circles), to tell them whom to support for Public Office?
Most of North Carolina's Black Politicians are "Uncle Tom" sell-outs who only care about themselves and getting their palms greased anyway.
Didn't God Almighty give each Human Being born on planet Earth a mind of his or her OWN, to make their OWN decisions??
People please vote responsibly when you visit the polls this Fall.
For the record I am voting for Richard Burr however....
If I were voting for a Democrat U.S. Senate Candidate from this region it would definitely be Cal Cunningham NOT Elaine "Incumbent, hasn't done anything for North Carolina's Black citizens" Marshall!
"I prefer Liberty with danger than Peace with Slavery". - Jean Jaqueas Rousseau
"A Slave is one who waits for someone else to Free him". - Rosellen
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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, My BlueNC.com, WRAL, Youtube, Google Maps

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