New Progressive Alternative Party Trying To Get On N.C. Ballot
Come November, N.C. voters may have another choice on their ballot: Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians -- and the North Carolina First Party.
North Carolina First is billed as a progressive alternative for voters upset with the status quo in Washington. About 100 canvassers are circulating petitions to get the party on the ballot.
Spokesman Greg Rideout said they have about 10,000 of the 80,000 or so required signatures. He described the effort as an alternative for disgruntled progressives.
"We're going to have a place to go if they don't think they're getting their voice heard by either major party," he said. "(Washington) seems to only work for lobbyists and special interests, and in the meantime folks who want to be heard are not being heard."
The effort is backed by labor groups including the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
Rideout, a former aide in the N.C. Justice Department, said the movement isn't aimed at any particular person or party. But if the effort does manage to get on the ballot, expect candidates in U.S. House races in Districts 7, 8 and 11. They're the homes of the three Democratic members of Congress who voted against their party's health care bill.
"It's a possibility that a North Carolina First candidate will show up there," Rideout said.
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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Google Maps

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