Erykah Badu's "Window Seat" Video May Prompt Tougher Laws
Officials in Dallas remain upset about Erykah Badu's controversial music video for her song "Window Seat".
Though she hasn't be charged with a crime for getting naked on a downtown street, officials are considering strengthening their laws to prevent any future "artistic statements" in a similar vein.
The music video shows Erykah Badu walking and stripping naked on the street where President John Kennedy was assassinated.
In it, Badu walks in front of the Texas School Book Depository - where the shots that killed Kennedy were fired from. She strips as she walks down the street, and is "shot down" - totally nude - not far from the spot where the fatal bullet struck Kennedy.
On her Twitter feed, Badu says the video was "shot guerrilla style" - that is, without the permits that are usually required to do a video on a city street.
Dwaine Caraway, chairman of the Dallas City Council's Public Safety Committee, is considering tougher penalties for people who produce video for a profit in the city without the proper permits, according to the Dallas Morning News.
"None of this would have occurred had she stayed clothed," Caraway said to the paper. "But since she didn't, it elevated the need for making sure that we have policies in place that will protect folks and the integrity of the city as best we possibly can."
A spokesman for the city says if guerrilla crews are found out, they'd face arrest and or penalties.
Erykah Badu Nude Video Brings Charges
A nude video by Erykah Badu is causing quite a ruckus down in Texas.
The Dallas Police Department has issued recording artist Erykah Badu a citation for disorderly conduct, following the release of her controversial video for the song "Window Seat." She faces a maximum fine of up to $500.
In the video, Badu is seen walking on the Dallas streets nearby where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. While walking towards the spot that Kennedy was shot, Badu to remove her clothing, before finally appearing completely nude. Shorty after there's a the sound of a gunshot, and Badu drops to the ground as if shot. Blue liquid is seen leaking from the gunshot wound to form the word "groupthink."
An uproar immediately followed the release of the video, with some in Dallas offended both by the public nudity, the use of a historic landmark, and Badu's failure to obtain a permit before shooting the video.
No word as of yet whether Badu will pay the fine or attempt to fight the citation.
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Sources: AP, BET, CBS News, Zimbio, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google Maps

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